king of power

Chapter 1858 Threats

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Liu Xiaofeng was persuaded by Chen Mong and Wang Du Zhi: Yes, the reason why the medium-sized tactical transport machine is not based on the four turbo propeller engines as power, which is limited to the time, but now the era is different, there is no need It is not a big deal with the turbo propeller engine without the death.

But even, he still is still concerned: "The words are true, but the medium-sized transport plane is required to take off and decline in the non-shoping runway. The turbuzzoke engine is still good, the turntile engine ..."

Liu Xiaofeng's words have not been finished, Wang Dazhi smiled: "Whether the Mijun's C-17 or the Soviet Union's Ir-76 has the ability to land down in the non-shoping field airport?"

Liu Xiaofeng squatted, and also laughed in myself: Yes, thinking habits is really killed, I have forgotten this.

In our habit, the C-5 and An-124 level strategic transport aircraft is responsible for transporting combat materials to the hub airport, undertaking "from hub to hub"

The transportation task, while C-141, C-17, and Ir-76 such a large transport machine assumes transportation tasks that transport materials from the hub airport to the rear airport, and then borrow, by c-130, An-12 medium-sized tactical transport aircraft transports combat materials from the rear airport of the aater to the frontline airport, which is a typical three-level air model.

The whose non-paving runway is used in the front line. In addition to the previous reasons, there is still a very important reason that there are too many debris on the non-paving runway, which is likely to be sucked into the engine to be damaged. The engine, and the turbine propeller engine has no such problem. The turbine propeller engine is very small, it is easy to install the air filter device, unlike a vortex engine, the entire front side is intake port, how to install Air filtering device? However, with the advancement of technology, the three-level model of the drive is gradually being simplified, and people's ideas are also changing: C-17 and Ir-76, such large transport planes are gradually having strategic transportation and campaign capacity. It can undertake the transport mission of the C-5, An-124 this type of shipping machine, or you can take on the transportation task of the C-130, An-12 this type of transport aircraft, which can be done on the paving runway, or The front-end non-paving soil runway takes off, then the problem is coming ... What is the engine used by the C-17 and Ir -76? Not all scroll engines.

Since the C-17 and Ill-76 this large transport plane uses the turnt lane to use the turbine engine, it is no problem. How to tact optic transport aircraft does not use the turntable to use the turnt lane? In the end, it is a sentence: inertial thinking is killed!

Huh? its not right!

Liu Xiaofeng suddenly reacted: This is like this, Shaanxi Flying has promised to cooperate with your business to develop a new generation of medium tactical transport aircraft. If you are, what? Do not say if we cooperate or not, with our Shaanxi Flying experience in Y-8 transport planes in Y-8, even if we want to cooperate, it should be the active and leadership of our Shaanxi flight? How can I do it now seem to be the same as you? Liu Xiaofeng is absolutely unwilling to make this initiative, he frowned, said to Wang Da Zhi: "That is always, what are you talking about?

However, we have not promised you to engage in this medium-sized transportation machine together. We can do it yourself ... Hey, if we go to Shaanxi, choose to use the turntile engine?

We may not have a chance to cooperate.

In the face of the test of Liu Xiaofeng?

Wang Dazhi's face has not changed?

Nodded: "Shaanxi fans determine that you can do it yourself, this we can understand, but Wang always determines your solution to persuade the above, so that it is allocated?"


Waiting for Liu Xiaofeng to open?

Wang Dafu said: "I still think about it before, no matter how we say that our Shaanxi is relatively rich in the experience of medium-sized transporters, and our commercial flying group has strong technical strength, everyone's cooperation is the director, mutual benefit?

But since Liu always said?

Then I turned back and contact Xi Fei.


Speaking here?

Liu Xiaofeng smiled and said: "Our business fly and Xi Fei have always had a good relationship?

Just apply the technology and patents we have obtained in the process of research and development big aircraft to this plane?

There is also a lot of trouble in province in terms of technology and patent negotiations.

Xi Fei? Liu Xiaofeng immediately respointed, his face changed, the heart did not feel in the heart: Damn, how did Laozi have forgotten Xi Fei? Just like Wang Dabu, the cooperation between Shangfei Group and Xifei has been very enjoyable.

The large transporter project is even better to wear a pants.

If you add such a medium-sized transporter project?

Can China's other large aircraft manufacturing companies can't live? He squeezed a smile: "Let's make a joke?

I just say this ... in our Chinese, to say that the inquiry tactical transport machine is still to see our Shaanxi, Wang Hong, is it? "

If you see your own, you have a sufficient "reminder"


Wang Dazhi also laughed, nodded: "Wang Yi said that if everyone can make consensus on this matter, then it is good.

Liu Xiaofeng: "..."

At this time, Liu Xiaofeng did not understand, in fact, Shaanxi fans have no choice? If Shaanxi Flying is working with Shangfei Group, with the strong technical and financial strength of Shangfei Group, the success of the next-generation medium-sized transportation machine is already waiting for the day, and Shaanxi can live in a live 2 of this plane. Thirty years; if Shaanxi fans refused the merchant group's kindness, Shangfei Group turned to go to Xifei, and Xi Fei's helper guy refused Shang Fei Group to take the initiative to send fat meat? That's impossible!

Although the country is not possible to allow Shangfei Group to eat alcohol, as long as the Shangfei Group is willing to pull on Xishi or Shaanxi, it will not refuse.

Thinking of this, Liu Xiaofeng also saw: No matter how it is tossing, as long as there is a meat that we flew in Shaanxi.

Since I want to open, the next thing is simple, Liu Xiaofe said: "This 'two-hand prepared' thinks can be prepared in us, this, the king, I will open a meeting, if everyone endorses this Suggest, look back, let's talk back? "

Wang Da Zhi, of course, will not be opposed, he smiled nod: "Of course, I am waiting for your good news."

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