king of power

Chapter 1545 Shang Fei

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Wang Dazhi wrinkled with a brow, I asked Fang Zhiqiang: "Where is the progress of the old party, 'Tay'-3? Where is the main card now?"


-3, that is, "TAY"

The third generation engine developed on a series of engines.

If this thrust being installed on the Fuk F100 is a 60kN level "TAY"

Series engine is the first generation "TAY"

For the series of engines, then the Commercial Flying Group is introduced, and the thrust developed with Robs Royce Group has been covered from more than 70 kiloes. "TAY"

The series is the second generation, and the so-called third generation "TAY"

Series engine is in the second generation "TAY"

On the basis of the engine, the combustion chamber is optimized, using a large conversation ratio design, and a new generation of engines for digital zone safety control technology.

Because the foundation is still "TAY"

The series of engines, compared to V2500 and CFM56 competitors, "TAY"

-3 In terms of fuel economy, easy maintenance, there are still some gaps, which can't be avoided, but as long as "TAY"

It can be smoothly made, at least, the Shangfa Group is not so big in engineering and competition, also has the foundation of the development of short-range narrow-body trunk airlines in 200.

"The problem now is that we think we have eaten 'tay', but we don't think we haven't eaten,"

Fang Zhiqiang smiled and said: "For example, we have already assembled a technical verification machine. When the surface trial, the technical indicators are normal, this I report to you.

"Is there such a thing,"

Wang Dazhi nodded: "I remember that you will take a high-end test ..."

Speaking of this, Wang Da Zhi's expression changed: This means that this engine is not very smooth when the high-altitude test is Seeing Wang Dazhi's championship, Fang Zhiqiang knows that Wang Hong has realized the problem, and quickly explained: "When the high-altitude test is tested, the engine has not failed, but the technical indicators are poor. Some, what is the specific problem, we are still analyzing.

Wang Dazhi suddenly depressed: this is called.

When the floor is tested, the technical indicators are normal, and when the high time is high, the technical indicators and the indicators given when designing are gaps, which must be problematic.

Can Wang Da Zhi know more, different from "TAY"

At the stage -2 stage, it is a joint development of Shangfei Group and Rolls Royce Group. It has a problem. As the original design unit, Rawls Royce quickly got it, now "TAY"

-3 is completely a business flight group to find a way, this problem can be more troublesome.

The problem is that Wang Dazhi is not from the process of engaging in technology, and it is impossible for this situation, so he asked Fang Zhi Qiang, so he wrinkled: "The old party, how long do you think it is probably to solve the problem?"

"This one……"

Fang Zhiqiang hesitated, did not dare to give a clear number: If you can't do it, you should be responsible.

However, Fang Zhiqiang hesitated in the eyes of Wang Dazhi, but it became a performance: the company needs your crucial moment, you can't go up? What is the company to support you? !

Fortunately, I have been working together for so many years. Fang Zhiqiang has been conscientious in these years, and the old side will have to retire. At this time, Fang Zhiqiang got it, everyone's face is not good, so he takes deep suction I have a breath, saying: "Since you have not found the problem, I didn't think about letting Mr. Vajim help you see it?"

Fang Zhiqiang's face "Teng ..."

The red, : "Hey ... this ..."

"Okay, you don't have to say,"

When I look at this look, Wang Da Zhi knows that it is a small departmentalism. After encountering problems, Fang Zhiqiang didn't think about the former Soviet Ivesco designed for Vajim Rabinovic. The deputy professionals of the Bureau seek help, but they have a hard scide, and he is also very simple to do this: I invite you to help, will this work, who is this good? He interrupted the words of Fang Zhiqiang, no matter so much, directly criticized: "Fang Zhiqiang, you are also an old comrade, how to work, do you tell you?"

Dai Zhi, almost unable to leave a criticized criticism, and a face of Fang Zhiqiang is like a red cloth!

You can know your own affairs, as your old age is getting close to retirement, what is the most clear, Fang Zhiqiang wants to make a happiness by his own expensive The expression made him suddenly a spirit - he understood the warning in the eyes of Wang Dazhi!

"Yes, Wang Qi, my work has been questioned, I review the group,"

The sudden thing I realized that I have a saddler, who made Wang Dafu, said to Wang Dazhi, I have a self-review: "Go back, I will ask Mr. Watham to us, help us do a consultation.

Wang Dazhi's expression is eased: Everyone has so many old colleagues, if possible, he also hopes everyone.

Listening to Sheng Zhiqiang said, he nodded: "The old party, you have to remember a little, discussing the technical strength, our business flying than Boeing, the empty guest competitors also have a big gap, these years come to us. Domestic civil aviation market has a place, relying on the support of these civil aviation companies in the country, if it is only the competitiveness of the spell itself, we are now a lot to say.

I hope that comrades should not regard the support of the country as glory. Don't have 'anyway, there is a country's support, the country is absolutely not allowing the business flight group to pour it, so we have a little lazy and don't matter' ideas, because there is a country and brothers. The support of the unit should be more shameful, and the support of the country is the country.

Saying here, Wang Dazhi is slightly, saying: "I will then make a report to Chen Dong to Chen Dong, and I hope that Chen Dong will give a guiding suggestion on the situation of the Group now. ... Comrades, I found out that after Chen Dong did not care about the group, everyone's work attitude begins to gradually.

To report to Chen Donghui? And let Chen Dong give guiding suggestions? When Wang Dazhi exit, many people's face suddenly changed, and there was no expression, but I didn't know what was written on the notebook.

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