king of power

Chapter 1887, State Rapid Reaction Police

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In any country, soldiers who retired from elite special forces are groups of national key attention. The reason is very simple. These people have accepted the most eligible, advanced military training in the world, and if they are engaged in being a profession, But if you engage in some anti-social activities, you will inevitably bring great dangers to social stability, so in any country, in order to stabilize, don't pay attention to them, Milin is not exception, these people are national Strictly monitored groups, specific contact information, family conditions, economic status, professional occupation, cultural relationships, even straight, side relatives, all in detail, and updated at any time.

For Stanson, as long as he needs, you can contact any of the retired rice army special forces team members.

"This is good,"

Chen Geng nodded: "You go see if there is no such mid-level officer who has just retired, asking our S.



Ts team needs what kind of combat power, what kind of level should be maintained, what conditions do you need to travel by daily training, and then ask a professional accounting personnel to keep such a police team need funds every year ... For these, we are Not an expert, then ask the real expert, definitely not lost.

Stanson nodded immediately: "BOSS you can rest assured.

Indeed, since it is necessary to build S.



T, find an expert in industrial, asking if it is necessary.

After saying, Stanson hesitated, or asked softly: "BOSS, this is a descent force consisting of before the excellent special soldiers, why do you put it in S.



Take below? "

Chen Geng looked at Stanson, laughed: "Don't understand?"

Stanson asked carefully: "BOSS, is you thinking that the National Police Guard is not worth trust?"

"There is this factor,"

Chen Geng nodded and did not deny this, but immediately, he asked: "Let's not say that the state government says to you, it is easy to add a special forces to the state national guards, or let the Detroational Safety S.



T Police team expands the number of police officers? "

Stanson suddenly realized!

He instantly understands Chen Geng's suffering: Yes, the state national guard is essentially a military, although the state national guards are attributable to the command of the state, but the sensitivity of the army will give the state government to the state. The National Guard increases the exceptional difficulties and most important thing that the elite special combat power is changed, this requires Shangzhou Parliament discussion.

This is about to live, but if it is just the Detroaut police, you want to expand your own S.



TA's size and number of field policemen? This is simple, and everyone knows the Detroit police S.



The TA Police has a heavy loss in the action of catching the catch f, which means Detroit S.



The strength of the Tarta team is not enough. Since the strength is not enough, you will need to add S.



The power of the team, there is already S.



TA Police, the scale of the expansion of the police does not even have to listed the parliament, as long as Steinson's mayor agreed enough.

And step by step, even if you need to listen to the parliament, you can just have such a big thing, as long as the Municipal Police Station takes "S.



T Police's existing city is not enough to effectively shock criminals "

For excuse, demand expanding the scale of the police, can the city council can not agree? This hand of BOSS is really too high.

"I understand,"

I finally wanted to pass the exquisite Stanson of Chen Pi's practices, and the eyes were excited, and the heads of the heavyweight: "BOSS, you can rest assured, I must help you see good S.



T two teams!

The old boss will pay such a big strength to "S.



T two teams

Pull, is it just to give such a force to someone else? Stanson can not be so naive, and he is very clear for more than 10 years of bodyguards around Chen Geng, although Chen Li will not, do not use this force to do what he himself, but a whole How can the elite power of the retired soldiers of the elite special forces? Chen Gengnou nodded: "You have this heart.

He didn't say "You don't have to do this"

If you have a hypocrisy, after a little bit, he then said: "In addition to the Detroational Availability S.



In addition to the Tun, I have an fundamental initial idea, that is, I am preparing to set up a fast response police team, role, role, and players who are directly under the state police station. S.



Ts, similar, but law enforcement scope is the state.

Established a team member and S.



T, like two teams, but the large-scale state government directly under the elite fast response police officers? Stanson's pupil suddenly shrinks: This is not a MINI version of the ride troops? !

Stanson's expression has not passed Chen Geng, but he did not pause, but then said: "In order to meet the needs of the state law enforcement, the scale will not be too small, although the specific person needs to consult experts before it can be determined, but I think that it cannot be less than three connections.

The reason why it takes three even, and it is considered that Michigan except for the Detroit market, other cities are not S.



T Police, so, this state police station directly under the S.



The TA Police should have a heavy responsibility to support various high-difficult tasks when supporting the city's police officers.

In order to ensure that this police team can be able to have this task, my initial idea is to set up 3 to 5 comprehensive training bases in the state, each base stationed, responsible for supporting several cities around, and can join hands when necessary This is like the task of being able to surround those D molecules before execution.

When I said, Chen Geng hits to Stanson, asked: "Stanson, what do you think?"

"I fully support any decisions,"

Stanson did not hesitate: "In addition, as long as there is a need, Detroit S.



T Police can support state S.



T Police and other cities in the state.

This is loyal to Chen Division: BOSS, your idea I already know, you can rest assured, Detroit S.



T Police must be the most reliable power in your hand.

Chen Ming lived on Stantson very satisfied, smiled and nodded: "The Detroit Police will have such a general view, then it is best ... Hey, your city police station's S.



The troops made as soon as possible, I see if I can give you an additional part of the budget at the state government next year, since you can think of supporting the state government, the state government will not let you suffer.

Is it so fast? Stanson is somewhat delister, but he is happy, he can't help but start to figure out another question: BOSS will then rectify the state national guards? After all, there is no strong leader to allow this hand to have such a good greeting, even give yourself the strength of the leg.

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