king of power

Chapter 1829 is awkward and emotional

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Zunchi is a intermediate sedan that Huachen Group has just launched last year, nearly 4.

9 meters of the body length and nearly 2.

The 9-meter wheelbase makes him surpass the B-class sedan in this era, which is close to the size of the C-class sedan, which is the real B +-level sedan.

Plus the interior and shape designs from the world's top design company Binni La, let this car looks particularly atmospheric, stretched, and cooperates with 2 of the company.

4-liter-tired four-cylinder gasoline engine and five-speed manual / 4-speed automatic transmission, you can say that this car is quite ahead, plus the entry model only less than 140,000 prices and quite good craftsmanship, so Zunchi listed It is in a hot state that is in short supply, and many companies and government departments have chosen this car.

Now I listened to Chen Potion, I said that Zunchi, Li, I can't help but start thinking: Yes, it is really not cheap, but why do you still ask for it? Where is the reason? "This truth is actually very simple. It is two words that are in the end: Quality!

Chen Geranga has two fingers, saying: "I have seen the real car of Zunchi, in terms of shape, interior, and overall craftsmanship, this car represents the current Huaxia Auto Industry Top levels in technology and design, such an atmosphere stretch, there is no obvious weaknesses in all aspects, it is not hot? Who is selling? Lee, you are also, your Geely car If you want to realize the brand, just The model, pride, You Rui, this type of model that can only meet the basics, you need to take out a unparalleled process, the maintenance system, the chassis system is not bad, and After two to three years of market inspection, this is not pulled by the car, this is the foundation of the brand ... "

Chen Geng's exit, some people can't help but exclaim: "This is just the basis of brand up?"

I don't want to be so surprised. After Brilliance is listed, I will be welcomed by the market. Everyone will naturally understand the situation, this is not allowed to know, the Huachen Group can spend the money of the old nose in order to Zunchi this car. I heard that a single single It is to invite Binniña's design profile and interior to spend a whole 30 million.

30 million, this is not a small money!

This is just a shape and interior. In addition to these, the Brilliance Group also needs to transform production lines, training employees, please professional automotive chassis training company to help tune the chassis, match the power ... Anyway, I heard that in order to Zunchi this car. Brilliance Group got in a few billion!

But now, Chen Li actually said that it is the basis of brand up? God, if you really want to realize the brand, how much is it? Aware of this, before watching the Chinese Morning Group before, I've got a nationality?

I started to drive my drums in my heart.

"Yes, this is the foundation,"

Chen Piped nodded?

Then look at Qi Yimin: "I think?

This neighborhood should be the clearest.

Qi Yumei did not expect Chen Genghui to take the initiative to mention himself at this time?

This is a chance to give yourself a face.

He quickly stood up, first stretch it to Chen Geng mini, this told: "Yes?

Mr. Chen is correct?

The more we do now, the more you find that we are worse.

Speaking of this, Qi Yume Min is slightly a little?

Then I took the head to the deputy director of Wei and the Sino-Central Administration: "However, our Brilliance cars have been persistent?

What is more to be in front of the road?

How difficult is it?

Both must realize the brand up plan?

Let Chino Auto have become the leader of the Huaxia Auto Industry and a shiny business card.

Today this symposium?

Not only the leadership of Hua Shuzhu Association, but even the leader of the G-Commission came, such a good appearance, Qi Yuximin, will not miss it.

It turns out that Qi Yimin's approach is very good, and the Wei Ming has no action?

But the color of the eyes is very obvious?

As for the few leaders, the leadership of the French Association is not mentioned?

Have a smile to join the head?

If it is not a scruple, Chen Li is talking, and it is estimated that he has long praised Qi Yumei and Brilliance.

Looking at Qi Yumei, who is blind, Chen Gengxin is somewhat awkward.

What is it?

This period of Brilliance car, the foundation is really good, even if it is a three or five years, it is also a domestic catering manufacturer, China Cool Bao's two-door Coupe couk's introduction not only fill the type of Huaxia car, which shows The craft standards of the whole vehicle produced are quite excellent, but it is such a big future brand. How can I become the same? Qi Yumei is still very eye-catching, knowing that today's stage can only have a protagonist, so he is not proud to forget the light, but even apologize to Chen (Chen Geng nodded, expressing himself There is no meaning to grab the wind, and the whole person is old and old.

Chen Li, will not give Qi Yuximin, and then nodded with Qi Yumin, he went to say: "Then I just continue to say, when Li, your Geely Motor has a product quality, overall work, craft level and After the reliability of the past products, you can truly implement your brand up.

At this time, you need to enrich your R & D team, your technical team, upgrade your production line ... These things, it is difficult to say, but it is simple, you just want to see what foreign car manufacturers are The sample configuration is OK.

When I said here, Chen Geng was so curious, will it be scared by Lao Li? But let Chen Geng are somewhat surprised. After listening to himself, there are many people who have exposed it in the scene, but the comrades of Lao Li are different. He is hard, but it is flashing. Exquisite color: "Mr. Chen, thank you.

"You're welcome.

"Mr. Chen, can I ask you to help us implement this brand?"

The eyes of the old Li Comrade are very enthusiastic.

Chen Geng did not expect Li, I will invite Li, I can't help but hold it, I will laugh: "Please come? Of course I have no problem, I am very happy to help Li Li, but Mr. Li, please take me If this price is not cheap.

Li has a lot of voice, but the tone is very firm: "Mr. Chen, for me, no matter how much money, no matter how much it is, we must go up!

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