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Chapter 1578 has been abolished

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Richard Ford didn't quite understand why Chen Geng will ask this question, but after you are sinking, he said: "If you are simple than the overall combat, I think the UK, France, Germany, Italy Such a row, because the British and France have aircraft carrier, but if it is simple than the fighting will of the military, I think it should be Germany, the United Kingdom, France, Italy.

Listening to Richard Ford said that George Soros also nodded: "Yes, I think so, if it is said that the Germans will be the most powerful, if it is the two indicators of combat will and obeys.

Richard Ford and George Soros answered an expectation of Chen Ming: Is this two people's evaluation of the German? But thinking about the identity of these two people, Chen Geng is relieved: George Soros was born in Hungary in 1930, and I learned a little history. During the Second World War, Hungary was German servant, During the World War II, the power of the German should have left George Soros, which can be a strong army that will be able to defeat the power around the world. Even if it is failed, I am afraid it in George Soros's eyes. It is also because German widows are not enemies. If it is one or even a pair of two, in the case of a pair three, the German will not lose.

With the profound memory of this childhood, George Soros believes that the Germans exceed the British, French and Italy in both ways of fighting will and obedience, and they will not have the expected expectations. Italy is German millet, France has fallen into the land of the Germans, and has to build an exiled government overseas. Only by an English British British is still better, but also is not light, maybe He seems that if the Americans participate in, the Germans have killed the UK is so late.

As for Richard Ford, why is the idea of ​​this, this is simpler, this guy is 1946 born in the Military family in Colorado, USA, so that he should hear it from his own father. When I tell my father, how much it is difficult to deal with the Germans when I am fighting, and the French and Britain, which is american allies, and what is poor performance in the battle ... childhood memories are powerful, and it is terrible. When the parents told Richard Ford, the Germans are very powerful, allies are always legs.

At this point, his brain is certainly more inclined to Germany.

I want to understand that these, Chen Geng Mini, the first: "Perhaps the Germans in the Second World War II have been very powerful, but now this German army ..."

He shook his head and said: "Two, watch the video, these video information is found from the Pentagon, from the Gulf War to the Kosovo war, and then go to the Afghan war now, everyone can look at the German performance.

After that, he pressed the remote control.

............ The time is not long, but half an hour, you can see the battle in the impression, and the performance of the Germans in these three battlefields in these three battlefields. Whether Richard · Ford is still George Soros, all stayed ... After a while, Richard Fald is incredible to Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernandes, this is really a military team consisting of German people? "

George Sorros did not speak, but his eyes expressed the same meaning: Is this really a military composed of German people? Is this a group of pigs? Chen Mong smiled and said: "I feel that these guys have a fight with the Italian army during World War II."

Richard Ford and George Soros nodded, Italy at World War II!

Don't mention it, it is a joke - about the unexpected jokes of the Italian army at World War II, I have a large piece on the Internet. Let's not say it here.

"I know that you think that I will show you something, telling the truth, you will think that I don't feel strange,"

Chen Geng nodded and said: "I will tell you a few sets of data. The first group. At present, the total number of Germans in the Afghan battlefield is more than 4,300, but in the past 2002, the Germans on the Afghan battlefield Drinking 900,000 liters of beer, almost 210 liters in a per capita, in the Campground of German, you can see the drunken German soldiers.

Richard Ford: "..."

George Soros: "..."

More than 200 liters of beer per capita, the average one can 550ml long pull beer every day, is this a military? For the reaction of the two, Chen Mong did not feel unexpected. He then said: "Because of alcoholism, it is easy to get fat, leading to the proportion of soldiers in the Germans to" excessive obesity "account for 30% ... Please pay attention, There is almost one-third of soldiers 'excessive obesity', as for the 'standard' and 'excessive obesity', more than 60%, only less than 10% of soldiers belong to 'standard'.

Richard Ford and George Sorros did not talk, and the eyes of the two were a bit.

Chen Geng said: "The second group, as of last week, the Germans stationed in Afghanistan did not have a fight mission, please pay attention, not the coalition headquarters did not send them to fight mission, but the German commander refused to accept this Tasks, they only accept logistical materials and patrol such tasks, and they can be used as a task of patrol and logistical materials to transport this type, they often go out.

"This is too exaggerated?"

Richard Fall is really can't help: "How is this possible?"

Chen Geng's face "I know you will ask this"

The expression, nodded: "I know this is very incredible, but the relationship with Lehman Brothers, should it be difficult to verify this by the military relationship?"

Richard Ford does not talk, indeed, with the energy of the Lehman brothers, as long as you think, you want to verify this is really relaxed, just one thing to let Richard Ford can't understand: How did the German army in the World War II have become this like this? It is George Soros, and his eyes are light, some understand that Chen Geng gave himself to these, saying these purposes, he worked to Chen Geng asked: "Mr. Fernandes, what you mean, now this German, already It became a group of young grandfather, not only can't mention the Germans in history, and even could not fulfill the responsibility of the security guard. "

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