king of power

Chapter 510 Feng Yunxia

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When Chen Li is still happy to firmly control the voice of the PC operating system, the Pacific Ocean is carrying a warm discussion. Of course, this discussion is a minimum, a group of high levels Officials are done ... "A month, more than 730,000, 18 billion US dollars, ..."

Even if I saw this news, I have been a few days. I couldn't help but I couldn't help but I couldn't help but be a month. The turnover of the people is even more than the foreign exchange reserves of the Huaxia. This is really more than people. dead.

"Hey ..."

"Hey ..."

The big giants who have a high weight of the position have a feeling.

There is also a big reminder: "That is the first month, this is half a month, even if the sales of the second month is better than the first month, how can I sell more than 100,000 Taiwan? That is almost 900,000 units, more than 20 billion US dollars, is really ... Hey, Laozi doesn't know what to say, how do this money is so easy? "

"Hey ..."

"Hey ..."

............ The big gods are still a burst of tongue, and the hearts are not convinced: How can we earn an foreign exchange? It's easy to eat. It's just that I will make money in my home.

"Hey, you said, just the month, how much is Chen Min, can Chen Min? Can you earn a billion?"

"One hundred million?"

The leadership of the Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department is nasal to this number: "This is an electronic computer!

In the United States, it is also the most advanced high-tech, no at least 20% profit, he is Chen Min? 18 billion 20% is 3.

6 billion, maybe more than 4 billion ... "

"That months, this month, not only more than four hundreds of millions of billions, and maybe it is too much five billion.

"Who is not?"

"Chen Geng this guy is really not said. At that time, Chen Geng did an advertisement in the United States, and the entire United States didn't think of them. I think this time Chen Tong will plant a big tree. Now let's go back. I have seen it again ... Hey, it is no wonder that people can make the business so big. This eye, this judgment ability is really unfaicable.

This exit is exported, and the big meeting room is quiet.

A few days ago, Chen Minghao, who talked for tens of millions of dollars to advertise in major media platforms, not optimistic about Chen Ming, and many leaders in the United States and the experts did not read this move. Chen Geng's money basically shifted, but the words of the vowed to swear by Suddenly, turned to be a big ear of the big ear, hurt, and Chen Geng also proved. A little: On the business, you are slag.

What is the most light of many people, Chen Tong is not only successful, but also unprecedented success, the first month of listed, sales exceeds 1.8 billion US dollars, the profit is very likely to reach $ 400 million, now ThinkCenter has been listed for one and a half months The conservative estimated sales have also exceed 22 billion, and the profit may reach $ 500 million, which is almost 40% of Huaxia last year's foreign exchange reserves!

What if Thinkcenter sells for a year? Chen Tong is not alive from this product, what is the total foreign exchange reserves earned more than Huaxia? !

This is horrilated!

Finally, some people broke this quiet: "The movements of the four-machine department, the radio and television Industry Administration and the Electronic Computer Industry Administration are a bit slow.

"Yes, what to eat in the four-machine department, the General Administration of Radio and Television and Computer Industry?"

Immediately there is leaders: "I heard that this 730,000 THINKCENTER, only in which 10,000 is used by our image tubes? Unlike words!

It's just not like it!

This is all money, according to the procurement price of Chen Wantong promises, don't say that the image tube required for this 730,000 computers is purchased from Huaxia, even one-third of them or even quarter purchases from Huaxia, then How much is it? How much foreign exchange income can you bring to the country? Previously, everyone did not have an intuitive impression on this matter. After all, how to see how it is a paint cake, but now, everyone is in a hurry, or that sentence, this is a green oil!

"Lao Wang, how do you say it in the four machines?"

The deputy director of the Yellow is looking up and look at the old king of the four machines.

"I have criticized the associated comrades severely,"

The deputy director of the king stood up, the expression is very heavy: "Our individual comrades are not enough to understand the significance of this cooperation to our country, not profound enough ..."

"Okay, don't say these words,"

The deputy director of the Huang interrupted the vocal minister: "These words don't have to be said, the head is also very concerned about this problem. Today, this will, in addition to let everyone think about it, there is also a point, please invite the four-machine department, the BRE, the General Administration of Radio and Television and Comrade, the General Administration of Electronic Computer Industry, completed the cooperation clause of Mr. Chen Geng as soon as possible, to take into account the overall situation.

