king of power

Chapter 1541 Jacques-130 Battlefield (Brothers,

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When Chen Li met comrades from Flagimir again, Comrade Vladimir deliberately referred to Chen Geng to the research center he prepared, and made recommendations: "Mr. Fernande, your research center Can you expand the scope of cooperation with Russian research units? "

"Oh? What is this?"

Chen Geng is so curious.

Comrade Vladimir said: "For example, the Russian Academy of Sciences Computing Center.

Chen Geng suddenly said: It turned out to be this.

We all know that Russia is very nice to computer and mathematics, and early in the 1950s, the Soviet Union's computing center is the Russian Academy of Sciences engaged in calculation methods, software and hardware design, mathematical modeling, mathematics and computers. Program software and special research institutions in applications such as computer technology, science and technology, in the 1960s, the Soviet Academy Calculation Center has issued one of the world's top computer science diagnosis before the Soviet Union: "Computational Mathematics and Mathematics Physics" It can be said that the Russian Academy of Sciences calculates the level of the center represents Russia's top level in the computer field.

Comrade Vladimir proposed that this cooperation is also very simple, it is in the current Russian economy, and in the short term, it will not be able to live through Chen Li to Chen Geng to ensure Russia in computer field. Scientific research level - In order to ensure that the economy is so difficult, Russia's computer level should not fall too much. The comrades of Vladimir really want to do everything.

Chen Geng did not immediately agreed, but after a slightly, Chen Li made a clear response: "I need to go to your academic computing center to be decided.

Comrade Vladimir heard his words and promised to follow: "Of course no problem.

Chen Yuanshu is slightly, and Comrade Virgamil is open: "Comrade Vladimir, there is one thing in this side to discuss it.

"Oh? What?"

"You know,"

Chen Ge said: "I have a defense contracting company, and this defense contract company is now helping the US military to fight in Afghanistan.

"Yeah, I know.

Flagimir commented nodded, how can he don't know, this guy rented a group of Ir-76 transport aircraft, An-12 transport aircraft and rice-17 highlands, which is said to be the aircraft now When it is too late to maintain, it is almost in the connecting, I don't know how much money to make this bastard.

Thinking of this layer, Flagimir commented in the heart couldn't help but curious: Is this guy ready to rent some aircraft from Russia? "The Jacques-130 coach machine jointly developed in the beginning of the Yakov Lev Design Bureau also never participated in the actual battle?"

Chen Wirong said comrades of Vladimir: "Comrade Vladimir, have you ever thought about let this plane go to Afghanistan to participate in actual combat? If it can get a battle in Afghanistan, for this plane International sales is still very helpful, and you know, this plane also has a carrier model.

Um ... um? !

Before the comrades of Flagimir, I really didn't think about this problem. I still listened to Chen Li. He said that he reacted: Yes, why not take this opportunity to let Jacques-130 participate in actual combat, that is By paying attention to the opportunity of this war, let Jacques-130 play an advertisement in front of the world? To know, Jacques-130 is not just a jet senior coach. At the beginning of design, it is designed as a jet high-end coach and carrier supersonic light fighter, although the power of this plane is weak. I have done, only flying in the unmapled load in actual combat 1.

4 Mach's maximum speed, only 1 in the case of mounting two close-to-bandballs.

2 Mach's maximum speed, if it is hung in two in two nearly four air-air missiles, the maximum speed does not reach supersonic speed, but this is not important, it is Yak-130, but the world is in the third generation. The standard design of the fighter standard design of the double-seat light fighter, this plane is not fragrant for those who have aircraft carrier, but never treat the United States as an opponent. Is it not fragrant? As long as Jacques -130 have a few highlight performances in these battles, then OK, can't attract customers? Fragimir commented suddenly.

For Russia that is very difficult now, even if you can only sell 2 Squadron's Jacques-130, this fund is also extremely important for Russia.

The heart is moving, he is still excited to stand in the heart, and asked Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernande, can you think?"

"I can't think of it, why can't you,"

Chen Geng two hands, smiled, looking at Fragimir Comrade: "Mr., you should know that I know the performance of this plane, I am in China's Shangfei Group even in the production of this series of planes, facts On, if it is not the Huaxia government, because of various concerns, it does not agree to let this plane appear in the Afghan battlefield, I will even ask you this advice.


At this time, what else does Flagimir comrades do not understand? Fernandez Chen has been to find the Chinese government. I hope that the Chinese government can agree to let them produce Jacques-130 in Afghanistan, which is the Jacques-130 produced by Huaxia to Fernandez Chen's defense contracting company. The Chinese government refused this proposal for Fernandez Chen because of such concerns.

Comrade Vladimir is too familiar to Huaxia. After Chen Ge said this, he knew that the refusal of Huaxia is entirely possible, normal, and Fernandes Chen is also forced, this Looking for the Russian-Jacques -130 project, the Soviet Yakov Lev Design Bureau jointly developed with the Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Group. If Russia's Jacques-130 is good in the battlefield of Afghanistan, then for Huaxia It is also the Jacques-130 produced by Fernandes Chen's Huaxia Business Aircraft Manufacturing Industry Group. Is it not a side advertisement? Thinking here, the heart of Comrade Vladimir is already agreed, but the cautious character makes him not immediately agreed, but after a moment, he replied: "This problem involves many factors, I need to be with me. The cabins are discussed.

Chen Li smiled nodded: "Of course.

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