king of power

Chapter 1518 is frightened Barry Hamp

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In September 2001, I just arrived in mid-aircraft, and in China, many people were listening to the first time of this news, and immediately responded: Chen Pigang said in a few years ago. Transfer


We don't mention the topic of this easy 404 this side. Single to say Barry Hamp, he just implemented a routine patrol mission mission in Iraq's banned zone to implement routine patrol mission mission. Down, I will see my assistant to race from myself: "Boss, BOSS, big things!

Barry Hamp wrinkled his eyebrows. He has been in his 50s, but it is still healthy. It is highly jumped out of the seat, frowning: "Little John, I am telling you? Do you pay attention to you The demeanor's style, although you are not the soldiers of Milin, but you still have to ask yourself with a soldier's standard ... Let's talk, what? "

"BOSS, really big things,"

Xia John's face is full of panic: "We lost contact with the local ..."

"You wait,"

Barry Hamp frowned and interrupted the little John: "What is going on with the local lack of contact?"

"There is no way to contact the United States in any way."

Xiao John hurriedly explained: "I just sent a document to Miss Reni Taylor, but this document can not be sent, I call Taylor Miss, I found the phone of Miss Taylor's office. I don't do it, I tried to contact the company's additional few phones, and I can't do it. After I tried to contact a few comrades, I can't contact ... "

Speaking of this, Xiao John is already going to cry: "BOSS, you should be very clear, we will only lose the links with local locations without under what circumstances, that is, ......"

That kind of possibly, Xiao John did not dare to say, because it was subverted his long-lasting cognition, as well as he proud of him for a long time.

Barry Hammu closed his eyes, but the strong body was not from the autonomous body.

The local suffered a large-scale attack!

And it is very likely that the local has been encountered by nuclear attacks!

Only if this happens, it is possible that it is possible to contact the local situation overseas, so ... Milin is attacked? Because the two sides of the things are Oceans, the north is the natural allies of the United States, and the south is "hateful for the rice."

Chicken rolls, this unique geographic structure makes the forefront of Mili people think that their country is the country that is most impossible to start sudden attack, and they are also deeply proud of this, even with rice people proud. Declaring that Mi Lijian is "the blessing of God"

It is believed that Milin's blessing land will not encounter any attack, but now, is it attacked? Barry Happ, who reacted, clenched Xiao John's arm, hurricane: "You tell me clearly, what is going on?"

He didn't even dare to say "We are attacked"

This sentence.

"I ... I don't know ..."

Xia John's voice with a crying chamber, this poor child, he is really frightened: "We can't contact the local root, we have no way to get anything ..."

Barry Hamp is weak, the little John's arm, only one thought in the mind: damn, is there a nuclear war really broke out? The dead old hair launched a nuclear attack on the United States? Damn, I said that the capitalists are not reliable. Little alive road does not give those mixed eggs in the brain ..., it is a small John, grabbed the arm of Bari Hamp with a crying chamber: "BOSS, Don't you have a satellite phone? You ask Mr. Fernandez, what happened ... "

Yes, yes!

I also have a satellite phone!

Under the reminder of Little John, Barry Hamp instantly responded: Subsequent I can also contact BOSS through the satellite phone. I don't know what happened. Maybe not the dead old man launched a nuclear attack ... With a lucky luck, Barry Hamp dialed Chen Geng's phone, as Chen Gill can pass the first round of nuclear attacks, Barry Hump is no dare to think about it.

Let Barry Hamp, fortunately, the satellite phone is very smooth, which makes Bauri Hanmu slightly loose ... "Bauri, what is there?"

Chen Geng's voice listened to some doubts: "Today isn't you report me to work to me? Or do you have trouble?"

"No, BOSS, we have not encountered trouble,"

I heard Chen Geng's tone is normal. Barry Hamp has finally been relieved, and I am busy saying: "This is the case, we have just lost regular contact with local, do you know what happened? Is it we Human attack? "

"We are attacked by people.

Chen Geng sighed a breath.


Barry Hammadel placed his mouth, extremely frightened and even made him a little sound: do we really attacked? What is the death, is it really broken out of the third world war? Chen Geng said: "But Barry, you are fortunate, it is not a country to start attacking the attack, so this is not a war.

Isn't any country to start attack? So is this not a war? That's good, that's good, this shows that there is no nuclear war, and there is no outbreak of the Third World War.

Chen Geng's words, let Barry Hampmons have a breath, just in the breath of breath, he is a foggy of a head: Since the war is not a war, what is the attack? "The situation I have now mastered is this ..."

Chen Geng will not say the plot and Barry Hamp described in this book, say: "Now it is not clear what is going on, but there is no doubt that this is a serious provocation to Milin, and We can also celebrate it, that is, this is not a real war ... Hey, if there is the latest progress, I will tell you in the first time.

It is Barry Hamp, and it is anger that Milin does not have the war of war. The whole person is angry after the death of the country. ,Right?"

"of course,"

Chen Wai did not hesitate to nod: "I have already received the same phone with the big collar and the leader, at this point, their attitude is the same.

Barry Hubprum took a breath: "So, BOSS, this means a war, means that someone wants to be unlucky, right?"

"of course,"

Chen Geng is firmly said: "It is accurately that this is a retired war supported by the people of all-Mi Li Jian.

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