king of power

Chapter 1830

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Looking at the expression of the expression, Li Zi, the leadership of other car manufacturers in the scene, some envy, some don't think of the leadership of those state-owned automobile manufacturing enterprises, and they are very dark: I really have enough. What is the money to do? Others don't say, can't cover a few buildings, noji, more than the superior authority to deliver some profits, change a chance to Gao Sheng level in the right time, as for the water in the water? Everyone's response is in the eyes of Chen Geng. He also didn't say anything, people have a message, can only say that Lee can bring as good as Geely car development, not for reasons.

After Li, after Li, Chen Geng answered the questions raised by the person in charge of several car manufacturing enterprises. Today, today's symposium is almost time, in general, everyone feels no virtual, for this discussion The results of the meeting are very satisfied, and these will not be mentioned.

At the end of the meeting, the deputy director of Chen Geng and Wei said, while going out, did not take a few steps, and it was very uniform.

"Old Miao, hello,"

Looking at the blonde big one in front of the seedlings, Chen Li is so curious: "Is this?"

When I met Chen Geng, I was very happy to say: "Mr. Chen," Mr. Chen, I will introduce you, this is the full superscriptious ambassador, who has just come to Huaxia Embassy in Huaxia last month. Mr. Razov, "

Give Chen Ge, I have finished the identity of this big one, and I said to Shel Gayevich Razov: "La Zov Ambassador, I will introduce you, this is Mr. Fernandez Chen, according to As I know, Mr. Fernande Mr. Chen has a very good private friendship with Mr. Flagimir.

"Yes, Mr. Vladimir has said that his relationship with Mr. Fernandes is very good?


Shel Gayevich Razov took a nod to Chen Geng, "Mr. Fernandez, I am Razov?

Really happy to meet you here today?

Don't tell you?

I still went to visit you a few days ago, I didn't expect to have been here today. This is really happy?

This is the meaning of God.

Sure enough, do you engage in diplomacy?

Speaking is good.

But it is also, if you turn down the resume of Sher Gayevich Razov, this guy has done a lot of foreign ambassadors?

And before the ambassador to China?

This guy also did a few years of deputy director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs?

After that, I was sent to Huaxia to serve as a big embrace of China?

What is the reason for Vladimir so obvious?

Is it necessary to cultivate the overall and global eyes of Shel Gayvich Razov?

You can also say that this is Vladimir's emphasis on Hua Mao relations.

Chen Geng Micro-slice: "Is it? That is too clever, hey ... Mr. Vladimir is better?"

One mentioned comrades of Vladimir, the expression of Shergievich Razov suddenly became serious: "Mr. Vladimir is very good, thank you very much for your concern.

"You're welcome.

Chen Geng originally thought that this is almost the same, and next is to take each other?

But what made Chen Li did not expect?

After you finish this sentence?

Shel Gayevich Razov turned his head to move forward: "Mr. Miao?

Can you give me a little more time to Mr. Fernandes? I want to say a few words with Mr. Fernandes.

If Shel Gayevich Lazov does not comment, the seedlings can still be stupid, but since Shel Gayevich Razov said that?

He naturally can't stop, immediately nod: "Of course.

Shel Gayevich Razov did not follow the seedlings, reached out to Chen Ge, said to Chen Geng: "Mr. Fernande, is we going to say a few words?"

Chen Multi will not refuse, and to tell the truth, he is indeed a few curious Shergevich Razov will talk to himself.

When I came to the side, Shel Gayevich Razov said whispered Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernandes, I don't know if you look for I."

It turned out to be rushed on this.

I listened to Shel Gayevich Razov to mention Iraqin Design Bureau, and then I would like to go to the old man with myself to talk to myself. Let's go to the big Mao family to buy things and big Maojia. The business of the large-scale wide-body passenger plane of Commercial Flying Group, Chen Li knows what is going on.

At the same time, while being vigilant, Chen Po Kong does not move the color: "Ili Shen Design Bureau? They are of course very good, no matter in civil and large airplanes or military large planes they behave very well, oh ... I heard Huaxia is preparing to talk to your country's contract to purchase a group of Ir -7 transport aircraft? Congratulations, please also congratulate the Iraqi Design Bureau.

Shergievich Lazov smiled: "Mr. Fernandez, I will do it, is the Shangfei Group to jointly develop and develop a new generation of large-scale wide-body passenger plane with Ili Design Bureau?"

"of course!

Although Chen Li did not think that the greedy old man will give any fair and fair cooperation conditions, now it is just that it is just a matter of saying, this is of course not a problem: "I. R & D and research and development of the I. There is a wealth of experience in manufacturing, there are two mature products of Ir-86 and Il-96, but our Shangfei Group not only prepares many key technologies of large-scale wide-body passenger aircraft, but most of our There is already a 250KN level big thrust, a large number of vortex engines, so if the Iraqin Design Bureau intends to develop a new generation of large-scale wide-body passenger aircraft, we are of course strong, this is strong.


I didn't expect Chen Pigle to promise so happy, Shel Gayevich Lazoft is very happy: "Mr. Fernandes, can I use your words as a formal state of the business flying group?"

"No problem at all,"

Chen Pomheng is sure to have a head: "If your country has intentionally cooperates with Huaxia in large-scale wide-body passenger aircraft, you can inform Huaxia, if you have no opinions, if you have no opinions, you can organize a country. Government, national aviation industry management departments, as well as the previous contact team composed of companies involved in cooperation.

As for the two sides, it is not possible to talk to me.

In Chen Geng's view, the old man is greedy, this cooperation is as nothing in the countless cooperation project between China.

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