king of power

Chapter 1554 Which of the face?

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When Miliejian's capital home broke through these two war, the distant Chinese, the capital of the capital of the capital is also laughter.

Today is the days of Yives Auto and Jinmen Toyota signed a cooperation agreement.

Because the appearance of Chen Pang, this originally signed in the agreement on last year, it will be signed today. After signing the agreement, Yifu Automobile will reach a strategic cooperation with Jinmen Toyota, and Jinmen Toyota is also officially renamed IA Authentic Gate. Toyota, according to the contents of the agreement, in the next five years, Toyota will put a variety of global strategic models to Yualitashimen Toyota. The goal is to achieve 10% market share in China in China.

Toyota has attached great importance to this signature.

Yoshino Haoxing is very clear about the status and influence of Yifan Group in the Chinese political layout, so he is very happy with Yifang, and he is very happy, and can organize a signing ceremony in the big auditorium, which makes him firmly believes Toyota. This time, I made a wise decision. After the contract was completed, Jifei Hao second tightly held the general hand of Yili, excited: "Mr. Xu, we found the best partner!

Established cooperative relationship with Toyota, and Xu Zuo is also very happy. In his opinion, this is a huge political achievement, heard, he nodded: "Yes, I am convinced that I am convinced of this.

Xu total secretary stations behind Xu Song, a relative laugh, suddenly, he found that the Director of the Group's Office is quietly attacked to himself, and the face is still a little dignified.

what's the situation? The security secretary is somewhat confused, and it is clear that he is very clear. If there is a very important thing, Director Li will call himself with him at this time.

The whisper and secretary have always been in the case, and the Secretary is coming to Li Director to follow the front, whisper: "Director Li, what happened? What happened?"

"I just gave me the call from the old classmate of the MB,"

Director Li, said: "The Planning Commission agreed to cooperate with the German BMW Group, and gave a written approval.


The shocked mouth of the security of the security is closed: "The Planning Commission approved?!

As early as 2001, Ji Ahim Millberg, the Chairman of the BMW Group, was in the past, and the old generals discussed the idea of ​​the German BMW Group and Brilliance Automobile Group, the German BMW Group. This suggestion is very supportive, and then, the cooperation between the two parties has embarked on the expressway.

What kind of car is produced by Brilliance? Big bread, that is, we are familiar with the gold cup, in the eyes of Iq, this place is a small bus used in the unit. They naturally will not be placed in the eyes, but they will be put in themselves. Small breaking unit in the eyes, actually "hook up"

BMW? !

What is the BMW? Two carriages of German luxury cars, that is, recognized worldwide, international luxury car brands!

Then the problem is coming: even the brother of Brilliance is not seen in his eyes, there is an internationally recognized luxury sedan brand, what is the old brother? Yi Authentic can say that his red flag is a luxury car brand, and with the support of Chen Pai, I'm old, but a recognized fact is that the red flag is a recognition, Huaxia local Deluxe brand, if you are in the world, you can't say that there is no known name, but it is definitely no BMW and the popularity of the Mercedes-Benz.

Now, I have never seen my little brother "hook up"

I am in the BMW, as "eldest son"

I don't have a luxury car brand that is recognized by the world, which is a world-recognized luxury car brand. Is this? As a "elder child"

However, there is no world-class luxury car brand, which also became the largest heart disease in the group.

As the director of the office, the first demand is that the ear is clear. Li Director is naturally known as the small regret of Xu, after learning this news, immediately telling this matter in the first time.


Director Li nodded, whispered: "My classmate means that if everything goes well, for up to half years, BMW will sign with Brilliance.

"I know,"

Nice to the Security Secretary: "I immediately report to the general report.

"Wait a minute,"

Director Li quickly pulled the Secretary: "There is still something.

"Is there something?"

Seeing Li Director, the heart of An Secretary has to blow: When you look at Li Director, it seems that it is not a good thing.

No matter whether it is a good thing, since Li Director said that, the security secretary has no way. He has only asked: "What?"

"The front side seems to be in the eyes of Germany ..."

Director Li said half of it, but the secretary did a suddenly understood the other person's meaning: Brilliance has hooked up the German BMW, and the auto also hooks the German Mercedes, our IA is only one amc ...... situation is very serious !

............................... When the secretary came back, Xu Zheng was just finished with Yoshino Haoxing. See the Secretary, Xu Yusong asked: "What is the situation?"

Just Secretary reported that Li Director seems to have something to find himself, Xu always has a feeling of feelings: Is it not a good thing? If it is a good thing, Dr. Li should come to himself directly.

The answer of the Secretary has been confirmed by the guessment of Xu Zheng: "The news of Li Director just got, the MBU ratified the cooperation between BMW and Brilliance in writing.

The voice of the security secretary is a little small, it seems that it can not stimulate the owner.


When I heard this, I made a heavy nose sound, as if I can vent my heart is not satisfied.

When An Secretary is taking, Xu Boss seems to be very angry.

Xu boss is of course angry, you are one, who is the eldest son? Have you put me this boss in your eyes? !

One of you grabbed my front, how would you see me when leaders? It can be angry and not able to solve any problems, and Xu Chu is told, and the Secretary is told: "Xiao'an, you will notify, tomorrow morning ... held a video conference in the afternoon, all the main leaders, no one Do not abduct!

Originally, in the morning, I thought that I would report this good news to the leader tomorrow, I was summoned to I move tomorrow afternoon.

"Yes, I am arranged.

The security secretary did not dare to neglect, and he quickly nodded.

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