king of power

Chapter 1585 of the attack begins

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Looking at Michael Reman, Chen Geng said slowly: "Michael, since you have already found some things, then I will do it, yes, I really saw something, but I didn't be your Lehman Brothers. Merrill and Belsden will also have the same ending as you ... Michael, you are a smart person, you should know that the top five investment banks in the United States, the three behind the top five in five years, all bankrupt, all bankrupt, this means what.

When I heard Chen Geng, Michael Lehman's pupil screwed into a needle tip.

He certainly knows that if in five years, the last three of the five major countries in the United States means that there is anything that it means, so Michael Lehman's voice is awkward: "Not only our Lehman Brothers?"

He still didn't dare to confuse, single is a Lehman brother will be scared in five years, but also add the third Merrill and the fifth Belsden in the United States? For a time, Michael Lehman even hesitated, hesitating if he should listen to Chen Pai, since now in five years, five years, the things you discovery will really let Mei Lin, Lehman Brothers and Bellsden bankruptcy? Michael Lehman thinks this is a bit too absurd.

"Oh ... I said.

Chen Geng's expression is very bad, a pair "you love letter, do not believe in"

The harsh model.

Chen Mong did not expect his unintentional sentence to scare the Lehman family into this virtue, but very good, since Michael Lehman believes that he really has a mana, you can "see"

Some things after five years, don't bull him with this opportunity? Can Chen Giranda is this expression, Michael Lehman's heart is more harmed, no end: Will not? In addition to the Lehman Brothers, Merlin and Belson will be unlucky. He had a heart to say that Chen Li is in the heart, but there is a voice in his heart tells him: "If Fernandez Chen wants you, is he necessary to spide your next stupid lie?"

Yes, if you just say that the Lehman Brothers will be unlucky, he still said that Mei Lin and Belsden will be unlucky. This is too much, Mei Lin, Lehman Brothers and Belsden, located The third, fourth and fifth of the United States, the fourth and fifth, the third to fifth investment banks in the United States will be unlucky in the next five years. This is no longer a problem, even if it is said to be a fool. Listening, it is estimated that the fool will not believe it? Michael Lehman is not a matter!

Conversely, this kind of thing is incredible, but Fernandes Chen still said to himself, this also explains what? "me……"

Michael Lehman Zhang has a mouth, but I don't know what to say, there is no doubt that if Chen Ge said it is true, the situation of Lehman Brothers will face it is too serious.

Looking at Michael Lehman, Chen Mingxiao: "Michael, I just said, maybe I am wrong ..." Oh, it is better to talk about it, let's talk about the Germans. "

Chen Mong temporarily gave up this topic, this is the meaning of Michael Lehman, such a big thing, he really needs to take a good consideration, heard, he nodded: "Ah? Ok, next how you plan to deal with German?"

"Of course, tell Germans, their army is now a dexter,"

Chen Ge said: "We must let the German know that their army now can't protect them, only Milin's army can protect the German ... I think this is the Pentagon and the White House hope to see the situation?"

Talking about this, Michael Rendhon smiled: "This is too simple.

Anyway, the current Lehman brothers are also the fourth major investment bank in the United States. In the world, it can also occupy a place in the field of investment, in Dongpu, Germany's "traditional forces"

It is even more influential, and for the Lehman Brothers, if it is just manipulating public opinion, this is really simple.

.................................. Between the night, the main mainstream media in the United States suddenly began to discuss the performance of the army of the Afghan countries in the battlefield, the US military is of course praised, the British army The performance is also good, but the German army ... "... Now, we will go to visit the German military camp in Afghanistan."

A female reporter from ABC TV (US Broadcasting Company) news band, with a anti-playing helmet, wearing a US military desert camouflage, look very like being that, saying to the lens: "Now The German military camp is still 5 km. Before arriving at the German military camp, let's interview our Warriors what views on our German Allies ... "

Speaking of this, the female reporter sitting in the coach took the long microphone to drive the driver ... At the same time, with the car photographer also cut the lens in the past ... Asked to the driver: "John , I didn't make a mistake, what do you call John? How do you see our German ally? "

"Yes, I am John, John Lister,"

I have been interviewed, I have got out of the opportunity, and the driver is obviously very happy. He is proud of the camera than a "V"

The gesture, this said: "As for our German ally?"

Speaking of this, his face reveals a disgusted color: "God, where they are allies, it is a group of cumbersome!

I don't even think they are eligible to be called a soldier.

"How do you say this?"

The beautiful female reporter has a strong eyes: "We all know that although the German defeated during the Second World War, they can still be very powerful.

"The German army during the Second World War is really very powerful,"

John sure nod, but at the same time, he also said: "As for the current German @ ... I will not say much, I will see a group of ghosts after you get to the camp.

"I didn't listen wrong?"

A beautiful female reporter is surprised: "What are you talking about alcohol?"

"Yes, it is a ghost,"

John's face is not a disgust of disgusting: "Almost all camps are alcoholic, those who have died of Germans, not drinking, there is no military person.

"How can this be?"

The beauty reporter frowned, obviously to John's words deep doubts.

John did not explain, just said: "You can see it right away.

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