king of power

Chapter 1831 Mao: This is my chance.

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Shergievich Razov is very happy, he is passionate: "Mr. Fernandes, this is the case, can I ask, what do you think about this time?"

"There is no idea for the time being, as long as both parties come together in the principle of mutual benefit and win-win, this is no problem,"

Chen Ge said: "As for other details ... Well, now they are too early, and Razov, this is quite sudden, I can't give you too much answer for a while.

Said that this is said, but Chen Li is really not optimistic about the old man will "mutual benefit"


"Yes, that's it, you are right,"

Shergievich Razov helped his head.

Just say this, Shergievich Razov suddenly lowered the sound: "But Mr. Fernandes, do you want to revenue Mai Mai?"

Chen Geng looked at Shergievich Razov, did not speak.

"You have known the matter between the McDao plane We already know, Mr. McDona's president of McDona will force you to withdraw from the Mai Tao Group, saying that we are very angry for this matter,"

Shergievich Lazov's face is the same as the sympathy: "They are really too much!

Who don't know if you have the most difficult, most crisis, to give them a helping hand when you are in Mai Tao? What is the cocoa? They completely forgot your help to them, after the company's situation is slightly improved, I have to kick you out ... Mr. Fernandes, I am not chaling in the distance, but I still have to say, whether it is the McDo Group or Mr. Xiaomi Tiener is really too much in this matter ... "

As I said, Shergievich Razov while quietly observing the reaction of Chenmong facial expressions.

The McDo Group is interested in buying people from Chen Zi Hand to repurchant the Shando Group's shares, and as a listed company, McDao Group has such a large-scale fund call and shares change, this is to publish announcements in accordance with relevant legal provisions. Therefore, in the first time of the Mai Mai Group, the big hair knows this.

However, even if you know, it's not too much. This is no way, the big hair is really can't do, but when you know that Chen Tong should go to Huaxia's news, big hair Smart people will react to: Chen Mong is because McDe is unhappy, go to Huaxia's heart? Chen Geng is not happy?

This is a matter of course, it is betrayed by his best friends, how can this be happy? of course?

Is this the focus of big margin?

The focus of big hair is: What can I get from this? Since Chen Tong is because of McDending and Macona breaks up?

The eyes of the big hair are naturally easy to fall in the aviation industry. Of course, they know the current most booming aircraft manufacturing enterprise in Huaxia: Huaxia commercial aircraft manufacturing group is Chen Geng's industry, so soon?

The big hair has an idea: Can you take the opportunity to enter the civil aviation market of Huaxia? Just?

In 2005, Huaxia is no longer more than 10 years ago, more than two or three years ago, Huaxia also put El-62M, Figure-154m and Ir-86 these aircraft as a treasure?

Can you be in 2005?

Huaxia's civil aviation company bought Airbus A330 / 340, Boeing 767, Boeing 777?

The aircraft that once made them turned into the big masculine home is not in the eyes.


The civil aviation market of the big eyes?

This can be a population of 1.3 billion, the civil aviation plane has more than 1,200, and the annual growth rate exceeds a huge market?

After determining that the Tu Lev Design Bureau, the Civil Aviation Airlines of the Iraqin Design Bureau has no way to sell it directly to Huaxia, the big Mao Ling machine moves: with European and Mili perspective!

In order to sell the aircraft to the Chinese, Airbus and Boeing are not all set up in China, and the production and supply system is established? Since the air and Boeing are very good, then we do this!

Of course, the idea is wrong?

Mache yourself knows your pounds?

Clearly compared to Airbus and Boeing?

Is it not attractive to Huaxia?

If you use the same conditions, you must have no way to attract Huaxia's partners. The most important thing is that you don't have Boeing and empty guests so much wealth ... So you?

Huaxia Shangfei Group!

Shergievich Lazovard did not have passed Chen Ming, he smiled slightly: "This is nothing.

Seeing Chen Geng's response, Shel Gayevich Lazov confirmed: Chen Tong lives in the heart, this is, this is the place where Russia can use - said back, this Who is not angry? Who is not angry? I know that I don't talk about it. After I learned that Chen Pai's mentality of Chen Geng did not exclude, Shell Gayevich was satisfied, he was the first: "Mr. Fernandes, your mind is really I admire ... This is the case, in recent days, is I convenient for you to pay attention to you, talk to you with you? "

Chen Li did not answer, but turned his head to look at Reni Taylor.

Riener Taylor immediately came over and asked softly: "BOSS?"

"Can I postpone an arrangement in recent days?"

Ri Li Ni Taylor immediately said: "Tomorrow's activities are very important, you have to participate in the official activities of Huaxia, only the day after the day, you have to come to the foundation ceremony of the Scania Huaxia production base ..."

Riener Taylor has not finished, Shel Gayevich Razov has interrupted her: "Scania? Is Mr. Fernandes Sprinia?"

See Chen Point, Shell Gayevich Lazov immediately said: "Mr. Fernandez, congratulations ... You don't mind me to join with a lively?"

With the ambassador of Shel Gayevich Razov, if he is to say to participate in this foundation, who can not welcome? Even if the Chinese government can't say anything.

Chen Mongxiao said with welcome, he has already can't help but think: If Huaxia knows that Sergeyevich Razov is going to participate in the foundation of the Sakania Huaxia production base, I don't know if they will not Will adjust the level of personnel who participated in this startup ceremony? The facts are indeed the same as Chen Geng, after Chen Geng three times, I am going to open the mouth, Shergievich Razov said, "Miao, I am going to the day after tomorrow." Do you want to go with me in the foundation ceremony of the Scanny factory in Fernandes? "

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