king of power

Chapter 1540 Carrots (Brothers,

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There are not many places in 20 full scholarships, but this is not all, because Chen Geng said, he does not understand the situation of Russia's university, so these 20 full scholarships have only the first phase, next Your own residential students will be stationed in Russia. After the situation of Russia, it will gradually expand the scope of sponsorship. After five years, it is five years to achieve national sponsorship 500 to 1000 students abroad. .

500 to 1000 people per year, this news came out, the entire Russia was a jubilant.

We all know that the Soviet Union will disintegrate, except for the internal cause, Americans are also "good work"

It's just a little amazing, that is, don't see that the Mao is so bad that the American is a pit, but the psychology of the Mao is so strange. They are good, especially for the student group, if you can go to the United States, then It's just ... So the gross feels that Chen Geng is a good person, and it is not surprising for it.

When countless groms are happy, they can be joined to join the freedom, democracy, and rich in the United States, and Chen Tong is listening to Jim Mc Ni.

What negotiations? Of course, it is a work report to the joint venture between Lihakov Automobile Manufacturing Factory.

Jim Mc Ni's expression is very relaxed: "Mr., Russia has agreed to our conditions, now we only have the final details, but there is no problem, you can rest assured, according to the current progress, there is a maximum of half You can sign an agreement.

"Good, very good,"

Chen Geng's performance is very satisfied with Jim Mc Ni. This guy is one of the successors selected by Welge. He nodded and said: "I heard that Russian appetite is good?"

"They are too greedy, and it is totally a group of geotextiles that have never seen the world."

To talk about this, Jim Mc Ni's face is completely contempt: "Mr., you can't imagine what these Russians will greed more ... we are ready to build a factory, just gave the Mosko City Hall Some officials have a total of 50,000 US dollars, and our land area is doubled.

"Just 50,000 US dollars?"

Chen Geng is a bit surprised, so many people are 50,000 US dollars, how many people can you share? "Yes, just 50,000 US dollars,"

Jim McNani does not hide his despise these Russians: "They are very crazy.

However, Chen Mi Mc Ni is very satisfied, he smiled and nodded: "You do it very well.

I heard the appreciation of Chen Geng, Jim Mc Nii couldn't help but show a smile: this means that his bonus is coming soon.

Chen Geng said: "Jim, etc. After the negotiations, your reward will be sent to you according to the company's rules and regulations. In addition, after this negotiation, for your next job, what do you think?"

Jim McNani is stunning: "I will work next?"

"Mr. Welch appreciates your ability, he is recommended to take me the responsible person of the Russian project and deputy general manager of the European Headquarters,"

Chen Ge said: "If you perform well in this position, three years later, you can quickly select the person in charge of AMC Europe.

Jim Mcñani suddenly excited.

His current level is the vice president of the division, and it is also a group's executive, then goes up, is the president of the Division, but what is the person in charge of the European company? That is a prince.

From the president of the Ministry of Industry, there is a huge threshold, and you only need to stay in the remote poorer in the Russian bird, you have the opportunity of the person in charge of the AMC European company? Hold the excitement in his heart, Jim Mc Nii took a sigh of relief, and asked Chen Geng asked his doubts: "Sir, I am mainly responsible for the Russian direction?"

"of course not,"

Listening to Jim Mc Nii said that Chen Mong smiled: "I hope that Russia only takes only one-third or less time, you need to put more energy throughout the European continent, but Jim Headquarters will still be assessing you in Russia.

Listening to Chen Li, Jim Mc Ni is relaxing, he does not hesitate: "Mr., I am willing to stay in Europe!

Become a chance of the princes, although it is still necessary to compete with others, even if this competition is, it is enough to make yourself to pay all efforts.

"Very good,"

Chen Geng's performance on Jim Mc Ni, he nodded: "Three years later, I hope to see your wonderful speech in the headquarters office.

"I won't let you down.

Jim McNany nodded.

................................ For Chen Li intentionally in the research center in Russia, the big mother's family has given a high level of attention. In the next time, Comrade Vladimir even personally Communicate with Chen Li, and the result of communication is that Comrade Vladimir has conducted instructions, requiring universities and research institutions to pay attention.

In fact, I don't have to express my comrades in Vladimir. I know that the cooperation model of this research center is very flexible. It can not only join in full time, but also cooperate with major universities, but also cooperate with the research center, except for the acquisition In addition to project funding, there is also a subsidy of $ 1,500 every month. After the normal teaching activities, the Professionals such as Computers, Software, Mathematics, Algorithm, etc., which are headed by the National University of Moscow, St. Petersburg State University, etc. I can't help but I will send it to Chen Ge's announced mailbox. It is not these professors. How is the experts, it is really a happy now, there is such a good opportunity to earn money, who is willing miss? Even the leadership of these top colleges is true.

Chen Li has already expressed that these universities have reached a collaboration with themselves, in addition to a certain scholarship, they will be tilted in the number of study abroad ... These are not the most important, most importantly, each The research projects got by schools, the school can get a certain proportion of "management fees"

For the top colleges of Russia, this management fee is the real benefit, and he will fight for this management fee. Everyone will fight for life.

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