king of power

Chapter 1586, laughter

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This time is not bad. I didn't encounter the case of no one in the check. But when the team just entered the camp, I didn't wait for the car to stop, one hand held the canned beer to sway the German soldier. In the lens.

Beautiful female reporters are stupid: "This ... this is ..."

"This is what I said to you,"

The driver John sighed: "Do you think they are still a group of soldiers?"

"This is really ..."

The reporter didn't know what to say.

Still John reminded her: "Miss, get off, the Germans are responsible for receiving your officers.

The reporter nodded and got off the bus while also said to the lens: "I have to ask him later. For this situation, don't they don't care?"

I just got off the bus, the shooting team was smoked by the drove of the commander to smoke - the German officer who was responsible for the interview team, and it was also a full face.


Seeing the female reporter from the HMMWV military vehicle, the Germans of the Germans shook and greeted her: "Beautiful lady, hello ..."

When the picture is played here, the picture is suspended, by giving a reporter's drawing outside: "In the next, the situation we see throughout the camp is that you can see the drunken guy at any time, give us the feelings, we are not In a military camp, but in a street in a bar, we can't help but ask, is this allies, is it a group of qualified ally? Is it really helpful? "

...................... ABC TV station starts from here, while the Fox TV station starts at the obesity rate of the German soldier, through the Fox TV, the audience will be in place, is a group of white pigs. Fat, no matter what interviews or pictures, they are instilled to the audience in front of the TV: this is the soldier of the German active service, one is fat, we can count on such a group of guys become our qualified allies? These reports come out, Americans are proud and proud while Americans are also desirable about the poor performance of Germans: A group of military teams consisting of alcoholic and fat man, also call the army? !

If these reports are only in the United States, it will be, and the Germans are not in the installation, but we all know that there are two magical existence of Europe, a "European mixed stick"

, One, "European wrapped foot cloth"

"European mixed stick"

It is a famous England, as for "European wrapped foot cloth"

, The big name Ding Ding is also, see how the Americans report the ugly things of the Germans, how can these people bullied by the Germans during World War II? The Germans in the Afghan battlefield immediately moved all major media by two countries, become the British and Poles's laughter - probably a kind of "I didn't play you, now Laozi can laugh at you "


British and Polish, the United States, the United States in the Afghan battlefield, the French did not dare to gray, and Waln also knew that the French was also bullied by the Germans during World War II, now there is a laughter Germany. Human chance, how can they miss it? Especially since World War I, the French has always been self-sufficient, and for this, I didn't even gave Americans, as for the German, the Germans didn't seem to have a good thing, this feature After the economic development, I have been trying to grab the leadership of Europe, and now I have a chance to ridicule Germany. The French will naturally come behind.

For a time, the whole Europe has fallen into the carnival of the German military, the German also became a smile of everyone, and even a genius comic teacher painted a comic, comic, a fat, holding a feet, holding in his hand The German soldiers of the beer mug, lost the rifle over again, and the whole person swayed, but there is a coffin, and the coffin has been stretched out.

Despite the political sensitivity, the comic teacher did not write or painted anything related to Hitler, but all people who saw this painting clearly understood the meaning of the invincible German life in the year. After this appearance now, Hitler's coffin board can't stop.

In this case, the Germans are naturally corrupted!

After all, no matter who is, it is so taunt, and his mood will not be too good.

But then, there are some sounds inside Germany: our soldiers, what is it like? Is it true to be such a drunk wine? Under the promotion of the people, this sound will soon establish the sound discussed in Germany. Yes, our soldiers, what is the way? For all, the Germans are actually proud of their army. Many Germans feel that although we defeated in the Second World War, this is because the strength of the enemy is too disappear, but the army In terms of combat power, the gentleman is still the top strong army of the world, especially in these years, everyone knows that their army is equipped with the world's most advanced weapons, such as the world's best Leopard 2 series of main battle tanks, today The world's most advanced "typhoon"

Fighter ... All Germans feel that our army is even more powerful even if our army is like the Germans in World War II, but will n't it be too bad? It can be coming out, and the Germans have become a smile in Europe. While the heart is still a bit panic: our army is not really like this? Although these years, because of the identity of the World War, the German government and the German social public opinion are deliberately pressing the army, but everyone understands that if the current German is really such a virtue, it can be a big problem. How can this army that may fulfill the responsibility of the Guardian Wei Guo? Just in Germany, I discussed the current German fighting power. Is it true that a group of pigs have been made in a group of pigs in recent time, a group of voices suddenly came: should be carefully considered by the requirements of the German people. The quantity of the US military in Germany is reduced, and the requirements of the military base stationed in Germany.

This news came out, countless Germans began to panic.

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