king of power

Chapter 1563 Brand Building Program

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In fact, strictly can't say that Ferdinn de Piji is very stupid. When the public visited the steam, Audi did not use the official power when I was visiting Yiqi? It is only one minute, and the Huaxia, 20 years ago, it can be said that the Wolf Bao Auto is coming to the private identity, we will be a god, but now, after 20 years, after 20 years of rapid development, If Ferdin Dude Pyji also uses old eyes to see people, there is nothing strange to touch a nose.

Ferdinn de Piji also realized this, so he took a breath and said to Walker Stanze: "You are very grateful to your reminder, I will carefully consider this.

"You are too polite,"

Walker Stanze hurriedly said to Ferdinand Pien: "This is what I should do.

.................... Just in Ferdinand Pijich and Martin Wen Denn how to use the German government's power to promote this matter, he doesn't know, his ambitious Table Dolfgang Porsche, is also preparing to engage in a big move ... "Dear brothers, I have an idea,"

On Monday family dinner, Wolfgang Porsche said to his brothers and sisters: "I am ready to complete the acquisition of Wolf Mao Group in 5 to 8 years.

"Do you want to buy Wolf Mao?"

If Wolfgang Porsche, let Wolfgang's family members are shocked.

The Porsche family is a very united family. As early as Ferdinnad Porsche, he stipulates that every week, all family members have to have dinner together, this dinner is both family members to enhance their feelings, increase the rivers and lakes. Time, but also the time to discuss family affairs.

Here, we have to extend slightly, the founder of the Wolf Mao car Faisin Porsche, is not only the founder of Porsche cars. At the same time, he should also create "national" in the 1930s. car"

For the purpose of the Wolf Mao, of course, as a defeated country, after the end of the World War, Wolf Mao car has no doubt that the Porsche family is excluded from the Wolf.

Here, I have to mention Mr. Ferdinan De Porsche, Mr. Ferdan De Porsche, is the old man of Ferdinand Piji is a lawyer. Under his operation, although the Porsche family was canceled. The equity of Wolfuro has been sold by the sales of Wolf Mao, with this as an opportunity, and the Porsche family has gradually taken back the control of Wolfuri.

Mr. Ferdin Delta Porsche, in the end of the end, the wealth mastered by Porsche family gave his son Feli Porsche and his daughter Demi, Porsche, Ferdinand, the assignment of the family wealth, became a Pee The roots of the Xi family and the Porsche family do decades are the root of the enemy: the members of the Porsche family believe that all wealth should be our Porsche family, what is the Piyi family? Of course, the Piyashi family knows that this emotion of Porsche family knows, and does not show weakness: My mother is one of the two children of the grandfather. Why do we not divide property? When Feli Porsche and Lu Shi, Porsche also lived on the bisteland, the two could put the dissatisfaction of their families on their prestige, but in Feli Porsche, Dew After Porsche, this fragile balance can no longer maintain this fragile brother. "Yes ..."

As the third generation of the Porsche family, Wolfgang Porsche slowly nodded: "My brothers and sisters, I think it is time to take the Wolf Mao car back.

At the meeting, you will see me, I look at you, my face is gradually exciting ............................................................................. I don't know anything about it. He is now thinking about a question: How to make Lexus plated a layer of gold? The best way is of course to make Xiao Georg's Cadillac replace it into Lexus LS. To this end, Chen Geiti asked Jack Welge: "Wellch, you feel that Xiao Ge Georgi chooses Lexus LS as a new generation How big is the possibility of a truck? "

"Sir, would you like Lexus to replace Cadillac?"

Jack Welch is a mouth, and it is not close for half a day: "Are you serious?"

Chen Li did not denied it, but said: "Do you think?"

"It's hard, this is too difficult,"

Jack Welge shook his head and said: "Sir, don't say anything else, single is a brand history, our Lexus has no way to compare with Cadillac.

Cadillac's history, the earliest can be traced back to 1902, so far has been hundreds of years, when promoting, Cadillac can proudly claiming that he is a "century brand"

And what about lexus? Too much more than 10 years, I want Lexus to compare with Cadillac, this is not a general!

Chen Geng's nodded, the heritage is indeed the biggest hard injury of Lexus, he sighs: "I don't know if the heritage is less than Lexus's biggest problem, but Jack, we must try to change Lexus's heritage, like Cadillac, USA The automotive industry has developed so many years, why only Cadillac and Lincoln have become a recognized luxury brand, and those history and even earlier than Cadillac have not succeeded? Now, many people are still laughing at our lexus, if we It can promote our Lexus, Lexus can claim to be a 'Dorm.

"This idea is good, but it is really difficult to actually operate."

Jack Welch thought seriously, or shake his head: "BOSS, Cadillac is a universal car's heart, unless you are willing to take the risk of full-war war, otherwise I really don't recommend you to do this.

Chen Geng silently took a moment, and finally nodded: "What you said, this is really too big ... but Jack, if we change one angle?"

"Well? Change a angle?"

Jack Wellchyi: "What angle of this angle?"

"The" President's special car "we can't make a way, once we do this, will make Cadillac and Lincoln to death, but if we make Lexus to create a 'Secretary of State car?"

Looking at Jack Wellch, Chen Geng asked: "What do you think?"

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