king of power

Chapter 1531 fell a plane

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Wang Dazhi nodded, just talk, just saw his secretary holding mobile phone, smiling, hurried over.

Looking at the expression of your secretary, Wang Dazhi suddenly "!"

A look: Is it wrong? Wang Dazhi is still very understanding of this secretary. It is also a person who has been with yourself for several years. The general thing is not to let him show such a serious expression. Now, look at his serious expression, Wang Dazhi's heart There is only one thought: I hope that things will not be too bad.


The secretary came to Wang Dabu, whispered: "I have an accident, and our plane fell.

Drop the plane? Wang Dazhi only felt that the eyes were black, the whole person swayed, almost fell.

The secretary is fast, and he has helped him.

Make Jinyou, Wang Dazhi asked whispers: "What is going on? What is the plane?"

Now, he only prayed not a civil aviation plane.

"The boss, you can rest assured that it is the tilting rotor verification machine in Capaa ..."

Is the technical verification machine that Victor Fladmilovic Kapaa pouring the rotor? Wang Dazhi suddenly got a breath!

The flying plane is not a good thing, but it is a big fortune machine that falls like a civil aviation plane. It can be said that it is unfortunate. Wang Dazhi is very clear, the development process of the aircraft Among them, this kind of flying plane is really normal, especially the tilting rotor, which combines the two aircraft characteristics of helicopters and fixed wing aircraft, and the difficulty of development is more changing!

In fact, for this technical verification, I fell this, Wang Dazhi has already had a mental preparation, and now he is only concerned about a question: Two test flyers are.

I don't wait for him to ask, the secretary is low: "Fortunately, the two test firms are fine, they have successfully ejected.

"When I report it, I will say the focus first!

Wang Dazhi didn't look good at his secretary: "Almost give you old, you don't know?"

Although it is not good to say, I can't take care of this time.

After a sudden, Wang Da Zhi immediately asked: "What is going on? Why is it a plane?"

"Nie Vice President has just told me this thing, I haven't been asked yet,"

The secretary is low, and the mobile phone is handed to Wang Dagguan: "Nie Deputy is still ..."

Haven't finished it, the mobile phone was grabbed by Wang Dazhi: "Have you fed, old Nie, the specific reason for the plane? Is there a loss to the masses?"

"Lao Wang, you can rest assured, when the plane is in the wild, it is the corn in the fellow, which is less than half of the area of ​​the country. It is not that other losses, we are actively coordination with fellows, compensation Two test flyingmen have chosen tits in the last moment that cannot be saved, so the two test firms are fine, "

Nie Guangfei said: "As for the reason for the plane, the test firman told me that the flaps when the test flying subjects did not know why suddenly waited.

"okay, I get it,"

At this time, Wang Dazhi is really a true place to put back to his stomach: the plane fell, but there was no casualties of the people, but it was only smashed the corn of the fellow in the country. Two test flyingmen It's all right, but I'm very bad, but this is a unfortunate, he immediately told Nie Guang: "Old Nie, you tell Vikedo, don't have any pressure, During the R & D period, the plane is normal. The company has continued to support his research and development work, and I will go back.


Nie Guang nodded.

After another, Nie Guang said, Wang Dazhi hangs, and then apologize to Barry Hamp: "Mr. Humph, I am sorry, I can't accompany you here, the company happened over there. One thing, I have to go back.

Wang Dazhi's change in expression was clearly seen in the eyes by Barry Hamp. He nodded: "Do you need to report to BOSS?"

"Not so serious,"

Wang Dazhi put his hand: "I can handle it.


Listening to Wang Da Zhi said that Barry Hamp is not insisting, nod: "So I wish you a good trip.

"I wish you a good trip"

This sentence is Barry Hamp with Chinese, although the tone is extremely awkward, but it is still able to listen to "I wish you all the way"

Obviously, this is Barry Hamp specially learned.

Wang Dazhi listened, but then he laughed, patted the shoulders of Bauri Hamp: "Thank you, my brother.

......................... When Wang Dazhi rushed back, the plane had been getting back.

Fortunately, although the plane looks miserable, two rotings but did not have the ground when he hit the ground, the twisted squat, the whole body is also distorted, but fortunately, the plane is not Explosion - the loss of the aircraft, the whole weight is only a few hundred kilograms, a car hang can easily hang this guy.

When I saw this plane, Wang Dazhi was relieved: the plane did not explode, it was easier to troubleshoot the cause.

Asked the same as Menghaibo on the scene: "Is the compensation on the old Meng and the old town?"

"It's all,"

Meng Haibo nodded: "Not only is the fellow of the corn field, but we have compensated for the loss of the old hometown of the corn, but we are also compensated, and the fellows are all compensation. Very satisfied, this you can rest assured.

"it is good,"

Wang Dazhi nodded and compensated that he was relieved: "What is the conclusion of preliminary examination now?"


To talk about this, Meng Haibo is very angry: "Hydraulic tubes that provide power to the flaps have exploded.

Lying in the trough!

Wang Dazhi heard the mother: Hydraulic oil pipe burst, the pilot could no way to control the wing of this part, and the plane did not fall.

But the problem is that the air flying flag has strict technical standards and requirements for the hydraulic oil pipe, while the redundancy is high, how can this oil pipe explodes? He thought of a possibility ... Welcome Wang Dazhi's eyes, Meng Haibo nodded seriously: "Now we are investigating from the source, see what the hydraulic tube caused by the reason is burst, in the end, the quality of the tubing is still other or other Reasons for aspects.

"it is good,"

Wang Dazhi nodded, did not say anything more, he immediately asked: "What is the emotion of Mr. Victor?"

When I said this, the face of Meng Haibo is revealing a little smile: "Victor's emotions are okay.

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