king of power

Chapter 1622, I am very important to

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Excited Wang Dazhi, really can't control his emotions, the punch: "Chairman, you can't give me a joke.

It is not that Wang Da Zhi will be so excited. In theory, it is not difficult to buy a plane. Even if you buy a small car is not all, especially the Shangfa Group's rich master, everyone If you pay for a hand, you will pay a hand, but things are not such a thing, the plane is different from the cars, and the car is a pure civilian transportation. Although the meaning behind it is very large, but that to extend Going to the perspective of industrial development and national economic development, it can be aircraft, especially Ir -76, a large jet transporter that can carry a dozens of å. It is not so much.

This thing for any country is not only an economic level, but more importantly, there is a political level, military level, and national security level. I think there are only 14 kinds of aircraft in a country. ...... Oh, now only 10 left ... I know how important this kind of plane is, and then look at the US, in the foreigners, which is not all C-130, C-17. And C-5 These transporters began busy in advance? Ukraine is a lot of sealed Ir -7 transport aircraft is right, but who is Ukraine Dad? Milinian!

Wang Da Zhi is very clear. If there is no Milin's pine mouth, Shangfei Group wants to purchase a for the purchase of a civil version of Ir -76 from Ukraine, it is also difficult, I don't know how much strength to spend, but now the chairman of their own Convince Military Practicing Pretace, even asked Ukraine to give you a discount price, that is really ... so, at least 2 years for Shangfei Group for 2 years.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand why Wang Dazhi is so excited.

Chen Geng's response to Wang Dazhi is very satisfied, smiling: "What about you?"

"Call ... call ..."

Wang Dazhi did not talk, Chen Geng only heard the voice of the big breath in the phone. After a while, Wang Dazhi adjusted his emotions, said: "Chairman, you and you When did the delegation come to China? "

Chen Li is not surprising that Wang Dazhi will organize a delegation to go to Huaxia, he will sink, say: "Look at this situation, it is about a month later.

"After a month?"

Wang Dazhi smoked, cooked: "Chairman, I want to go to Ukraine, as soon as possible, as soon as possible, I will finalize the procurement agreement as soon as Ukraine and pick it back.

"So urgent?"

Wang Dazhi is anxious, so that Chen Li is surprised.

"I am afraid that night long dreams."

Wang Dazhi is still worried, don't look at Miilian's big collar, there is a junior, you can do so many years, Wang Dazhi deeply understands: never hopes to pin it on others, get it The things in your hands are stable.

These Chen Geng said that Chen Geng is very understanding, because this is something that I am instilving to Shangfei Group: You are not as if you have you, since there is a mother, you are not as if you have it, it is in other people's hands. Naturally, it is more unreliable, especially the Americans have a huge impact on Ukraine, and they will get the plane as soon as possible.

Understand the mind of Wang Dazhi, nodded quickly: "It is good ... Hey, I will say hello to me in the side of Ukraine, what do you need to help, despite the opening of them, you don't welcome you .

Wang Dazhi did not expect his chairman to take the thoughts, head of the matter, and nodded: "Chairman, I know ã,

"and also,"

Chen Geng thought, but also added: "If necessary, I can help you say hello to the high-rise of the Ukrainian government ... this Ir -78 is crucial for our group's next step, a little bit Get it back ... "


When I heard Chen Geng, my comrades had excited voice. No matter how Chen Min can not see, just nodded, just in this, a question also appeared in the heart of Wang Dazhi: Chen Dong did not care about the development of Shangfei Group. This refused to take a group to see this time. You can see this scenery. The chairman is clearly in the group. In this case, why not will not be will Come back and see? Heaven is poor!

This issue is almost soon to gain the veteran of Wang Dazhi, Meng Haibo and other Shangfa Group, and they don't understand anyway, now I am here, Wang Dazhi is still enduring? He strive to adjust his emotions, he took a sigh of relief, and asked Chen Ge: "Chairman, I ... Can I ask you?"


Chen Geng didn't care, and I said: "You said, what is the problem, you ask.

"This time you return to China, you will go to Iqi, SAIC, Mountain City ... so many places to see why there is no plan for business in the trip?"

After saying this, Wang Dazhi felt that his heart mentioned his eyes.

What kind of Chen Gill is, if he is a little doubtful when Wang Da Zhi is starting to open, but when Wang Dazhi puts the words, if he doesn't know how it is, then you can kill. : Comrade Old King, this is a good thing!

"Lao Wang, don't tell you, before developing this trip, I have to go to Shangfi to see this thing, I hesitate for a long time, you know, Shangfei Group is my largest industry in China. First, how can I not pay attention to such a large industry? "

Chen Geng's first sentence, let Wang Da Zhi feel the attention of Chen Ming to Shangfei Group: I have thought about it for a long time.

Sure enough, after listening to Chen Geng's sentence, Wang Dazhi will live a long breath: It turned out to be like this, our chairman is not paying attention to us.

"But the old king, you should clearly, now Shangfei, the significance of the Chinese political layout is getting bigger and bigger,"

Chen Geng said: "You are the general manager of the group, should be clear than everyone, the existence of Shangfei Group gives this country, this nation brings something, and this time, the more I fade my traces of Shangfei Group For Shangfei Group, it is a good thing, this truth, you should understand it ... "


Wang Da Zhi didn't know what to say, at this moment, he hated two mouthfuls!

------------ PS: Brothers, today's rain, power out of power, I originally thought that I could steal a lazy, the result is ready to send a message to everyone, call ... call. ... lying in the trough!

Time is urgent, only have to come and make a chapter, please ask the brothers to forgive.

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