king of power

Chapter 1562 made a very stupid mistake

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"I really have to trouble you,"

Ferdinn de Piji also said that Walker Stanze said: "Mr. Stanze, can you help me refer to the leadership of the Chinese government department in China?"

I listened to the requirements of Ferdinand Pijish, Walker Stanze knew what he had to do, nodded, "Of course, there is no problem, but Mr. Pi Yich, I have to remind you.

"Oh? What?"

"Iqi Group is very unfair in China, but they are not only a company, or the government department, the introduction of policies in many car fields in Huaxia, are all pushed behind,"

Walker Stanze said: "And according to what I know, the leadership of the Chinese government department mainly in the main car industry seem to be from Yives Group.

"The leaders of the Chinese government department are from Yives?"

Ferdinn de Pijix's face is not very good, if this is the case, the previous plan seems to be a little trouble.

Walker Stanze nodded: "I don't know if you know that Iqi Group has a 'Huaxia's eldest son', you should know the component of this name.

Ferdinand Pijixi's face is more ugly.

Never think that Europe and America will be democratic, in Europe and the United States, whether in the family is still in the royal family, the eldest son is the first heir, and as the first inheritance, the eldest son enjoys the most abundant resources of this family and Cultivate, also given a hopes throughout the family, then they know, known as "China's eldest son"

IA Auto Group has a huge influence in the China government.

At this time, Ferdinand Pijish is a bit clearly understood and understood why Xu Jiang Ping dares to make such a excessive condition, this is what people are in the heart of people.

After realizing this, Ferdinand Pijish solemnly walker Stanze Road, "Thank you, Mr. Stanze, your reminder is very important."

With this reminder of Walker Stanze, in the next negotiations with Iqi, you can have some targeted terms, but if there is no Walker Stanze's reminder, maybe in developing negotiation strategies. When I made a chance to commit a big mistake - I came back, this time this time I have this result, but it is not the influence of IAqi Group in China, especially in the Chinese government. What caused? "You are too polite,"

Walker Stanze said: "Seeing the United States in the United States in China earned, and our Germany has no chance to enter this global economic development, there is a big country in the world, the unlimited potential, to tell the truth, I am also very anxious.

After a meal, Walker Stanze hesitated, it seems to be what is going to say, but it seems to have any concerns.

How can Ferndan De Piezi can't see? He immediately said to Walker Stanze: "Mr. Stanze, what do you think, although it is straightforward.

"This one……"

Walker Stanze hesitated, or said: "Mr. Pijich, the influence of Wolf Mao car in Germany, why do you personally come to promote this cooperation? Convince the government, let the government drive this thing is not What's better? "


Ferdinand Pi Yisi stunned, then, his face was red, a white: He suddenly found himself seem to make a very stupid mistake.

Yes, Wolf Mao is a private company, but in fact, the Wolf Mao is absolutely not just a private corporate company, how is it? It is too complicated that there is no suspicion of the water word, so we say a simple: German government specializes in a law for Wolfao Motors, this law is called "Wolf Motor Company Law".

In addition, in the foregoing, we have three major shareholders in Wolf Burg, which are Porsche family, Piyi family and Germany, Saxony State Government, of which lower Saxony Government holds 20% of Wolfuri Auto. A Government (Well, it is the following local government) actually hold a private enterprise 20.

2% of the shares, this shouted freedom and fair throughout the day, shouting all day, "comprehensive privatization"

The person seems to be incredible, right? However, more inconspicuous places are in the "Wolf Mao Motor Company Law", in some factories, the major events of the company's development, the company's mergers and acquisitions, chairman appointment, etc., 80% must be obtained. Shareholders agree to execute.

This is fun, one side is 80% of shareholders to execute, the other side, is 20 in the hands of Germany's Saxony Government.

2% of the shares, that is, if the Saxony State Government does not agree with this proposal, this proposal cannot be passed.

you got it? To a certain extent, the Saxony government, or straightforward, is the German government has a vote of the Wolfuri car!

The government has a payment of a vote for a company. Who dares to say that this company is not a state-owned enterprise? And that got received the Board of the Wolf Fort Automobile, who was approved by the German government, would it stand in the perspective? When I said, Ferdinand Pijich is what attitude is in the political tendency, but it is not difficult to understand, right? In the real world, there is a series of gods in Huaxia in China. If we rose it to the national and national confrontation, the national competition level, suddenly, all the problems, Do not speak clearly.

Well, can't go deep back, and then go deep into 404.

In general, as a German state-owned enterprise, the German state-owned enterprise with private corporate coat, Ferdinand Pijich did not expect to use the national power to promote cooperation with Huaxia Yifu, in Walker Stanze, Ferdinn Germany Jehshi's approach is stupid.

Ferdinand Pijich also felt a little stupid.

I didn't think it was, but at this moment, after I understand that the meaning of Walker Stanzer's words, Ferdinand Pijixi's face was really red, a white: Yes, I can use the government's strength. Promote this thing, you will hide behind it, let the government don't come out? Why do you have to come out? Outlet, I have been overtime, the most depressed is that I have been pumping a nose, this is really ... it is ... He has been able to think, after returning to Germany, my brieffall, Wolfgang, Porsche How to laugh at yourself.

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