king of power

Chapter 1534 Chen Dong personally commented

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The Group actually commended the two choices of tester? This news came out, and the entire Shangfei Group is up and down, including many people in the two test flyingmen. How can I? Why have you commend them? In this era, in this era, the pilot did not hesitate to pay for all the price, even with the expense of life as a mainstream value, but now, the two guys discovered that things were not immediately selected, the company ... Company of course Not to criticize them, because after the results of the survey show that the plane is full of open, it is impossible to fly back, but it is necessary to say that such a big flag is commendation, and some? After this news came, even the two test fals were a little panicked. Liu Chuandong found his partner Zhang Jianxin discussing the countermeasures ... "Old Zhang, recently that news you have heard?"

Zhang Jianxin asked: "Which group is you talking about to commend our news?"

"This is it,"

Liu Chi Dong nodded: "Old Zhang, I am a bit behind this heart, what does the company mean?"

"I don't know, I am also like me in the past two days."

Zhang Jianxin scratched his head, some confused: "If we do what we do, it must be right, right?"

"That is definitely true,"

Liu Chuandong, nodded: "At the time, no one looks more clearly than we are more clear. At that time, the wing of both sides, the flaps were collected, and the other side of the flaps didn't return, and the two were unbalanced. It must be an accident, and the entire system has been alerted, and it is not in the city, but in the farmland, the plane falls will not cause the major property of the people, and our choice does not have a dot.

"Yeah, I think so, the company's leaders come to talk to us, the aircraft's troubleshooting report we also saw that this fault caused by the design defects of the aircraft,"

Zhang Jianxin said: "Since this is the case, then I don't think there is no problem.

"There is no problem,"

Liu Chuandong scratched his head: "Can follow the tradition of our troops before, although we are right, but will not be publicly recognized throughout the group? I heard that the general manager of Wang also personally attend, give us a bonus ? This reward ... is it a bit too? "

"So you don't understand?"

At this time, Liu Chuandong and Zhang Jianxin came back to a slightly smiling voice.

Zhang Jianxin and Liu Chuandong have stunned, and they have been standing up, and they see Zhang Ying's deputy secretary is standing behind himself, smiling.

"boss Zhang?"

"Zhang is always.

Seeing Zhang Ying Deputy Secretary, Liu Chuandong and Zhang Jianxin were rushing to stand, and he asked Zhang Ying - the reason why it is not called "Zhang Shuji"

Instead, "Zhang Total"

It is Zhang Ying's request: The secretary is really too easy to cause misuse, and eventually leads to 404.

, "Good, good, sit, sit down,"

Zhang Yingchi nodded, raised his hand to show his two people, while explaining his intentions: "I know that you will definitely be a little unclear, so I will come over this time, it is to explain why the company will do it. Vigorously commended.

When I heard this, Zhang Jianxin and Liu Chuandong suddenly seriously: the official meaning is official.

"I know that when you are in the troops, the troops education are: Every plane is the most valuable property of the country, is bought by the hard-earned money of the people. As a pilot, when the plane is accident, we must do our utmost to save , Is this? "

Zhang Ying asked.



Zhang Jianxin and Liu Chuandong nodded.

"This idea is also good,"

Zhang Yingtie nodded, he certainly could not say that the previous education was wrong, but he used to say his hand and said: "But in our business flight group, the situation is still slightly different.

What is it? How is it different? Zhang Jianxin and Liu Chuandong blinked, some confused.

"You are trying the flying staff, you should know that the test flyer is not just a plane, but he also wants to find problems during the test flight, and then solves the problem with the designer, and even make reasonable advice. Therefore, Chen Dong has always said that the test flyer is more than just test flyingmen, and the test flyer is still half a designer. "

Zhang Yingzhong said: "Is it important for a cost of tens of thousands, a few billion aircraft, or an important way to assist designers designed a good plane? There is no doubt, of course, the test firman is more important!

The plane we fell, but we can't afford to test a good test franchone, and we haven't found an excellent, familiar with this plane. "


When I listened to Zhang Ying, Zhang Jianxin and Liu Chuandong did not talk, but the eyes were gradually red: This is the first time, the first time, the first time, some people say that "people are important than equipment"

Although this is different from the education that has received it for many years, how can you listen to this feeling so comfortable? Zhang Ying said: "Therefore, even in the world, the test firman is this country, the most valuable property of this aircraft manufacturing company belongs to the first priority!

And I tell you that the requirements for your two strong commendation are Chen Dong, ... "

"Is Chen Dong's?"

Liu Chuandong and Zhang Jianxin exclaimed.

When they came to the merchant group, Chen Pigang did not stay at Shangfei Group ... Although Chen Li, Chen Li, I have never sitting in Shangfei Group ... but Chen Wantong is "Brother Not here, but there is still a legend of brother "

Type, most importantly, Marhang Group is currently the most important product, such as Fuk F Series, Tu Lev TU-204 Series, RB211 Series Aircraft and Gas Turbines, "TAY"

Series aviation engines and gas turbines based on this aviation engine are being developed, and the two armed helicopters that have been geared in China ... Waiting for this, all of why Chen Dong is brought, or Chen Dong personally pays attention to the birth. Even the two of the tending rotor technology verification machines you are testing, but also in Chen Dong's personality.

Therefore, in Shangfei Group, Chen Tong is already a similar to the existence of spiritual totems. Now, Zhang has also said that this is also a matter of great comment on himself. For a time, Zhang Jianxin and Liu Chuandong only felt that she was so fluttering, as floating in the cloud.

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