king of power

Chapter 1568 Yifan's visit team came

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"already arranged,"

Bob's head: "These two days of drivers are familiar with the driving characteristics of the car with Lexus Ls, and immediately start using this car to practice next week.

Listening to Bob, Chen Li, no more, he nodded, said: "You will say hello to the Technical Bureau and the Federal Bureau, saying that there will be a reporter over the two days, let them cooperate ... The benefits of this will not be embarrassed.

"I understand.

Bob Lien 1: "Boss, you can rest assured, I have prepared it here.

Your own boss must create Lexus LS into "Secretary of State"

This is known, since Bob is to create Lexus LS to become "Secretary of State"

Nature should cooperate with the media to make a big publicity, there is no quietness of the customized modified cars to the Secretary of Customs.

................................ In the next day, Lexus's propaganda plan officially launched, although there is no big advertisement on TV, but in the slogan of the propaganda, it is quietly changed, such as if the customer walks Entering Lexus's 4S shop, see a large image, the image is a long version of Lexus LS, and there is a line of words: Secretary of State.

In promotion, salesperson in Lexus shop also tried to explain to customer, this particularly extended Lexus LS is the top model of LEXUS car is tailored to Collin Ruther, which is not inferior to Xiao Jorge. The commander of the uniqueness of the universal protective performance, of course, the movement of the Lexus car, of course, is known from General Motors and Ford Car, as Cadillac and Lincoln, in knowing that Lexus cars actually take another way, with this When the way to improve Lexus's B ​​grid, their management is shocked: lying, can you play with this? It can be surprised, no matter how they are depressed, there is no way to find Chen Papi theory - if they really dare to find Chen Power theory, Chen Geng can block their mouth: "For you, you propagate your car is Milinian leadership, Just usually promote your own car is the driver of Milinan Secretary of State? When is there such a truth under the day? "

They can only depressed such a good propaganda material before they haven't thought of such a good propaganda material, depressed by the Lexus cars that they have been launched by themselves, this time, I finally said that I am a luxury car, not like it, saying I have It's a luxury car, you are in your heart.

Yifan's investigation team arrived at Lexus car at this time, heard Jack Wellci used the proud tone to say that Lexus car will become the exclusive car of Milinan Secretary of State, Xu Jiangping ate it - Before this, Iqi, including him, Jujiang Ping, in fact, is in question with Lexus car cooperation, no one denied the excellent Lexus car, but the biggest problem in Lexus car is the lack of brand power, this is also allowed Automatic hesitation: no matter how it also listen, Lexus is more than BMW, and Mercedes is a big.

But if Lexus cars can really become the exclusive car of Milinan Secretary of State, it can be different.


Xu Jiangping rushed to Jack Welch in his heart: "Mr. Welch, is this?"

"Of course, the financial allocation has already been promoted, and the elite driver of the Special Series is now training. If everything goes well, after half a month, the special custom Lexus LS car will be delivered to the government. "

Jack Wellch is too happy, he smiled: "Right, we also made a group of civilian commemorative editions of Lexus LS, in addition to non-bulletproof capabilities and some confidential equipment in the Secretary of State, from within The same is the same, is you interested in see? "

Xu Jiangping is somewhat excited, but at the same time, he is also very cautious: "Can this?"

"No problem at all,"

Jack Welch laughed: "This commemorative version is to be released on the civil market ... Well, we just have a one here.

Xu Jiangping immediately nodded: "If it is convenient, of course!

In fact, not only Xu Jiangping, the entire Yiqi's investigation team is full of interest in this Lexus LS Secretary of State, this thing is born, just like everyone is interested in Mili's leadership, even if it is just one The commemorative version of the non-bullet, everyone can think about some details, when the Secretary of State is sitting in this car.

Jack Welch whispered to the CEO of the accompanying Lexus car told a few words, the CEO nodded, did not have a long time, a long version of Lexus LS was sent to the front.

Looking at the past, Xu Jiangping saw the difference between this extended version of Lexus LS and ordinary version of Lexus LS, the two car doors in the middle were too obvious, that is, this is a three row. LEXUS LS car.

In the 1980s, Iqi once assembled a group of Mercedes-Benz E-class sedan in the way in CKD. In the Mercedes-Benz E-class of CKD, there was a part of the extended version of Mercedes-Benz E, which is also like this, three-row seat, The design of the three-row door, Xu Jiangping at that time was already the middle-level cadre of Yifan, so at this moment, seeing this extended version of Lexus LS, his heart actually had an intimacy.

"Mr. Xu, please.

Jack Welch said, while helping Jiangping opened the door.

"Mr. Welch, please.

Xu Jiangtong and Jack Wellch Qian have got some, and the two came up.

At the car, Xu Jiangping realized that this LEXUS LS is different from the Benz E-class of the Iqi Group assembled: two rows of seats in this car, it is face-to-face, only 2 seats per row, not so The two seats of the second row can usually be accommodated, which means that the most distinguished passengers in the rear seat will not be able to go up.

Xu Jiangping didn't know if this seat has no adjustment, but if there is adjustment function, if necessary, maybe this chair can become a small bed, let the distinguished back seat passengers can take a moment when tired .

In addition, there is a partition behind the main police officer. At this moment, this partition does not rise, but Xu Jiang will definitely, if there is a need, this partition must be rising, and the sound insulation is very good, this is also It means that after the isolation is raised, the rear cabin can form a super confidential private space, the passengers in the rear cabin open a highly confidential meeting here, completely no problem.

Message, Xu Jiangping can't help but feel the true thoughtfulness of Americans.

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