king of power

Chapter 1516 expands new features

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Hanging up the phone, Wang Da Zhi is still a little confused: What is this? What happened? Although I don't know what happened, it is certain that it is certain, that is: I suddenly happened to the director's attitude in heavy helicopters, it must have a very big stimulus!

Only this stimulus is large enough, it will change its attitude above in such a short period of time.

Inexplicably, Wang Dazhi thought of Chen Li: Maybe Chen Chairman knows what happened? Look at time, Chen Dong, this time should have not slept, Wang Da Zhi took the phone to dial, and he took a few more, and Wang Dazhi reported this strange thing and Chen Geng reported it. Doubt.

Chen Mongyi understood, smiled: "Probably Xiao George is elected.


Wang Da Zhi is a bit: the above support is a heavy helicopter of our merchants, because Xiao Ge is elected? What is the logic? Ok, although Wang Da Zhi is not very clear about what happened, but one thing can be determined, that is, the attitude towards Director, or the Shu G-Board's attitude in this matter, indeed and its own chairman Relationship, even this is in the expectations of their own chairman, I think of this layer, Wang Dazhi suddenly relieved, he tested and asked: "That ... chairman, give me something, I am relieved then?"

I heard Wang Dazhi's heart-hearting tone, Chen Wirong laughed, more happy: "Lao Wang, I will tell you, you can not only rest assured, even more, you can do it again ... You have done it, you have done It was ready to be prepared by you.

So amazing? Listening to Chen Li, I said that Wang Dazhi is strange.

Surprisingly, there is such a sentence of Chen Pai, and Wang Dazhi is completely relieved. He is said: "That ... chairman, what do you tell me about this project?"

"If you want to tell, he ..."

Wang Dazhi thought about it, said: "You and greessing the director, as low-key, how to do it, but it is best not to report this project. I believe you also understand.

Wang Dazhi nodded: "I understand.

In Wang Dazhi, this is probably the agreement reached by Chen Geng and Sikoski: I don't propagate this side, I don't report it, and I don't have this still there.


No matter what, this plane is still the "air crane" of the rice people.

Some of the equipment yourself, as long as the army does not say, Americans will be able to pretend, but if they are loud, then they can no longer count on people's house.

"Okay, just like this, come on,"

Chen Geng inspired some, still did not endure curiosity, asked Wang Du Zhi: "I heard that Victor is full, he is prepared to complete prototype manufacturing within 10 months?"

At this point, Wang Dazhi is proud of the whole person: "BOSS, telling you a message that will never believe, Victor has made the main drift.


Listening to Wang Da Zhi said that Chen Li is also a bit surprised: "Have you already made the main or slower?"


Wang Dazhi is proud: "And our main drift is better than the performance of the main speed of the 'air crane' above, the maximum allowed input power is as high as 8,500 horsepower, and Victor tells me, then he will also Continue to improve this reducer and engine, the ultimate goal is to make the maximum allowable input power of this reducer is 11,000 axis horsepower.

"Not bad,"

Listening to Wang Duan said that Chen Li is also very happy, which also means that the business flying version of the "air crane"

At the beginning, it is a "aerial crane" than Sikosky version.

Also immediately, he was already preparing to hang up, and immediately asked again: "What is the castle?"

"all the best!

Speaking of the manufacturing of the main windings, Wang Da Zhi has been happy: "Because of the full range of manufacturing processes and materials of the Mi-26, the Rotor R & D and manufacturing process are smooth, and it is expected that the first month will be manufactured next month. Set of main rotations.

Chen Yuan listened, he thought, he thought, said: "You don't think of a plane, you can set a lot of accessories for the 'air crane', such as 2 tons, 3 tons or 5 tons of transitional dedicated fuel tank, directly hanging on the backpoint? Al or may develop a small power turbo engine to develop a transportation position with air conditioning and boost function? Moreover, some of our borders When the post is in winter, it cannot be replenished. Since this helicopter carrying capacity is so powerful, it can be optimized for the plateau environment, design a hoisting, and then directly supplies these posts directly in Daxue. Supplement? There is also a fire kit for fire protection and fire fighting ... In short, don't be limited to manufacturing aircraft itself, some of the peripherals You can also find ways to develop ... "

Chen Ge said that he hadn't thought of it before, but it is actually use, let Wang Dazhi listen to the eyes of the eyes: Yes, why we don't target some functional cells, vigorously expand this helicopter Use? Don't say anything else, just sell these peripheral features, can you earn a small ear? ................ Ended a call, Wang Dazhi directly went to Victor Fladmilovich Kapaa project group, and said Chen Geng's idea and he said, Victor Fla DiMilovich Capaa is very surprised by these little ideas of Chen Geng, admiring: these are actually a small thing that has no technical content, but the actual use is extremely wide, such as that uses existing small Turbox engine design A high-pressure air conditioning cockpit for people transportation is very good. With such an increase in the air-conditioning system, it can make the warrior when the air conditioning system is not relying on the air-conditioning system. They reach their destinations in a more comfortable way, and the more comfortable transportation environment means consuming less energy, which means that the soldiers can directly put into various tasks in a more spiritual state. This idea is very great.

So nature, for the company's preparation of such a surrounding auxiliary facility team, Victor Fladmilovich Capaia has no comments.

Since Victor Fladmilovich Capa Assee, Wang Dazhi should be prepared to go to Beijing.

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