king of power

Chapter 1553 leads the trend

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Generally, the Tommy Franks of the non-combat will be made by the road to fry D attack, immediately refer to Dennes Patrick's middle school to form a joint investigation team to investigate the investigation to determine the joint defense company. Whether the car does effectively protect the soldiers when the patrol team is in the road to fry D attack.

"If this car can protect our soldiers, I will meet the big people of the Congress at all costs, and equipment this car for our soldiers.

General Tommy Franks said this.

The investigation team paid in Dennis Patrick is very serious. They first went to the incident, assess the power of explosives. According to the situation of the explosion, the investigation team believes that the power of explosives is probably equivalent to being 3 kilograms of lacun T, Far far beyond the power of ordinary infantry landmines - after all, an ordinary anti-infantry landmore is generally between 150 grams to 200 caterback T, it will be close to anti-tank mines.

Of course, anti-tank mines are between 5 to 6 kg, and usually use ladder T and Black Sake @ 5 50:50 ratio, so power is much larger than the equivalent weight of ladie T. It is another situation.

After determining the power of the explosive, the investigation team led by Dennis Patrick's colleges and universities went to the joint defense company to investigate the situation of the armored vehicles that had been attacked by the roadside, and the scene saw the whole survey group was surprised: The car who has encountered such a big quantity attack, it is intact, which makes the entire investigation team can't accept it. Is this a fake? "Mr. Humph, this is really a car that has encountered attacks? Why is it not injured?"

Dennis Patrick's face is serious, it seems that it is not present when he is experimenting with General Tommy Franks.

"How could it be a little injury?"

Barry Hubprum was called, and he pointed to Dennis Patrick to Dennis Patrick at the time of the explosion: "Patrick's middle school, you see here, the steel plate here is substantial under the huge impact of the explosion, and there are On the chassis, you see, although there is a V-shaped strengthening energy diffusion board, the diffuser is also deformed under the huge explosion impact, and there is no paint, and there is no paint ... "


Dennis Patrick's mouth smoked: Although everyone is acting, don't you use this? Barry Hamp also knows some of his performances, and then said: "Right, there is a replacement wheel and tire, which is the most embarrassing impact ..."

Listening to Barl Hamp said they have retained wheels and tires, Dennis Patrick's eyes are bright, hurriedly said: "Quickly take us!

With hubs and tires, this is simple - if there is no replacement tire and hub testified, the investigation team even believes that the joint investigation team has got a car that has never attacked.

When the investigation team gave the investigation to the Hommy Frankist's hand, the anti-affordable anti-land launcher who was justified by Joint Defense Co., Ltd. did have excellent performance in the attack of the roadside fried D. He immediately wrote a report, together with this report, to give the Pentagon together, I hope that the Pentagon will test these cars from the AMC Group as soon as possible, and equipment forces as soon as possible.

The five-corner building is waiting here.

On the one hand, the roadside fried D attack is frequently encountered, not only let the front line headquarters focus, but also make the Pentagon stress huge: the dead is of course not a problem, but the compensation after death is a big problem, compared to the huge compensation after the dead. The amount, what did the soldiers specially equipped with a defense car? In this report of Tommy Franks, I have long since I get the relevant departments from Chen Gengkou, Louis Micro Roy, Louis Micro Roy, who is the same, to the most priority, three MRAPs in AMC. Perform testing.

No one is stupid, the deputy minister has made an indication, although everyone is not good in the test process, but will mention the highest priority to the test.

Even if it is a green light, all the test items have been completed, and it has been used for half a year.

In this half a year, the number of people in the coalition will die almost every month, and the number of injured (including disabilities caused by injured) is close to thousands!

In these casualties, more than half is because of the hope of road fried D, these warfare warriors, injuries, and post-injured people's treatment, recovery, and later living expenses, it has brought huge pressure to the Pentagon. Therefore, in the first time of the three anti-mines of AMC passed the validation of the Pentagon, the Five Universities took the first batch of 50 vehicles to Afghanistan and handed over to the Afghan troops.

At the same time, the Pentagon also gave AMC a total of 2,500 orders, and requested the AMC Group, the remaining 2,500 orders must be delivered within one year, and affected by this positive news, the stock price of AMC has increased 15%.

2,500 orders, the total value of orders exceeded 2 billion US dollars, this news came out, the eyes of all major military enterprises in the United States were red: the first order is 2,500, then the second batch, the third batch of orders ? Afghanistan is still playing, Iraq has already started, the next US military will need a variety of different useful anti-land protection anti-ambulances? 10,000? 20,000? Still 30,000? In particular, the US military truck manufacturer Oshkash, as the largest mid-range tactical truck and heavy truck manufacturer, when seeing the so-called MRAP anti-Anti-volute car of AMC, the intestines repented: What Anti-Lei anti-ambush truck is basically based on medium-sized tactical military trucks and heavy-duty multi-wheel drive heavy trucks, using these trucks powerful load capacity, to the stack of steel plates!

I am coming, I am also!

If I do this, this order is not mine? Eye AMC has won such a huge piece of fat, Oshkash is also urgently held a press conference, announced that they will "use their professional skills and capabilities in manufacturing heavy duty and medium-sized military vehicles, providing the most Good security.

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