king of power

Chapter 1533 is the most precious (brothers,

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Understand this accident, Wang Dafu and Meng Haibo are secretly long: find the reason is good.

The two paided a look, and Wang Dazhi said to Victor Fladmilovic Kapaa: "Victor, can find the reason is a good thing ..."

Victor Fladmilovich Capa sighed, interrupted Wang Da Zhi's words, swing hands: "Don't comfort me, say it is still my reason ..."

"I am still comforting you and old,"

Wang Da Zhihe smiled: "Victor, let's tell the truth, to say helicopters, you are the world's top experts, you can tilting the windings, there is only the US talents just start playing, can be in MV -22 Fisherwk Before the Americans play the tilting machine? When World War I!

The World War has not ended yet, and the Americans began to study the tuning rotor, until the 70s XV-15, how many aircraft that fell to the United States, as a strong enough powerful tilting machine technology and Experience, on the basis of these experiences and technologies, MV-22, let's study the tilting rotor for several years, failure, don't you get normal? In my opinion, it is not normal to don't fall.

Victor Vladi Milovich Capaa does not talk.

Yes, as the former deputy chief designer of the Mili Design Bureau, Victor Fladi Milovich Capaa is also familiar with the history of Americans develop the tilting rotor machine, early in the second In 1944, the World War has not ended 1944, Bell began to develop tilting rotor XV-3, this is a principle verification machine, because there is no experience to learn, no one knows how this is to do, so go all the way Come, Bell didn't know how many planes fell.

By the 1970s, I should develop the XV-15 tilting rotor to verify the tilted rotor technology program for the purpose of verifying the technology plan for the tilting rotor technology, and exploring the flight line and actually assess whether such aircraft meets military and civilian use. For transportation, XV-15 has conducted a large amount of wind tunnel test, ground and flight test, verification performance, manipulation quality, noise, and downward flow, and survived, carrier compatible Sex, cargo lifting, weapon launch, air refueling and oil-free, terrain tracking flight, and other mobile flights.

It is not polite, it is from XV-3 to XV-15 for more than 30 years of technology accumulation, and fell a multi-plane, it laid the MV-22 "Fish Eagle"

This truly practical tilting rotor - can be, who dares to say that the technology of tilting rotor is really mature? You do not believe? Don't believe you, how many MV-22 did the Americans fell? Even the official column can fall, then let's fall a technical verification machine, which is normal.

And don't forget, Victor Fladmilovich Capaa is a top expert in a helicopter area, not a top expert in a fixed-wing aircraft, and a top expert in a helicopter. Is this not normal? Is this not normal? I finally wanted to understand the Victor Fladmilovic Capaa laughed, nod: "You are right, it seems that the problem is in me, I underestimated this plane Difficulty.

Listening to Victor Fladmilovich Capaa said that Wang Dazhi and Meng Haibo were shocked, and the two said Qi: "You can't say this.

Skewers, Wang Da Zhi, then said: "Why is the plane try flight after developing, not direct column? Isn't it just to find problems and solve problems, Victor, this time you should be happy, please Discover problems ... "

He didn't want to continue to say more on this issue, the topic is turned, and asked Victor Fladmilovic Kapaa: "Hey, Victor, do you need to take a break?"

"No, I don't need it!"

Victor Fladmilovich Capa Yapi Neck: "Now the plane is here, I hope to make a comprehensive inspection over again to see if there is such a low-level design defect. .

Wang Dafu and Meng Haibo have opposed one eye, noddate together: Ok, follow you.

...................... So big things, Wang Dazhi did not dare to neglect, and the first time after returning to the office, I made a report from Chen Geng to Chen Geng.

Chen Geng is very calm: "It's okay, as long as our test farther is fine, then do everything.

"Yes, the two test firms are fine.

Wang Da Zhi smiled and said: "Because it was in the farmland, it was very serious, and the plane was absolutely impossible to fly back, the two test flyingmen chose to parachute in the first time.

"This is right, the choice of these two test firmen is very correct,"

Chen Tong's choice of the two pilots was very satisfied: "Lao Wang, you must give you such a thought, is the 'plane is very precious, but the aircraft is precious, and there is no specialty of our trial flippers." Test Flyer is also More than half of the designer of this plane, the plane fell, let's make another one, but if the test flying staff sacrifice, the loss can be big, in our company, absolutely not allowed to have a plane to watch the plane to watch the plane The situation appears.

When it comes to, Chen's tone has changed very serious.

Wang Dazhi was shocked, he hurriedly should be said: "Good chairman, look back, I will emphasize this right away, the plane is precious and there is no more precious.

Chen Geng should, and then told: "For the two decisive test, the test flyer, look back and commended, the big Zhangqi drum, commended that when they did not hesitate to choose the ejection, the company gave it Award!


Wang Dazhi said, even busy: "This ... chairman, there is this necessary?"

"Of course, there is this necessary,"

Chen Geng is said: "We are to express our attitude toward all the employees through this moving action: We are encourage everyone to choose ejection and skydiving at critical moments ... Of course, efforts do not cause loss to the people ... ... Let everyone understand, compare than prototypes, they are the most valuable property of our group.

Donned, Chen Guo said, "I estimate that the two test flewers' psychological pressure is not small, after all, our country has always propaganda ... Well, we are going to pass this way. To them, the Group believes that they think they are doing.

"alright, I understand.

Wang Dazhi is hot, and it is busy nodding.

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