king of power

Chapter 1567, loyalty

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Such a big factory, it is impossible to take the whole visit to complete the entire visit, you can take the legs to the legs, so there are electric vehicles similar to the golf cart, Chen Geng sitting in the car, Bob The slow car is slow, and the company is introduced to Chen Geng: When is this device added, what is the role, the equipment is dry ... It's just like a few people.

A circle, Chen Geng has an intuitive understanding of the modified factory, and it is very satisfied with Bob's performance: although he almost gives this modified factory forgotten this year, it is Bob in this position. The dryness is meticulous, it is really worthy of yourself.

Listening to Bob attentive words, then look at the hair he already spent, Chen Gengxin laughed and didn't know how Bob's intended? Bob ... "

Odd the idea of ​​Chen Ming and whispering.

"Ah? Boss ..."

Bob rushed, and there was some in his heart.

"You are the earliest follow me, but you have been working hard to help me try to modify the factory, and the modified factory can develop to the extent to now, you are grateful to the sun, some extent, your credit is even more than me. Big.

When I say this, Chen Li has some touched. In the past few years, Bob's work can really use "conscientious"

Four words are described, this old brother is really worthy of yourself.

Chen Mung's words, let Bob are sorry, he quickly said: "Boss, don't say this, you have never died, before I met you, I am just a drizzle engineer, now I will take it from the company every year. There is millions of dollars in the dividend, and the price is almost a hundred million, BOSS, I am very satisfied.

Bob is really satisfying, now yourself, don't lack the money, no lack of career, the most important thing is that you still have the most thick thighs in the United States, with this thigh, as long as you don't die, keep Fernandes Mr.'s loyalty, it is equal to itself with a sideway of the gold medal, what else is not satisfied? Although many people in the year are tempting Bob, the Bob's idea is very stable, and it is resolute. In order to persuade Bob, even someone will hide the bob's wife, let Bob's wife "Persuade"

Bob, but when his wife opened, Bob was anger, and he fell out of a sentence. "If you want to divorce, we can do it now!

In this case, the wife of scared Bob never dares.

Chen Geng is shaking his head: "Although you have the shares of the modified factory, you can say that I can't help you ... oh, Bob, I have not remembered, your heart is Detroit. City Hobe, right? Have you ever thought of further? "

Bob's eyes are bright: "Mr., can you really? Do you make you too difficult?"

Listening to Bob said, Chen Geng smiled when he was: "How? Hey ... Members of the State Council, what do you think?"

Bob is not hesitant to reply: "I have no problem, BOSS, what do you make me do.

Take the shoulders of Bob, Chen Tong's response to Bob is very satisfied: "That is said, um, take me to see the Lexus LS.

........................ Unlike regular versions of Lexus Ls, this Lexus LS is a depth custom and modified version.

"Boss, you see, this is the Lexus LS of our customization modified,"

Refers to this car in front of him, Bob excited to Chen Geng introduced: "The first modification of" "First, the first modification is extended, according to your requirements, we cut the car from behind the B-column, added 1 .

2 meters of the body, there is a lengthened this 1.

After the 2 meters of space, we can arrange a pair of seats in the back, so that the rear cabin has formed 2 + 2 face-to-face cabin, and the sound insulation glass behind the driver's seat has formed a private small. Space allows Corin Luther to open a meeting.

In addition to these, there is a built-in weapon cabin on the car, and 4 P226 pistols and 2 guns, each pistol also has an additional 5 bandfles.

In the case of necessary cases, the whole vehicle can realize the full car seal of the cabin to resist the gas attack. During this period, the oxygen in the car is provided by two oxygen cylinders installed in the trunk, these two oxygen bottles It can provide a 30-minute oxygen in the cabin; in addition, the Federal Investigation Bureau also sent several confidential communication equipment, it is said to be very powerful, the entire installation is carried out under their supervision ... "

Chen Geng listened to the end of the link, as for the entire Lexus LS body, after cutting from the middle, it could not guarantee the problem of the safety of the body structure. This is not necessary to worry about it, because this is also a routine practice of American long luxury cars. How to guarantee In terms of body structure security, it is rich in experience, which can ensure that the body strength and rigidity of the modified car can be ensured.

"Good, very good.

Chen Geng glance looked at it, very satisfied: "What can security? Can you guarantee?"

"do not worry,"

Bob said: "In the whole Milinian, our company is the most experienced company that makes a bullet-proof car. This car is also the same, the bulletproof level can reach B7 +, the body can be resistant to the distance of 100 meters.

Direct injection of 62mm armor, the front and rear glass can be resistant to 7 at a distance of 100 meters.

62mm ordinary rifle, the chassis can also resist the power of the ordinary infantry landmines, you can say that this car is estimated to be the Diwei of Xiao George in terms of defensive ability.

Chen Geng listened to the end: "After installing so many armor, the weight of the vehicle is not light? How do you change this power system?"

"Yes, after finishing, the self-weight of the whole vehicle is almost 7 tons,"

Bob's head: "So heavy body, the original motivation is definitely not enough, so we have installed mechanical boost and turbocharged double-booster system for the engine. After this power is completed, the engine is completed. The maximum output power reached 580 horsepower.

580 horsepower power, it is really amazing in this era, Chen Tong has a satisfaction with this motivation, and then asked to Bob: "Is there a driver to train it over there?"

The nature of the US Secret Service is the same as our Central South H bodyguard. It is agency that protects the top of the US government. It is like Xiao George's driver, which is professional training for the Special Service. Since this Lexus LS is converted to Colin · Luce is built, then natural, the Secret Service Bureau sent the driver to familiar with this car.

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