king of power

Chapter 1621 Strategic Vision Gap (4/4)

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Feeling that Xiao George is too light, there is a lot of Chen Li, after laughing, did not continue to entangle this topic with him, saying two words, hanging up the phone, man, to give gambling clothes, since there is no just Thinking of Xiao George will calculate himself in this place, there is nothing to say, and the admission is right.

After I hangled, Chen Geng Shen, gave Li Ambassador, and there was a change, and naturally he said to others.

The phone quickly turned on, Li Ambassador's voice is full of polite tastes: "Mr. Chen, please, just, I just want to call you, I didn't expect your phone to play?" "

"Hehe ... Is it so clever?"


"Cough ..."

Chen Geng scared two times, said to Li Ambassador: "Lao Li, this time, call you, you have to tell you something."

Listening to Chen Geng's voice, Li Ambassador's heart has grown up: Is it what surprised? During this time, the most important thing in the Embassy is to keep the inspection of Chen Geng, and the news comes more and more detailed, everyone is also more exciting: there are more than 350 US companies. If you want to join this exam group, there is no shortage of IBM, Boeing, McDia, the giants of Mi Lijian, in China's multiple places have investment companies, the comrades of the business sector have made calculations, the answer is if this is The trip to the times is smooth, and finally, the total investment in Huaxia is very likely to exceed 10 billion US dollars.

$ 10 billion, this figure makes the whole embassy dizzy!

In addition, it is estimated that the results of domestic estimation are not separated. Although they don't know the results of domestic estimation, this point has learned from the domestic calls received from these days: now, the embassy At least at least two domestic departments, the consultation groups on this delegation or instruction call.

The more this, the more you are in excitement: Never you can make a kiss, you can't make a sauce ... Is this a will not be out? I have this fear in my heart, and the ambassador Li can't say, he quickly said: "Mr. Chen said.

"Just Xiao George gave me a call,"

Chen Pigang first gave Li Ambassador to the meaning of himself. It is actually the meaning of the White House. This is only said: "The White House estimates that this investment in China will probably exceed 10 billion US dollars, this is A lot of money, it is impossible to hold others ... "

Speaking here, Chen Geng minimoo, let Li Ambassador joke and absorb this information, this is only one: "This is of course a good thing, means that the relationship between China's two countries is nearly one step, but at the same time, Xiao Ge also Some worry, this is concerned: if he doesn't do some reactions in this matter, it is very likely to be told by political hostility, but he has no power to make it ... Of course, it may be taken by people. When making an excuse to attack my.

Listening to Chen Ge said here, Li Ambassador's heart mentioned the eyes: Is it really going to come out? !

No matter how difficult in my heart, Li Ambassador is thinking that the experience of experience, professional diplomats in professional diplomatic experience, especially emotional control skills, that is not ordinary people, so I like this opportunity, he asked softly: "Chen Mr. you mean, this is not good? "

"That is not,"

Chen Mongxiao said: "Mr. Xiao Ge is meaningful, no matter how much investment in China, the Government must take some part from this money, used to buy Milinian goods ... Cause Li Ambassador you should understand.

After listening to Chen Geng, Li Ambassador has grown away, I feel that a heart is finally falling back to my stomach!

"Mr. Chen, you said this ..."

Dark dried a lot of Li ambassador, smiled: "I don't know how to tell you, is this not going?"

After saying, Li Ambassador is slightly, with a sincere tone, said with Chen Ge: "Mr. Chen, I have done a faster 30 years of diplomatic work, very clearly in the country and the country's exchanges and economy, no one It is only a loss, or only the cheap is not losing, if there is, this relationship must not last long.

For this, our senior leaders also have a clear understanding, I just said that I am calling you, this is not polite, it is true, our leadership also considers this situation, just gave me it. Telephone, saying that we can't let our friends suffer, and will not let this money affect our friendship.

This is really not that Li Ambassador said in a mess. He really received a phone call from the domestic leadership. It is this thing. Huaxia is preparing to purchase a batch of goods from Milinian ... The leaders can be the whole country in such difficult situation. And the nation has come to this point, and the strategic eyes are of course not to doubt. It will not let this money become obstacles affecting the relationship between the two countries. For the leaders, if you can use this money to change some things you need, then It is best.

For Li Ambassador's answer, Chen Geng is also very happy. He said: "How can you think, then it is the best, hey ... Since you have such an idea, then I will tell Xiao Ge Ge, Mr. George.

"of course,"

Li Ambassador Li immediately said: "You can even organize a business negotiation group, give us a list of purchases!

.......................................................................................................................................................................... When does the group's superior authorities approve this thing ... Hey!

The important thing is to have a plane modification platform, as long as there is a plane, other problems are still a problem, ah? But I didn't say a few words, Wang Dazhi said to Chen Geng said: "Chairman, tell you a good news, the superior authorities have approved the news of our self-built air engine high-altitude test bench, ... Next, we are going to Russia or other CIS countries to find a new age, and the machine is still good.

"Is it so clever?"

Listening to Wang Duan said, Chen Geng also is happy: "The old king, I also tell you a good news, I just passed the small Georgetgou with Miilian's big collar, he promised to purchase Ir-76 in Ukraine in Ukraine Set any obstacles and give the courage, but only one.


Wang Dazhi excited eyes instantly roller: This is the time when it is hungry, I actually found a hot big buns on the table.

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