king of power

Chapter 1512 is good

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"What you said is that our Shangfei Group does not have a 4,000-axis horsepower level turbo engine,"

Welcome Liu Zhongcai, Li Captain, and Chu Zhongxiao, Wang Dazhi nodded, and then asked: "But you should not see the feasibility report of our group to the B-Committee?"

Is there a feasibility report? Three people, look at me, I look at you, and I have a little bit.

Looking at Li Captain, Chu Zhongcai and Liu Zhongshi confused, Wang Dazhi smiled: "It seems that you haven't seen the report, I explain to you, just I have said to you, Vic Mr. Myna believes that there is no difficulty in impression on the fuselage of 'air crane' ', the next problem is the power system, the traditional system, and the rotor system.

In terms of power system, our commercial flight group does not have a 4,000-axis horsepower level turbo engine, but we have a scroll shaft-2000, the maximum emergency power of the scroll shaft-2000 is 2250 axial horsepower, using 4 pole scroll -2000, also The 8000-axis horsepower maximum normal power.

Lee Captain, you should know that although the 'air crane' is known as a turbo engine using two 4500-axis horsepower, the performance of this helicopter's main speed of the helicopter is limited, and the maximum limit of input power is only 6600 axis horsepower, so 4 vortexes -2000 is sufficient.

Ok? Because the engine power is not enough, two engines are piled up? Is this simple and rude? Chu Zhongcai is very embarrassed: "This ... Wang always, I don't understand technology, so I may have a very naive question, please ask you to answer ..."

"You ask,"

Wang Dazhi smiled: "Everyone looks different from the problem, I can understand this.

Since Wang Da Zhi said so, Chu Zhongcai is no longer polite, saying: "This is the case, this suddenly has two engines. If the pilot will have a little hand, will it be a little bit of hands when it controls the plane? The engine will not be Very trouble? "

"I have a little understanding what you mean,"

Wang Dazhi thought, said: "Do you think this stuff is like a bear child in the family, I am very annoyed, if you find four, adults have a little tone?"

"To right, I mean this."

Chu Zhongcheng hurriedly nodded.

"In fact, the engine is much better than the bear child,"

Wang Da Zhi took laugh, said to Chu Zhongxia: "You said to four bear children 'who gave me old and real sitting', no little guy can sit in old and old, but you The engine said 'You give me the power of 1000 axis horsepower', as long as the accelerator is given, it will always give you the power of the 1000-axis horsepower.

So your worries ... What do you say? It is too highly estimated engine management difficulty, you see Boeing 707, Boeing 747, C-141, Ir -76 these aircraft, pilots have never been able to manage 4 engines very difficult, reverse, from a safe point of view, The number of engines is more, and there is a lot of accessibility to the crisis.

You can only output the power of 4500 axial horsepower. If it is four engines, even if there is an engine that is faulty, the other three engines are still good, and there is also a 6000-axis horsepower power available. Do you say this? reason? "

Huh? Can you still understand this? Li captain, Chu Zhongcai and Liu Zhongcai scratched his head. On the one hand, I felt that Wang Da Zhi said that there is reason to say; but on the other hand, I feel that there seems to be unsatisfactory.

Looking at the three people scratched, Wang Dazhi said in his heart, then said: "Of course, the truth is true, if we have 4000 axis horsepower and even 5000 axis horsepower level turbo engine, we must definitely directly two engines are enough. But the problem is that we are not there.

On the one hand, we don't have such a high-power turbo engine. On the other hand, our needs are real in this heavy helicopter, you said, in addition to the bunch of engines to the plane, what else do you have? "

Speaking of this, Wang Dazhi added: "Oh, yes, the power of a single engine is not enough, and the number of engine is used, in fact, Americans often do.

"Is Americans do you do?"

Listening to Wang Dazhi said that Li Captain, Chu Zhongcai and Liu Zhongcai are very surprised.

It is not to blame them, it is really in the eyes of most people in this time. Milin is the most advanced country in this planet. What are they there, especially in the field of aviation engine, what they want? What kind of engine is there, so when is the Americans actually play "The engine is not enough, the quantity is coming"

Low forced the game? "This plane is still famous, is a famous CH-53 'seed horse' heavy helicopter,"

Wang Dazhi's head: "The early Types and D types are directly equipped with two engineers. He has come, and the US military requires helicopters to provide greater transportation capabilities, so there is three engines. That is, CH-53E, and starting from the E-type, the subsequent version of CH-53 is equipped with three engines.

Early CH-53A and CH-53D actually equipped with two engines? The words of Wang Dazhi, let Chu Zhongcai, Liu Zhongxia and Li captain shocked.


Heavy-duty helicopters are the most powerful heavy helicopters of the US military's active capacity. They can be known for this helicopter, and the main data of this plane can even be said to be a letter, but "species helicopter"

I have to play "There is not enough engine performance, quantity is coming"

game? It can be surprised to surprise, they don't think that Wang Dafu said in this kind of thing, so this is true? That is to say, "The engine is not enough, the number is coming"

The way is actually the way foreign use is in use? Things are so magical. Before there is no practical example, Li Captain, Chu Zhongcai and Liu Zhongcai, I feel that this method is too bad. I can listen to Wang Da Zhi took out the example, and still an example of Americans, three people suddenly felt: Since Americans do this, then don't have any problems.

"It seems that it is true,"

Chu Zhongjiaotong: "In this case, Wang, when can you start this project?"

"This we can say it,"

When I said this, Wang Da Zhi's expression suddenly changed, "How did this wait until the national project?"

------------ ps: The brothers and sisters, the millennium is coming again, the new book "The Power Overlord" has been uploaded, first thank you for your support for the brothers and sisters, followed, again I urge you to support more brothers and sisters. I don't have to spend a lot. I don't have to spend money, don't spend the money, collect and recommend, please ask the brothers and sisters to give more, I am here. Thank you.

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