king of power

Chapter 1886 S.W.A.T Two Teams

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"Is this kind of thing to say?"

The leaders laughed: "So, when you are in our side, the pressure is in the old man, you don't have to be too urgent, the leaders say, now we are preparing for both hands, if the old Mao is sincerely integrity with our cooperation, Ok, you have no old man, this butcher, we can't eat the pig.

If the leadership, let the Song Director and the deputy director of the Church will not close the mouth: With this sentence, even if you have an idea.

"I know that the old Mao is probably aggressive, but it doesn't matter, don't look at them now, I don't have to wait until our aircraft begins to enter the prototype manufacturing stage, as long as our big transportation machine began to fly, they can't sit. So, you don't have to worry, this time you can't talk about it, the leaders have this psychological preparation, you don't want to give yourself, understand? When you are nothing, you should go out, go out, go out, I will tell you that it is not easy to encounter such a negotiation.

The leaders say it "" You have a good work "

"Understand, leadership.

At the same time, the Song Director and the deputy director of the Niu look at it, and the eyes are happy: It seems ... For cooperation with old Mao, it is actually ready for more than one hand.

Some words don't say more, everyone knows the same thing, but think of the Anti-70 transport plane, the Song Director is tight, "I have said:" Right, leaders, An-70 transport plane ... Do you see? "

The leaders immediately said: "If you are fond from the old man!"

.................................. "Stanson, how much S is on the Detroit Police.



T player? "

When I heard Chen Geng's question, Stanson's eyes were bright: Is it a way to BOSS? He quickly replied: "BOSS, after the last action, the Detroit Police S.



T Special Police Team also has 24 external team members.

The so-called field players are a team member who can go out to perform the task. For example, in the last action, a team member who is derelicated and the injured, all are the field players, for a S.



TA Police, the field team member is the most core force, its status and significance is the same as the shipment of the carrier pilot in the aircraft carrier.

"There are 24 players ..."

Chen Geng Shen got up.

Stanson looked at Chen Pigang, although I didn't know what my own BOSS was thinking, but it didn't dare to take a bite.

It didn't let Stampson waited for too long, Chen Geng quickly opened: "Stanson has always, our Detroational Solida's S.



The duty of the TA team is with the Los Angeles Police Officer S.



TA Police's responsibilities are similar, mainly responsible for combating major criminal activities, including supporting local routine police in implementing anti-drug, anti-terrorism, major activity security, and rescue hostages, can be in the end, s.



The combat objects faced by the TAW have a bad guy with a certain military quality, not the elite of strict military training, right? "

"Yes, sir,"

Stanson did not hesitate to nod: "In fact, our action goals, such as the hijacking terrorists, their military skills may be very general, which is equivalent to a military person who has received ordinary military training, to say their military Skills, don't say that the team members of the Delta, the green beret, even if it is worse than the elite conventional troops such as visitors, but because of the particularity of action, such as we must guarantee The safety of hostages, this is the bunch of hand in action, in fact, if it is a single month to fight military skills, we s.



T players are much more powerful than they.

"You are right, if you only be more than military skills, you s.



T Police is much more than those routine terrorists and poisonous f. "

Chen Geng definitely nodded: "But if you compare with those D traders you act,?"


Stanson's expression suddenly somewhat embarrassing, he looked at Chenmong with a complaint: BOSS a ah boss, do you not deliberate our old bottom? The last time we encountered the D sellers didn't know where they came out, but they were very obviously from what special forces from the special forces. We must do this hard.

"There is no mock you mean, I mean, in the past, the Detroit Police S.



T The Police has completed their tasks, but through the encounter with the poisonous F, we must be aware of a fact that as the guy who is more money, in order to ensure The transportation channel is unblocked, and they have even been looking for someone from some of the retired special troops overseas.

We must admit that these military skills from these foreign special forces are very powerful, and they have exceeded us S.



The TA Police can deal with the extent, so I suggest Stanson, I suggest that the Detroit market specially draws a fund, forming S.



T two teams!

Stanson glanced over: "s.



T two teams? "

"Right, s.



T two teams, "

Chen Geng's head: "We should have a lot of retired special soldiers in Michigan? What is the seal commando, a green beret, a delta or a cavalry, etc. If these retired elite special soldiers are based To form S.



T, used to implement such specialty attacks, do you think the Detroational Security will suffer such a big loss? "

Stanson doesn't talk, but his eyes have already lit up.

There is no doubt that the failure of previous actions, despite the great help of Chen Pai, the Detroational Act is still unsained, even inside the Detroit police system, everyone's emotions are not very high.

There is a real problem to all the police people: if we will suffer from the poisonous f or so powerful guy, what should we do? Can we win? Even, can we keep your life? Anyway, just a job, then this work is very dangerous, but considering the various treatments and invisible welfare have always been high, everyone can accept, but if this work is always possible to lose the life, It is not worth it.

Therefore, in the past few days, the Municipal Police Bureau and some of the small policepersides have received a resignation report of some police officers. Although the number of these resignation reports is not much, if S.



T Police's next encounter, the Detroit Police system is likely to usher in a wave of resignation. At that time, everyone can be embarrassed.

However, if Milinian's retired special soldiers are based on the retired special soldiers, a powerful S is formed.



TA team's second team ... "BOSS, I think it can be considered,"

Stanson is excited: "And people don't matter, those who have been retired from the special forces, our police system has information, you can contact them directly.

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