king of power

Chapter 1587 showup

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During the period of the two-level hegemony of the United States, the powerful Soviet army can say that it is directly on the top of the German, saying that the Soviet is sneezing, and the German's heart is trembled. !

Now, although the Soviet Union is no longer, can it be afraid of German? Do not!

They are still afraid!

Take a look at the map, from Russia's St. Petersburg to Germany's linear distance is only more than 1,300 kilometers, which is a distance from the big cities of the two countries. If it is a straight line distance of the border line of two countries, it is shorter Only 1,000 kilometers.

What is the distance between the distance between 1000 kilometers? What is this distance? It can be said that Germany is all in Russia's heavy-duty fighters and remote cruise missiles. If you are a metaphor, if you have a metaphor, it is nothing more than before being taken by the Soviet Union, and now the gun is now It has three inches far away, but this is not top, the dead gross says that he is dying, not to say that Russia can use the power of the Baltic Fleet to combat Germany.

It's not polite, although the Soviet Union is now no, the Russians stay in the German heart fear, and the real military threat, or let the German night can not be in the night, and it is fear of this neighbor afraid.

In this case, many US military bases in Germany, US military European Command and more than 70,000 garrisons are critical to protecting German national security, but at this time, in this entire Germans are When you suspect that your soldiers can bear the national strategic security of Germany, Americans say that the number of garrisons and the number of bases should be cut. For Germans, this is not already a sunny day!

In the first time of hearing this news, Schroed was called Xiao Jorge, confirming the authenticity of this matter: "Mr. George, I heard that your country is now interested in cutting the number of midroads in the German army. really?"

"This ... I did paying it for me before the Pentagon."

Xiao Ge is nodded, nor to hide: "said that you strongly ask the quantity of the Decocation of the German army, isn't it?"

I didn't have anything, and Schroedon was anxious when Schroedon: "Mr. George, you know, the German government has always welcomed the rice country @ in Germany, the US military in Germany is safe to Germany Off is important, this is the relationship of the two countries.

"Isn't said that?"

Schroed's words have not been finished, they will be interrupted by Xiao Jorge: "Mr. Schroer, these years have come to the Decolites of the Decree Army in the German army and the number of voices of the military base station in Germany. Broken, even if this voice is getting higher and higher, you don't tell me that this is nothing to do with your government.

The diplomacy of the submit to the media is a matter, it can really come to the level of Xiao George and Schroeder. When both parties are talking, don't wear a circle, what is said, as for the problem that does not give face ... huh, , With Mi Lijian's ability to control Germany, is Xiao Geoji need to give Schroede? "..."

When Schroedon was dumb.

He, of course, Xiao Ge George said that, Germany requested that the sound of the US military in Germany is so high, the number of opposes the US military is high, if this is nothing to do with the German government, this has to have a letter.

The truth of the fact is that with the growing gross national strength, from the economic context of Germany, Germany has even surpassed France, the United Kingdom and Italy, and became the number one economically strong country in the European continent. As the saying goes, the money is gallbladder, and the economy has gradually developed. Germany, started to have the same psychology as the east of the previous year, and began to gradually feel that Americans are "dog chains" on their necks.

Let yourself be uncomfortable, no longer willing to give the Americans as a dog, want yourself as a person, just want to use this way to get rid of this "dog chain" on your neck

It's just that this time is really too embarrassing. I desperately desperately want to get the American set of Germans in the chain of the Americans in my neck. Suddenly I found that this chain is very important to myself. If there is no such chain, even yourself The little life is no longer safe ... You say this, it's really shackled.

They are all smart people, I have been this copy. If Schroed doesn't understand this thing is that the Americans come out, he is not qualified to sit in the present position, sigh, Schroeder Road: "Good Let's assure you, I will definitely I will never hear the sound of the US military withdrawal in the future.

When I heard Schroed, Xiao Jorge laughed: Are you planning? late!

When I thought about the words I have said to myself, Xiao George's mood called a happy, he smiled: "Mr. George, just this way?"

Schroeded, did not understand Xiao Ge Ge: We didn't protest, let your army stationed in our land, we are all like this, what do you want? !

Can Rod is not stupid, he took a deep breath and asked Xiao Ge: "What do you mean?"

Xiao Ge is equal to this moment. Wen said, he did not hesitate to say the German government must increase your proportion of garrison expenses!

"This is impossible!

Schroer screamed: "Mr. George, the German government is absolutely impossible to promise such conditions!

Increase the proportion of Warri-station costs in the German government? This idea has never taken out in the mind of Schroed, in the view of Schroeder, the cost of garrison in the Germans is already high enough, absolutely impossible to improve the proportion of sharing.

Unfortunately, Schroer's color is already seen by Xiao Jorge, and Americans plan for so long, how can be Srove's "NO!

Will give up? He did not hesitate: "Mr. Schroer, these years have come in Germany to take advantage of Miili's cheap, because Milin assumes responsibility for protecting German national security, your military expenditure is maintained in the national product. 1.

2% level, you look at the British, French and even Italy, how much is the proportion of military expenditure in these countries? No one is less than 2.


You see the military expenses in the development of the military and technology, but refuse to subsidize the US soldiers who protect your safety, Mr. Schroer, is you a fool? !

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