Also, to maximize Chen Pigrans aware of our sincerity, such as I heard that FAW has made some very much conditions for cooperation with Chen Pigang? Over the years, FAW has made great contributions to the country's development, but this is not the reason they lying on the hard work ... "

...................... When the high level of the Huaxia is stimulating in the sales of THINKCENTER, when he promoted with Chen Pi, Chen Geng did not know that he had been stared.

Just in this very normal afternoon, a person who looks very ordinary enters the AMC car worker union ... "Who are you looking for?"

The front desk act is lazy to look at the people and ask: "Is there an appointment?"

"There is no appointment, but I want to visit Mr. George.

Come and smile.

The AMC car worker is a lot of people in George, but "Da Ge"

There is only one, which is the Chairman of the AMC Automobile Workers' Fair, George Walker.

Yes, here is the headquarters of the AMC car worker union.

In the United States, there is a powerful, capitalists don't dare to make sin, and you can easily invade a company's organization, this organization's name is a union.

In the articles of countless unions, the United States is called the real union, which is truly speaking for the interests of workers. As for the Huaxia union, it is the tool of the ruling party to control workers. It is not commended as a trade union, but these The well-known fans will definitely not tell you, in the United States, if any worker dares to join the union, you can't work if you don't pay the conversation ... Yes, the United States's trade union is such a "service" for the American working class "service"


In fact, if you analyze the US union, it will find that the US union is not serving the workers, because he does not solve the problem of the US manufacturing extension, the US workers want to find a job or not found, but When you can't find a job, the meeting is absolutely unable to be less, but the main officials of the trade union not only have luxury office buildings, but there is a super high annual salary - the chairman of the Clinton government, the chairman of the Trade Union in Michigan, the annual salary is 400,000 US dollar, while Clinton has only $ 200,000 at the time, and the annual salary of the chairman of a state woroon is more than twice the US president. Do you dare to believe this? For example, a trade union in New York, the President of the Human Trade Union not only holds a $ 600,000 annual salary, but also enjoys a variety of welfare treatment and privilege, and even at the end of New York, the top floor of the sixth Avenue of New York, the ground is clear High-end marble decoration, interior decorated luxury Kagawa leadership home.

In the United States, the trade union has become a special class that is relying on the workers. It is necessary to threaten the company to threaten the company (AMC is the victim), and the discourse will have more and more powerful politics. energy.

"You don't make an appointment, you want to see Mr. George?"

There are 250 pounds of front Taiwan mothers like heard the things that were very funny, couldn't help but laugh: "Do you know what Mr. George is .....................

Looking at the 10 100-yuan banknotes in front of him, the front Taiwan Aunt suddenly said that she greeddered at $ 1,000 in front of her eyes.

"Miss Anne is?"

I looked at her: "I heard that you are a cousin of Mr. George? I don't know if you can help me ask Mr. George, do you have time to see me? Well, I don't need to be too long, just Ten minutes is enough, I want to talk to him some things about improving the Treatment of AMC car workers, as long as you can do it, this 1,000 dollar is yours.

Undoubtedly, this guy is very suspicious, but it is also what is the relationship between Nie, who can get a $ 2000 super-annual salary every day. My own brother is the chairman of the trade union, and now I am in the trade union headquarters. How can he take himself? I saw a person, Mary didn't say pick up the phone: "Hello, watch brother, have someone who wants to see you ... Well, don't make an appointment ... Don't, you listen to me, he said that you want to talk to you. Talk about improving the salary of AMC car workers ... good ... "

Hanging up the phone, Mary is extremely familiar with the $ 1,000 in front of him, and the hand is finished: "Walking the elevator, it is dedicated to my brother.

She is not, but don't mind, let people know "Da George"

It's my own brother, but it is quite proud.

........................ "You have to see me? Do you have anyone?"

Big George's face is looking at the person who is in front of him. It is very common, it belongs to the kind of completely found it on the street. The only thing that makes him look, it seems that the suit on this guy seems to be handmade, the value is not Philippine ... The coming smile, said: "I am not important to represent anyone. Is it important to Mr. George is willing to do business with my boss?"

"what business?"

"A $ 200,000 business ..."

Come and said, slammed my hard-working hardware document, inside, full of Dangdang's dollar bills.

Big George's breath suddenly urged.

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