king of power

Chapter 1565 has convinced two major people

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For the greed of Colin Luther, Jack Welch did not feel unexpected, old black, all this.

He smiled nodded from Colin Lu, "30 national tour: Of course, there is no problem, but if it is 30, our cooperation program needs to be revised.

"How to modify?"

See Jack Welch did not have a veto, and the eyes of Colin Luser suddenly lit.

"It's very simple,"

Jack Welch said: "It is no longer to donate the car for the Secretary of State, but it is like a car like Dabu, it is a relatively large movement.

What is the US-leading car? Take the car for the current Star George, in the shape, Xiao George's special car to Cadillac's flagship sedan: Di Wei, but this car is just in the shape, it is actually universal. Based on the group's pickup chassis, this is not blamed, George can only sit "pickup"

It is really this ""

There are nearly 10 tons of the self-weight, the standard Diwei, the standard Diwei, which is in the chassis of the passenger, there is no way to meet the requirements.

The US government began to build this protected performance of the top-scale collar special car before the election has not started, because the project started, so that when Xiao Bir did not unload, this car has been created, Send to the White House, let Xiaobier look at the DC mouth.

During this time, under the promotion of General Motors, the US media did not report to this big collar.

Jack Welch mentioned the "Diwei" of Xiao George

Special car, Corin Luther immediately understood what he meant: like building a big collar, Lexus car will create a car for yourself.

To put it up, don't look at the special car, you can go to the Secretary of State, there is too much for the Cold Acid, such as the daily work car of Colin Lu, is actually a bulletproof version of Lincoln City, not Extended version, in fact, there is no way to talk to Xiao George's ""

In response to the matter.

Do you have a big move? Colin Luager is a little excited, but while he is excited, he is also a bit concern: "Is it true? The big architecture will not ..."

"The Daba is not worried about there, Mr. Fernandes will communicate with Dabin,"

Jack Wellch said with a smile: "The only problem is now, Mr. Lu, you ..."


Colin Luser's lips, biting his teeth: "If my tour price can be increased to $ 250,000, I can fully cooperate with you.

30 patrol speeches, 250,000 US dollars per game, that is, Corin Luther has issued a price of $ 7.5 million.

"Mr. Luser, you are too greedy,"

Jack Wellch frowned: "Don't forget, 30 speeches, 200,000 US dollars per game, this is $ 6 million.

"I said, I will fully cooperate with you,"

Corin Luther is in this matter, he is unusually insisted, he hopes Jack Wellch, it is good to return: "It is $ 7.5 million, but I can fully cooperate with you.

The fixed looks at Ke Lusher, Jack Welch suddenly smiled: "OK, then it is said, $ 7.5 million!" $ 7.5 million!

It is possible to make the Secretary of State to cooperate with themselves, with a $ 7.5 million ad feedback, not high!

As for the problem of Collin Luther, Jack Welch is not worried at all: His Corin Luther has a subject to rule.

.................................. Jack Welch didn't lie, when he was talking to the Colin Luther, Chen Li was indeed a matter of Little Jorge.

As everyone knows, Xiao George is a big farmer owner in Texas, but in fact, Xiao George has not only a big farm, but also a big hippo, today, Chen Tong is in his horses Riding together, Tagma Pentium.

Two hours, the two felt some exhaustion, when the two sat on the lounger while drinking a drink, Xiao George finally opened: "Fernandes, I know that you are a busy person, this time I am sure I am sure. , Let's talk, can I help? "

"Yes, I do something to help,"

Chen Li did not polite with Xiao Georg. He said bluntly: "I am going to build Lexus into a 'Secretary of State car', so lexus will have some movements in the next time, I think this is necessary to follow you. say hi.

Xiao Geji is a person who can sit in the big collar. After listening to Chen Li's sentence, he immediately understood Chen Geng's meaning: "You have to build Lexus to create a 'Secretary of State car'? Coke, How did you think of it before? "

Whether it is Lincoln or Cadillac, it is committed to building a "presidential car" before this.

And "President Special Driver"

Almost became Lincoln and Cadillac iconic cultural symbols, realized this, Xiao Jorge's heart couldn't help but emotion: the president is very cattle X, but "Secretary of State car"

Is it no cattle X? This is said that it is also the same as the bull x, but why did anyone think of before this? Chen Ming and AMC made Lexus into "Milinan Secretary of State"

The idea, not only the sky, but also for the shape of Lexus brand, but also the pen of God!

The heart was surprised and surprised. Admire, Xiao Ge George immediately understood the reason of Chen Ming to find himself: Next, we may have some slogans when promoting, please understand.

If Chen Li does not say hello to Xiao George, he may really be a little angry when he saw the propaganda slogans and advertising, but since Chen Li is now in advance, it is given yourself enough respect, Xiao George Of course, know what to do with: the flower sedan is lifted.

He immediately smiled: "OK, no problem, if Lexus can create a recognized first series of luxury brands, this is a good thing for Miliejian's automotive industry ... Hey, what need to be cooperated At that time you open it.

Xiao George's reaction made Chen Geng very satisfied, he smiled nod: "I will ... Xiao George, have you considered SUV added in your farm?"

"Directive farmer"

One of the people of Xiao George, so we can often see Xiao George to receive foreign political reports in their farm, and also see the report of Xiao Jorge, although Chen Li did not intend to grab the big lead to Cadillac. Carousel

The status, but if you can convince Xiao George to make a endorsement in your private, it is not a consideration.

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