king of power

Chapter 1577 Capital Nothing

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What can't be thought of, the capital of Wall Street is so sensitive to this matter. On the evening, the Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Ford and the famous George Soros have given themselves. I have issued an invitation, I hope to "drink a cup of coffee together at the time"

Chen Li has some feelings: Ji Sheng Cheng is very efficient.

In the face of Richard Fald and George Soros, Chen Geng's hurts promised to say, indicating that he had time tomorrow afternoon, you can drink coffee together.

When you have money, the efficiency of capital is really high. The phone call, the next afternoon, Chen Tong saw Richard Fald and George on a luxurious yacht over 60 meters. Soros two.

Chen Geng is very clear, don't see what I have seen is just Richard Ford and George Soros, but in fact, the two people are more than 100 billion dollars, are waiting for the two news. Therefore, Chen Li also did not sell Guan Chi and asked the two directly: "Richard, George, I believe that you have heard the wind I put out, I am going to engage in a big ticket, right?"


Richard Ford and George Soros nodded together.

"Mr. Fernande, Lehman Brothers is very interested in your next move, if possible, Lehman Brothers can very hoped to participate.

Richard Ford first showed the attitude of Lehman Brothers: We also want to come in a piece.

"Soros Fund is also true,"

George Sorros followed nodded and made it clearly: "Mr. Fernandes, you are a recognized top financial master of Wall Street, and your stunning performance in multiple financial activities in 87 years, you have to be big. Action, Soros Fund greatly hopes to be your friend.

"me either,"

Chen Wirong Xiao nod: "But I want to emphasize a little, this time my goal is our allies: Germany, two, do you have no problem?"

Richard Ford and George Soros look at the eyes, both people laughed ... "Mr., the United Kingdom is our allies, but this does not affect the Solos Fund sniper.

George Soros first shows its attitude.

After George Soros, Richard Ford also said: "Although Lehman Brothers is an investment company, there is a chance to make a quick money, who will oppose?"

Listening to Richard Ford and George Soros said that Chen Mong smiled nodded: Sure enough, there is no country, no good evil, the only goal is to make money.

George Soros was slightly stunned, and I wrinkled about her brow and asked Chen Ge: "However, Can I ask Mr. Fernandes?"

Chen Geng's head: "You said.

"According to the situation I have, the German economy does not seem to have a big problem?"

George Soros looked at Chen Li and slowly said: "I don't know how you plan to do it?"

George Soros's voice fell, Richard Ford also stared at Chen Pigang, waiting for Chen Pai's answer. In fact, this problem is also Richard Fald wants: German economy There is no big problem, in this case, how do you prepare to do your German? "Yes, Germany's economic and financial doctors have not too much problem.

Chen Wanto nodded, because the two said the fact.

Listening to Chen Li, said that Richard Ford and George Soros did not be angry, but the more expected, the words of Chen Geng did, and the recognized financial genius Fernandez Chen has admitted Germany. There is no problem in the economy, then what is it prepared to cut a piece of meat in the German? "The German economy has no problem, but this does not mean no problem elsewhere,"

Chen Ge said: "Two, we went to the movie room, I gave two things to look at it.

Listening to Chen Li, Richard Ford and George Soros are more unexpectedly looking forward to the next situation: Fernandes Chen found anything else? When I arrived in the audio and video room, Riener Taylor had waited, see Chen Li, she quickly greeted, whispered: "Mr. is ready.

"Okay thank you.

Chen Geng nodded to Rielan Taylor, but did not immediately open something going to see it, but asked Richard Ford and George Soros: "George, Richard, you What is the current German @ ? "

Is this German @ now? Chen Ming's words, let Richard Ford and George Soros have some embarrassment, two people look at me, I see you, I don't know how to answer.

Richard Ford and George Soros did not exceed Chen Geng's expectations. He was the first: "Well, I will change one question: You think that this German, it is not considered. A strong army can be in the world? "

"This ... is it?"

Richard Ford hesitated, first replied: "I think they are very powerful.

Chen Geng nodded, did not say anything, but to see George Soros: "George, what do you think?"

"I think ... should it be?"

George Soros hesitated, followed by nod: "I am not very familiar with military equipment, but I know that German Leopard 2 tank is very powerful, is one of the best main battle tanks in the world, in addition to me. In the impression, the weapons of German equipment should be the best weapons and equipment in today's world. Although their combat power has no way to compare with our US military, it should be nice ... How? What? Isn't the situation? "

It is not idiot. When Chen Li is deliberately asking himself to the German view, whether it is Richard Ford or George Soros, it is aware that there is something that is not so simple.

Chen Geng nodded, Richard Ford and George Soros did not exceed his expectations, but he did not answer two questions, but continue to ask: "So, in your heart If you let you rank the army combat power of the four European countries of the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy according to their previous impression, what should you think? "

After saying, Chen Wirong smiled and looked at Richard Ford and George Soros, waiting for the answer of the two.

For the answer to the two people, Chen Li is really looking forward to it.

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