king of power

Chapter 1564, 6 million US dollars

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"Secretary of State"

? Jack Welch is a quick thinking quickly.

Before this, there is no "Secretary of State"

This says, whether it is the media of the United States or the people, everyone is concerned about what brand is the brand of the United States, what is the special function, what kind of car is used for the Secretary of State, and there is no one cares.

This also leads to a long time ... or just a little bit, it is: I have always been concerned about the Secretary of State.

But if a brand really launches "cooperation" with Milinan Secretary of State

In the future publicity, it emphasizes its "Secretary of State".

Attribute, who dares to say that this brand is not a luxury brand? In this way, even Jack Wellch himself feels surprised: such a big market blank, how can it always be careful? This is the case, from the initial development of the United States to the present, it has been in the past 100 years, countless car brands in order to "lead the trip"

And broke the head, and finally only the two brands of Lincoln and Cadillac, but in such a long time, no one has never pondered "Secretary of State"

"Secretary of State"

B grame is a "traditional sale"

The B product is low, but it can be a "Secretary of State Car" than any official honor now.

This will definitely let Lexus's B ​​grid rises a big cut, this is no doubt.

Thinking of this, Jack Wellch excitedly told the head: "I think it can!"

God, this is really a genius idea, how can I think? "

Jack Welch is happy, is annoyed: If this method I think, with this idea, I can stay in the history of the car industry, it is a pity ... but compared Thanks to the annoying, he is more actually happy: Although this suggestion is Mr. Fernandes, if it can be implemented through my hand, it seems good.

It's seen that Jack Welch's eye is eager to try, Chen Mongxiao: "How? Jack? Do you have a heart?"

"Yes, I am really a heart,"

Jack Welge nodded, he did not deny this matter to his temptation: "Mr., can you let me do this?"

Since Jack Wellch is so active, Chen Pi naturally will not refuse: "Of course, there is no problem, and I will recommend someone for you.


"Colman Yang,"

Chen Wirong said: "This guy is the uncle of the son-in-law of the Corin Luther, and you will take this guy, although it is not allowed to help, but there is such a layer of relationship or good.

Jack Welch, of course, Korman Yang, before his boss successfully camped the Mayor of Detroit City, the mayor of the Detroit City, who has been successful in his own BOSS. Hey, but this guy is still the uncle of the son-in-law of the Milinian Secretary of State Corin Luther? Jack Welge feded up the strength of the relationship between the two, and then happy: With such a relative relationship, and the communication of Colin Luther will undoubtedly add a insurance. .

.................................... Collin Luhi is very enthusiastic to receive Jack Welch and Colunt.

Don't think as the first black secretary of Milinian history, Collin Luoher is touched as "black light"

Few, very few people realized that the body of Colin Luser assumes that all the predecessors can't imagine, and these stresses come from their own skin, then nature, pay Jack Wei Erchn became a very important means of stabilizing his status, let alone with Mr. Jack Welch to visit him, there is a uncle of his brother's son-in-law ... Although this relationship is a bit, There is no doubt that Coleman is the existence, so that this meeting is not so formal.

At the same time, Colin Luser is still curious: Jack Wellch finds yourself, what is it for? Jack Welch did not let Collin Luser have been waiting for too long, after a few words, Jack Welch stated his intention: "Mr. Lu, this time I come to visit you, is Mr. Fernandes. He is very grateful for your contribution to the United States in the past few years, in order to express you thanked you, he decided to give you two bulletproof version of Lexus LS sedan as your car.

Corin Luke can be appointed by Xiao Ge George as Secretary of State. Of course, his brain is not stupid. In Jack Welch said that Chen Tong wants to sponsor an Lexus LS car as his own car, he is headed. In an instant understand the purpose of Chen Pai: Although I don't know what Fernandes Chen is going to do, the AMC cars will never send a car to himself.

But he did not interrupt Jack Wellch, but a slightly, and screamed Jack Welch continued to say.

Jack Welch's response to Collin Luoher is very satisfied, this guy is a smart person, then said: "Mr. Lu, you have probably, yes, our AMC is ready to build the Lexus brand into 'Secretary of State Car ', of course, we will not let you help, after you retire, the Foundation of AMC Automobile will invite you to conduct national tour, the speech is not less than 20 times, each speech is not less 200,000 US dollars.

Jack Welch opened AMC to ask Colin Luther's condition, it is precisely that Milinan Secretary of State is Lexus endorsement.

In fact, this "cooperation"

The way in the United States is too common. Jun is not seen in Milin, and after a president, we often hear the person's book, earns tens of millions of dollars, and often hear a former president. Speech, how many more dollars in the speech fee ... This is actually the US-style interest delivery: you helped me, I will "thank you for" in this way.

Give you reasonably and legal.

There is no doubt that Corin Lutcher is tattoo: Waiting for himself from the position of the Secretary of State, at least 20 games tour, while each speech is not less than $ 200,000? This is the endorsement of $ 4 million.

I lick the lips, and the eye of Colin Luager came out of the eyes: "I think 30 tour speakers are a good idea.

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