king of power

Chapter 1525 Chen Geng's sincerity (brothers,

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Why is it? Because Alex Xie He believes that Chen Mong is seriously thinking about this problem, it will fully consider the impact of public security on enterprise production, and he thinks this question is definitely not a day two days, if he does not think about this problem, How can I notice that Russia's social security is very bad? Although Fragimir comrades did not give any instructions on this issue, this does not hinder Alexei immediately give an answer ... "Mr. Fernande,"

Looking at Chen Geng, Alexe said seriously: "Russia has just been established, and some places have not been done well, this I believe is that God can understand what God can understand ..."


When Chen Li did not talk, he looked at Alexei: You said it.

Alekse's momentum, immediately realized that he was wrong, he immediately changed: "Of course, this is not the reason we allow these dark side, I assure you, no matter where your factory is placed Your factory will be a company that the government focuses on, no one, any dare to harass your criminals, we will all rope them!

Chen Geng shook his head: "This is not enough.

Alexei is a bit confused: Is this not enough? Not enough, what does it mean? Chen Geng did not sell Guanzi, directly said: "AMC in Mexico, factory in South America, is allowed to have its own guard team by these countries, these guards have been special with firearms and so on. And allow you to shoot first in the absence of dangerous discovery ... "

Speaking here, Chen Geng looks at Alexe, meaning it is obvious, can Russia give me such privileges? Alek Sienton frowned, allowing the factory to have its own guard team, this is nothing to say, in Russia, which big factory does not have its own guards? Even big malls and supermarkets have their own security power, but allow these security power to hold hot weapons such as firearms, and allow the guard team to shoot first, this is more troublesome, what is very dangerous? This "danger"

How to determine? Alexe is in fact, it is in fact, Chen Geng wants, is privilege.

Alekse did not want to give Chen Geituth, but he understood that the other party was not discussed with himself, but he told himself: If you want me to invest, you must promise me this condition!

However, this is hard to fall Alekse, he nodded: "What you said, we will carefully think about it, do you have other requirements? I am saying that the promotion of investment is.


Chen Geng nodded, he really had: "There is another, about your official corruption.

Alekse's expression suddenly strict: "Mr. Fernandes, you can't ..."

Alek Xie Jie opened, Chen Li interrupted his words: "Mr. Alex, Mr. Alex, how corrupt your officials, you should be more clear than me, if you insist on ignoring this question, then I will I can only doubt that your country hopes that I have to invest sincerity and what is the real purpose.

To say that the corruption of government officials in the world is the most serious, this is not good, but if the country in the top 20 countries is drawn, Russia is definitely the first one, the greed of the Russian official, the huge appetite, Absolutely the whole world "is awkward"

Alekse immediately shut up.

It's too scary: If the Russian government persuaded that Chen Mila is inadequate in Russian investment, what is the true purpose of the Russian government attracts Chen Multi to invest in? Wait until the investment land or the factory completed, did his factory or his money? And Alekse also suddenly realized a little, ie: If Chen Li is just an ordinary businessman, then it will be, but he is not only a businessman, but the governor of the United States, but also the governor of the United States, not only the governor, but also he is still The current state of the United States and the previous major big collections, with the Milinian crowns, and the many big relationships with the rice military military, the Milinian business and economic circles have a pivotive influence, once he is Russia's investment has a problem, it will really be very large because of big @ , very very large.

Just shut up, Alekse, Alek, which reflects, immediately said: "Mr. Fernandes, please believe that the Russian government and the comrades of Vladimir are very enthusiastic, you are welcome to invest in Russia, Russia is a passionate country, Will be as passionate about the best friends to treat all Russian investors.

As for this question, I admit that this situation does exist, but I have to declare that this situation is impossible to avoid absolutely avoided in any country in today's world. Of course, if Mr. Fernande is planning to invest in us, I will give you Guarantee, we will definitely be a good relationship with the local government to ensure that your company will not be harassed.

For the words of Alex, Chen Geng listened, and for the old man's festival ... Hey, if the old man is still a little exercise, then this exercise is basically left to the Kremlin, the following officials under the Kremlin It is probably not known to do this thing at all.

He sinked, said: "That don't have to, I know that some situations are inevitable, but I also know that a plant wants to run smoothly, can't leave the cooperation of the local government, so my requirements is actually very simple. If, if I have landed in a certain place, we will submit a sponsorship fund to the local government every year, but in addition to this sponsorship, the local government can no longer come to find us with a variety of names. Money, not to find us in the name of various inspections.

In a word, unless any person, any organization and government departments have no right to check us any form.

Ok? Alex, I didn't expect Chen Pi, he would say this.

What does Chen Yang are mean? In fact, it is to say good to the local government: Laozi knows your habits, so I will give you a good fee every year, but in addition to this good fee, don't come over, you will come over!

In addition, please manage the people under your own, don't come over the day.

But only the Russian central government is eligible to check him Fernandez Chen's factory. Is this guy too arrogant and arrogant? Alekse's heart is a bit uncomfortable, and you can think of Chen Geng's political identity, he can't help but flex.

------------ ps: Dear brothers and sisters, I am sorry, I will have a thick face again, once again, I will ask my brothers to extend my aid for "power hegemony", it has been 130,000 words. Almost the same can be turned off, there is no brother who hasn't started, now you have a welcome, start to slaughter.

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