king of power

Chapter 1524 wants aircraft, take money to change

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Also rent the ground security team? What is the equipment you need? However, when I think about Chen Geong, Alexei feels reasonable: as long as it can guarantee the landing rate, others say it.

However, this is not a big thing. In this case, Mr. Vladimir has made it, so Alex will nod: "Of course, no problem, no matter what kind of plane you need, we can provide a full set of services.

From the Soviet Union to the present, in just a few years, the market-based thinking of the old man has been cultivated, as long as there is money to earn, the other is good.

Chen Li did not expect Alexin to agreed to be so happy, a bit surprised to look at Alexe.

Welcome Chen Geng's gaze, Alexei nodded: "Mr. Fernandes, you are our Russian friends, especially for Mr. Marinkov, there is also a friendship with nearly 20 years ..."

Alekse's voice just fell, sitting in the front seat, Nikola, Mallov, hurriedly took the pass: "Fernandez, this is the case, you also saw that our current economic situation is very bad, and you are this The most economical person in the world, so ... this ... "

Chen Geng is white: "Do you want me to invest in Russia?"

Alekse and Nicholas Marinkov are nod: "Yes.

No wonder!

It is no wonder that I have to rent a plane, and the old man promised so much. It turns out that they are here waiting for themselves.

Also, on the one hand, because the economy is not booming, the old hair is in the military or the military, there are a large number of planes to stop the state, if you can rent out, not only guarantee the state of the aircraft, but also reduce a part cost, bring some Profit, this is also the reason why the transport aircraft that Chen Geng wants to rent is just a transport plane and the transport helicopter. Fragimir has made the reasons for the decision so quickly; on the other hand, Fernandes Chen Ke is the world's richest!

No matter what he did for the Soviet Union, he rushed to his head, and he must scrape a layer of oil from him through this opportunity.

Chen Geng Shen, asked: "So what industry can you invest in Russia? Oil or energy?"

Alekse's face change.

For Russia, on the one hand, their land is rich in oil resources, which makes them only have a good day by selling crude oil, "the country that disguised into a gas station"

The saying is not just talking; but on the other hand, it is greedy in the ethnic bones of the Slavic national bones, making them deeply escaped any of the land of the land, and even the guy who purchases their oil, there is Russian media. Even public claims that "those guys who come to our land will be the blood stealing our blood!

, Russia's vigilance of foreign oil companies, thereby visible.

So at this moment, when Chen Geng said "investment energy"

At the time, Alexie's heart took a moment.

However, it is obvious that Vladimir is appointed as a secretary, Alekse is obviously not a generation, after the initial discomfort, Alexei quickly adjusted his mentality, he slightly : "If you are ready to invest in the Russian investment energy industry in the Russian investment energy industry, we are very warm, but we are more advised to invest in high-tech industries and automotive manufacturing.

High-tech industry and automotive manufacturing? Listening to Alekse said, Chen Li suddenly understood the intention of the old Mao: Before the mid-1980s, the level of the old Mao in the high-tech field is not much weaker than the US, but after the late 1980s, on the one hand , Old beauty relies on "Information Highway"

Plan, vigorously develop high-tech industries, on the other hand, the old man who has continued to continue to compress the investment in the high-tech industry, so this has dropped.

But although the team, the old man, the old man, is not so easy. On the one hand, the old man has a generous experience, on the other hand, seeing China's opening up and foreign investment promotion The huge benefits got, the old man can't drive, I'm doing something: I can do so? With Laozi's rich research foundation, if Laozi is doing so, it will definitely be better than Chinese people!

This is a typical "Huaxia Row? Then I am also doing"

Before the four generations of four generations, the countries around the world feel "Wow!

The four generations, wow, wow, wow, it is so powerful, the film is worship, the US Dad is worthy of American Dad "

After the four generations of the world, the Chinese people's minds have become "Well? Whaxia can also engage in four generations? Since even Chinese can come out four generations, then I can't Do you want to do it? I have to do it!

So, on the night, including the stick, the countless country in the earth, said that it is necessary to engage in the four generations. It seems that after the four generations of four generations in Huaxia, the four generations will become the road to the roadside. Cabbage is like.

It is a bit far away, and then it is said that the automotive industry is for any country, and the automotive industry is "the industry's large advice".

The development of the automobile industry not only links the development of all industrial industries in this country, but also plays huge role in the upper and downstream industries and the surrounding industry, which will play a huge development of this country, and most importantly, This also brings a lot of employment and taxation.

The old man thinks further, Fernandez Chen's AMC car is the most successful, automobile manufacturing enterprise, one can even "one".

Give it, if Russia can attract AMC to Russia, then it will inevitably, now, in the case of Huaxia, countless auto parts industry has also contracted the AMC car to Russia. How much is it brought to Russia?

It can be said that Chen Geng invests in Russia's high-tech industry and automotive industries. It is the results of Vladimir and his entire ruling team.

Chen Geng considers it in a very short time, he did not nod immediately, but frowned: "Mr. Alex Xie, say this, I know some of Russia, I know Russia The social security is very bad, so I don't ask Russia to give me what kind of preferential conditions, I will ask a little, how do you assure me this piece? "

I heard Chen Geng's problem, Alekse's heart is not angry, but it is a happy.

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