king of power

Chapter 1583 gives German eyes

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Walk away Walker Stanze, Mr. Guo sneaked into a moment, shouting his secretary, asked him: "Xiao Wang, FAW Group recently prepared to find a partner, how much?"

Xiao Wang secretary really knows this, so he heard that he immediately said: "Before, Yifang Ping's manager saw the cooperation application of Brilliance and German BMW car, Germany Mercedes-Benz car is in the first When the steam group is eyebrow, it is a bit anxious, I want this world-class partner.

Mr. Guo nodded: "So IAF Group is preparing to cooperate with Audi?"

Xiao Wang said this situation. He is very understood that Iqi Group can be the largest car industry giant in China, known as "eldest son"

The existence, since it is a "elder child"

So no matter what the benefit is inevitably, it is priority, the government has always done this year, but now, seeing Mercedes-Benz and BMW, the world's recognized luxury car brand is actually going to see it at all. The two younger brothers cooperated, Xu Jiangtun can comfortably, it is to see the ghost, want to find a world-class luxury car brand to cooperate.

"Leaders, not such a thing,"

Thinking about the interests of this time, Xiao Wang secretary couldn't help but laugh: "Before this, it was the end of last month. ... Chairman Ferdinnad, the board of directors of Wolf Mao Mr. Martin Wen Den, a chairman of Audi Car, visited the Yi Jiangping Comrade, and wanted to promote and contribute to the cooperation between Iqi Group and Audi. It was the result of Xu Jiangping. Audi.


Listening to your secretary said that Mr. Guo came: "This is a bit meant, talking about what is going on, why didn't Xu Jiangping, why didn't you see Audi?"

"Xu Jiangping comrades did not look Audi, what is going on, in fact, we are not clear, but now there are two, one is a lot of Xu Jiang Ping, I feel that Audi's brand is not hard, compared with Mercedes and BMW. Drape, he hopes to cooperate with Cadillac or Lincoln in the United States.

"It makes sense,"

Mr. Guo's consciousness: "On the brand, Cadillac and Lincoln's brand must be more hard than Mercedes, BMW and Audi, Xu Jiangping chooses Cadillac and Lincoln, this is right ... Oh, you will say, What is the reason? "

In Guo, Mr. Guo seems that the luxury brand is hooks with the strength of the country. The United States is the world boss, so it is a matter of course, their luxury brand is also the most hard luxury brand in the world, so this world, The real luxury car brand is two, one is Cadillac, one is Lincoln, as for Mercedes-Benz BMM Audi, you have a defeated country in Germany, until now, his country is still stationed in the army. It is also a country that dozens of sub-skin gives Americans as a military base, which also spreads a normal country? According to our previous, your Germany only called "semi-colonial"


A car brand in the semi-colonial country, if it is not because of the relationship of historical heritage, it has become a second-class luxury car brand in Cadillac and Lincoln.

"Leader, I have heard of the second reason, I heard that it is not such a thing, I can't guarantee.

Xiao Wang secretary smiled.

"Hey ... you say it.

I got the permission of the leaders, Xiao Wang secretary said: "The second reason this is the second reason is that Ferdan De Piji and Martin Wen Den have arrived in FAW, the shelf ends are bigger, the nostrils are on the sky. The arrogant is not, the meaning of the words is "our Audi can cooperate with you to give you a big face. You hurry to sign the contract ', which is said that there is no technical transfer in this contract, which is the agreement such as the technology transfer. Say, in essence, Audi is to find a production plant in our country to find a foundry, and is distributed to FAW. As for other such as technology transfer, it is not complete.

When I saw this condition, I was said that Xu Jiangping commented on the time, there was a small news that Xu Jiang Ping commented that the table was shining at the table, 'Your Wolf Mao car also as us is the Chinese 20 years ago? !


Speaking here, Xiao Wang secretary secretly saw Mr. Guo, and then said: "Of course, this is the rumors of comrades, it is not such a thing, just ask Comra of Jujiang Ping.

When it comes to, Xiao Wang secretary does not help but have a bit of gloating.

The Secretary of Xiao Wang said so, but Mr. Guo's face suddenly changed.

When I negotiated in the auto and Wolf Mao car, Mr. Guo is also a member of the negotiation team. The specific position is the minority secretary of the negotiation. The content and details of the negotiations are responsible for the summary of the negotiations. At that time, Mr. Guo, the process of negotiations, Germans Pride and the nostril's look, gave Mr. Guo: Sure enough, the country is behind, a American dog can't afford us.

Of course, later Chen Geng's AMC car kills out. Dramously Wolf Mao car, we will not say it, just say that Germans, the past has been so late, their eyes are still growing on the top, What is more than 20 years ago, and it's still that stretch today in 20 years. It's really a dog can't change it!

To be honest, Mr. Guo really thinks if it is to help the German, but the little king secretary, but let Mr. Guo have a feeling of good feelings of Wolf.

However, it is a matter of goodness, IAF Group is how important is the whole Huaxia, he is very clear, so after adjusting his own mentality, he once again asked Xiao Wang secretary: "Then do you know Iraq How is steam and American communication? GM and Ford Motors are willing to take Cadillac, Lincoln with Yives? "

"I don't know very well,"

Xiao Wang secretary shakes his head: "But it seems that General Motors are only ready to take Buick brand to cooperate with our Iqi, and the Ford car seems to be directly refused.

"This is ..."

When I heard such a situation, Mr. Guo did not exempt some regrets.


When I said that the Secretary of Xiao Wang suddenly thought of a thing, I said: "Right, although the general car and Ford cars refuse, but I heard that Chen Geng Chen seems to have intentionally take their Lexus Auto Group to cooperate. I heard that the team of Yifan Group has already went to the rice.

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