king of power

Chapter 1517, the first flight, gas turbine delivery

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Wang Dazhi's trip to the capital of the capital is unusually smooth, and there is no "face hard to see, it is difficult to listen, and difficult"

The situation, I don't know which leader hit, every department is very enthusiastic about Wang Dagizhi, not only in the form of procedures, sometimes even directly intercailed, Wang Dazhi stayed, he certainly knows this Everything is definitely because of Chen Pigang, but the problem is: What did we do? !

The answer to this question did not let Wang Dazhi wait for a long time. After a few months, Xiao Jorget officially took office, and the two countries of China once again negotiated, and Wang Dazhi, who was watching the news, did not intend to hear the TV to introduce rice. When the negotiation team member mentioned the "Ms. Rosmary, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Commerce"

At the time, I suddenly a spirit, the first reaction is: rename? But the next moment, the lens gave the "Ms. Rosmary, Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Commerce"

At the time, Wang Dazhi's mouth is not self-satisfied ... Miss Rosmary, who is a big manager of his chairman, Wang Dazhi is too familiar, even if it is on TV, Kao Dazhi also recognizes it. Rosemary is Miss Mary, Miss Mary.

After determining this Rosemary is that Rosemary, I have been unlocking around Wang Dazhi's heart, I can unlock it. You can solve it before, a new doubts appear again: Miss Rosmary has entered The George Government has also become the deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce of the George Government? However, this is a few months after a few months. As for at this moment, Wang Dazhi runs all the procedures, but also used it less than a week, not, then, when Wang Dazhi returned to 20 billion Special funds - If you go out, you will definitely let the company who runs the legs for a project, and the company who runs for several years envy to vomiting blood: 20 billion, less than a week? ...................... With money, there is a ready-made engine, with the design work, the main speed of the test phase, with Li captain, they have provided them to "Air Crane"

The various materials that accumulate, the "air crane" of Shangfei Group version

The progress of the project is very smooth, which is a thousand miles per day. It is only used for six months. The Commercial Flying Group completed the first batch of three prototype machine body manufacturing.

These three fuselage, in addition to a body for static testing, and two other two start began to assemble, used for flight testing.

Three months later, the first two installed prototypes officially started testing, because this year's April Fool's Day, a fan of the country fell into the airport, and finally had to land in our airport, The helicopter of Shangfei Group is highly valued, and the three major military species will represent representatives.

From this action, it can also be seen that the domestic real is to give up fantasies. It is highly valued for the modernization of defense. - It is also in the past eight years, especially in the last five years, it has been pumped Three thousands of slaps, if there is a fantasy in this case, it is really speechless.

In this case, the high-rise of Shangfei Group, including Wang Dazhi, has a huge pressure, but the foundation design of Sikoski is really very solid, and Victor, Fladimolo Viqi Capaa is also a former deputy chief designer of the Mili Design Bureau. In the first test flight, he served as the "air crane" of the general designer's commercial flight.

The performance is very exciting, not only has a hovering of the ground, but also has a non-long-distance slide test, excellent performance, so that everyone is loose.

Just in the Shangfei version "Air Crane"

After the first time the heavy helicopter first tried flight, Shangfei Group put the first batch of two sets of marine version of the RB211 gas turbine to customers, accurately, is two sets of marine-edition RB211 gas turbine units as the core of marine power generation system, and these two sets User of the marine power generation system of the sea oil drilling platform is undoubted, it is the oil company.

Such a major event, the high-level number of Shangfei Group is of course all attended, Wang Dazhi et al., One, a suit, red light!

Everyone understands that the gas turbine unit can be sold to the Sea Oil Group. This means a new breakthrough for Shangfei Group. As long as the two sets of gas turbine generator sets are good, then in the future, not only the oil company In addition, the orders of the two oil companies will definitely let the Shangfei Group have soft.

The attitude towards Sun Weiguo, which faces the Oil Corporation, and Wang Dagizhi are also extravagant: "Sun, this is our first time to do ocean gas turbine generator unit project, if you find what problems, please don't Polite, you must notify us in the first time.

"You are too polite, your gas turbines have proved their strength in the previous maritime test, I am now having a hundred relief for your product quality, I believe, we have more cooperation opportunities. .

Sun Weiguo is also very polite. To know, according to the agreement reached in accordance with the previous sea oil company and Shangfei Group, in order to ensure the normal use and operation of these two sets of gas turbine power generation systems, Shangfei Group is directly stationed in a technical team stationed. This sea is a drilling platform. The purpose is to provide technical support from the oil company at any time, and problems can be solved in the first time.

The homework is very special. Many of them are in the sea. Everyone wants to think about it, and I want to provide electricity to provide electricity from the land of tens of thousands of kilometers away from land. It is very difficult. At the same time, at the same time, the offshore oil drilling and mining system is that sea drilling platforms are very strong for electricity, so for sea drilling platforms, power generation systems are the top priority.

Prior to this, the power generation system used in our maritime drilling platform is purchased. On the one hand, considering reliability and continuous working hours, but on the other hand, it is also not able to meet the electricity required at sea drilling platform. High power gas turbine power generation equipment.

Oil Corporation has a lot of demand for these two sets of gas turbine power generation systems. Urgent to these two sets of gas turbine generators are not even new, but they have been installed on the test boat, because of the experiment Good, and the oil company is really uns, so after discussing with the oil company, Shangfei Group has directly maintained and maintained the two engines, directly with these two gas turbines as the core. Help Oil Corporation created two sets of generator sets - of course, the price is also a lot of discount.

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