king of power

Chapter 1584, everyone is serious

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"Chen Geng's Lexus?"

Mr. Guo's consciousness frown: "This brand is not hard enough.

Of course, he knows Chen Geng's Lexus brand. This is a new luxury car brand that Chen Ming and AMC car together. In Guo, Mr. Guo's view, the hardness of Chen Geng Lexus is more than Cadillac and Lincoln. To stand back, Cadillac and Lincoln may be the special brand of the United States, which is the biggest collar of Miliejian to choose Lexus? I am afraid that Chen Tong and the front and rear reasons are good, but no one chooses Lexus.


Xiao Wang secretary smiled and nodded: "Leading you said right, Lexus's brand is better than Cadillac and Lincoln, but I heard that Milinan Secretary of State has prepared to choose Lexus as his car.

Listen to the secretary, Mr. Guo stunned: "Well? Is there such a thing?"

Previously, no country's top-level political choice Lexus car as his administrative car, this is also the most important reason for Mr., feels that Lexus cars is not hard enough, but if Milin's current secretary of State Corin Luther chooses Lexus as a His executive car, that meaning can be different, or say, it is huge, it is a luxury car brand that you can say that you are a luxury car brand.


Xiao Wang Secretary Nod: "I bought a" Friends "magazine two days ago. There is a report of Lexus customized by Lexus for Corin Luther.

When I heard the secretary of Xiao Wang, Mr. Guo was more surprised: "Americans actually allow our domestic magazines to report this?"

Xiao Wang Secretary linger: "Lexus is provided to the media to shoot, is based on the Secretary of State car, which means that it is like the secretary of the Secretary of State, but it is not possible to bulk, and there is no specific car. Those special features, but they still provide photos of the Secretary of State, such as fraudulent photos such as the thickness of the bulletproof glass.

"This is ..."

Mr. Guo said, for a while, he told Xiao Wang secretary: "Then your magazine takes me.

If Lexus can really become the car of Milin Security, it is not the same. In addition, Chen Li has always been friendly attitude toward China. Mr. Guo feels that if you must choose between Lexus and Audi I will never choose Audi - German is not something!

Xiao Wang secretary is busy: "I will take it."

Don't worry, "

Mr. Guo stopped him: "During this time, you pay attention to what comrades from Mr. Pijish and Wen Den, and report to me after the news.

Xiao Wang secretary is busy.

He has already understood him in his heart, and his heart silently silently silently: When you take a grandfather in the nostrils, you should let you touch the wall.

.................................... Lexus car specializes in the "Secretary of State Customs" created by Colin Luser

It was officially delivered, taking into account the seriousness, this kind of thing is certainly impossible to get a ceremony, but to Chen Pira, which is in the hands of the propaganda channel, this is not a problem, next, often on the major media in the rice country. Seeing the news of Colin Luuri Secretary to meet foreign political news, and whenever this time, these media will always give a big close-up to the LEXUS's car standard.

Prior to this, the American man-recognized Milinian local luxury car brand was only 2.

5: Cadillac calculates one, Lin Waff, and Lexus can only count half, but now, when the big propaganda machine is started, soon, the people of the rice country have "Milinan three luxury car brands"

The awareness, and there is no opinion on Lexus cars: Secretary of State chooses Lexus as his car, is this still not explaining everything? At this time, Michael Lehman appeared in Chen Geng's manor ... "Mr. Fernande, for a long time,"

Michael Lehman's face is full of smiles: "I haven't added it in half a year?"

"Yeah, it's almost half a year.

Chen Pigang also smiled nodded: "Come, Michael, please sit, you are a thin.

After two people, they were all in the cold, they were smart people. For why there will be today's meeting, both sides know the same thing, so after the fall, Michael Lehman does not follow Chen Tong, and said directly: " Fernanders, you know, the last time you said, the timid guys were scared.

When I said this, Chen Li smiled: "Ha ... I just opened a joke with him. He won't be true?"

"He didn't know, but I was really,"

Michael Lehman put down the cup and looked at Chen Division. "Fernande, my friend, isn't you serious?"


Chen Ming smiled and looked at the cup and didn't answer.

How can he answer this kind of thing.

"I know you are serious,"

Michael Reiman suddenly seriously, he sighed and said: "I know, although I tell myself in countless times, you are joking, but my heart tells me, you are telling me seriously. If I really will make your words, you will be a joke, you will be a joke, right? "

Chen Pill shrugged, still did not speak.

"I don't know how you know the results after five years, but this is not important. It is important that we all know that you have this ability."

Michael Rehmann said, his eyes suddenly red: "These days, I have a secret to check the company's situation, I really found some unsatisfactory situation, if I said, I have some doubts about you. So after seeing things that are not we specially smashed, I have no duplication of the dot to you again ... Mr. Fernandes, I ask you to save the Lehman Brothers, as long as you are willing Show, Lehman brothers are willing to pay any price!

"The" any price "is not to say, you and I know this is impossible,"

Chen Geng looked at Michael Reiman, faintly: "If I say I want Lehman brothers, will you give me?"


Michael Lehman didn't talk. Can I still give any differences for the Lehman family? Anyway, the Lehman family lost Lehman Brothers.

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