king of power

Chapter 1539 Boy Son (Brothers,

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Welcomes the eyes of Russian officials, Chen Geng slightly smiled, said: "Investing does not set the upper limit.

what? Do not set the upper limit? !

Everyone only feels that in front of him.

I listened to Chen Li's way to say: "The level of this research center and the US scientific research center, the European Research Center, and the Asian Research Center, will become one of my four international research centers after completion.

Chen Tong did not say how much money needs to invest, how many equipment can be built, can be said, the state of Russia's size official is really hot: After the research center, it will be Will become one of the four major scientific research centers under Chenvii!

Then the infrastructure cost of the research center is small, counted in equipment procurement, personnel configuration, and more do not say, at least it is the construction cost of $ 5,666.. Most importantly, this research center is built after the completion of the research center, and Just Fernandez Chen also clearly said that he hopes to cooperate with Russia's top universities and research institutions, which means that everyone can be separated here. A piece of it can even say that the entire Russian scientific research field will benefit ... I think this, everyone is excited.

Looking at the scene of the scene, the old hair is full of red, and Riener Taylor laughed and said: "In addition, we welcome experts from Russia to join, once hired, even the first-line scientific research personnel of master's degree, Salaries and bonuses per month are not less than $ 1200.

This is the seduce of red@ naked @ naked, heard the words of Reni Taylor, and the Maozi took a breath!

How much is more than $ 1200? Of course, in 2002, the United States, a master's degree in a computer professional professional, just the first year of graduation, the average monthly salary was about $ 1800, of course, as long as he showed $ 3,500 to $ 4,000 for three years. The monthly salary problem is not big. If it is engaged in the software industry, this pay can be added again. From this perspective, the $ 1,200 is really poor.

But don't forget, this is in the United States!

And the US computer industry and software industry is salary, that is high!

The current Russia is in the lowest Valley, don't say a master's graduate, even those professors of St. Petersburg National University, the monthly salary is less than $ 400, and now, Fernandez Chen's research center, directly Three times the salary opened!

At this moment, even the principal of Nikola Baplov couldn't help but move: his salary is not $ 1,200.

Ivan Baplov quickly asked: "Mr. Fernande, Miss Taylor is true? Are you really willing to give such a high salary?"

Chen Mong smiled nodded: "We have always respectful knowledge and respect talent.


Although Ivan Baplov did not resign the current work to join Chen Geng's research center, this means that he is too clear, but he just wants to talk, he listened to Chen Geng and said: " Of course, this is just a preliminary idea, detailed details, but also needs to communicate and coordinate with your country.

What else needs to communicate and coordinate? !

In the current economic situation, Chen Geng is willing to rejection to the Russian investment construction research center. For Comrade Vladimir, no matter whether it is political significance, economic significance is incomparable, in Ni After the first time, Gulka Bush was reported to Vladimir, and Comrade Vladimir immediately gave Nicholas Pablov: as long as Fernandez Mr. Chen Willing to build a research center in Russia, the Russian government will cooperate with and support. If there is any problem, Fernandes Chen can communicate directly with himself.

Although Flamili's comrades know that Chen Tong's investment invested in this research center, the purpose is to use Russian cheap and rich intellectual resources, but this does not matter, for Vladimir, Russia's current economic situation is not enough. Use these high-end intelligence resources, and this high-end intellectual resource cannot be used in effect, but will degrade ... Just as the knife is needed, you need to take it together, since Fernandes Chen is willing to act as this sharpener Stone, Vladimir does not mind to take the knife at all.

However, after Chen Geng lost this idea, he didn't worry. After the visit to St. Petersburg National University, Chen Ge has donated 2 million dollars, and donated 2 computer and electrical classrooms. To support the education of St. Petersburg National University, I went to the Petersburg Academy of Sciences the next day.

Speaking of the Petersburg Academy, maybe domestic classmates are very strange, but it doesn't matter, since this unit dares to crowns "Academy"

The name of this institution is not a general leather. In fact, the Petersburg Science of Science is also a true leather. It is known as the Peter's Emperor in the history of science.

(Prototype) and "physics"

The concept of Mikhail Vasilyvich Romontus has studied in the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which is this leather.

Compared to yesterday's situation in St. Petersburg National University, today's situation is not quite the same, Fernandes Chen intends to build a research center in Russia, and the entrance threshold of researchers is a master's degree, while the menstruation is a 1200 dollar. Almost overnight, the entire Russian college and research circle, so it is not surprising, Chen Geng is a great welcome in the Petersburg Science of ... The reason why Chen Li donated yesterday in St. Petersburg National University The $ 2 million and 110 computers are also unable. Now the Russian university, lack of money, scientific research equipment, computer, and even teaching aids are lacking, so these universities and research institutions in Russia seem to be, Chen Pi is A walking hardware boy.

The Petersburg Academy of Sciences, how much good things can be donated to themselves, such as can have $ 2 million, let the Petersburg Academy of Sciences surprises, not only donate $ 2 million and 100 computers to the Petersburg Academy, but also announced It has 20 full scholarships to the Petersburg Academy of Sciences, but also a $ 1,000 living expenses per month, but also coming out, this news comes out, all the Petersburg Science .

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