king of power

Chapter 511 is not afraid of Chen Gill

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The wealth is moving, let alone is 200,000 US dollars, two big bars have more than a dozen centuries of old banknotes (from all banknotes are old banknotes, you can see that the other party is really very cooperative. It's so placed in front of you, that feels ... Even the big George is also a lot of knowledge, but there will be a long time, he still breathing.

Big George is finally big George, I have seen the big world, I understand a truth, the money is a good thing, but the more money, the more it is, the more it is.

Greedy looked at the two big eyes in front of you, Daggeri took a breath: "I don't ask who you are, do you ask who is your boss, let me talk about what business do you plan to do?"

I have seen Grand Jorge, obviously "sensible"

Very satisfied: "Of course, you are your old line, your job work, strive for higher salary and better benefits for AMC's car workers.

"that's it?"

Big George was a bit ambus, he thought that the other party may put forward any excessive requirements, but only did not expect the other party's request to be just this: Let the Chairman of this AMC Auto Workers' workshop for higher salary for AMC car workers, more How much benefits? "Yes, that's it, it is very simple ..."

"Wait a minute,"

Da Jordi is swaying to interrupting each other: "If I have not guess, you want us to ask us to increase the members' welfare and salary in the way, right?"

He is not stupid, stupid is not likely to sit in this position, although there is a sudden death of the brain thinking of the 20,000 US dollars in front of him, but not in the IQ for a long time, based on the chairman of the trade union Sensitive, he quickly understood the goal: I hope I will organize workers to strike!

Understand this, the identity of the host behind this guy is it difficult to guess? Who else does AMC's competitors? As for the purpose? Of course, I gave AMC.

At the moment, the AMC development is fast, not only the first profit, market share, and the market share of market share, which have greatly threatened the benefits of the three giants of General, Ford and Chrysler. In this case, use workers to strike this reasonable and legitimate way to giving AMC, not the most reasonable, most appropriate way.

Well, it is possible to say that even the Dongpu, the dwarf is possible. After all, with the rapid rise of AMC and several new models of Fernandez to Chrysler and Ford Automotive, the growth of Dongpuo, which is growing in the US market. Just fight the fist, but ... What is the relationship with you? The truth of the chaos is good, not only in the Chinese people understand, but Americans are actually understand.

Welcomes the opponent's gaze, Great George's breath is obviously heavy: "If so, that is not enough!"

"How much do you want?"

I didn't hesitate to come.

His answer did not let Big George were disappointed, and this guy did really be AMC's competitors.

Big George did not answer this question, but said: "If I organize workers strike, even if I only stop working two workshops, I will stop working for a week, AMC's loss will also exceed 20 million US dollars ..."

The meaning of the words, the loss of AMC is so big, you will not do less.

I have frowned and thought about it, "said $ 300,000.

When Grand George suddenly laughed, it was the kind of laughing: "Mr., do you sure you are not making a flower?"

"How is it called a flower,"

The people are obviously very good at doing this kind of work, he argued: "The $ 300,000 can all enter your own pocket ..."

"NO, NO, NO ..."

Big George gently shakes his fingers: "Mr., I am very disappointed, very very disappointed, what do you think is that I can drive? I need to get the support of people under the hand, now AMC give The salary opened by the workers is in the entire automotive industry. If there is no sufficient interest, what do they go to the big risk? "

"The yellow monkey is very good, their courage is very small, and they can make their courage to scare their courage."

"But Fernandes exception,"

Big George interrupted the other party: "You think a $ 100 million ... Oh, a few billion dollars in just less than two months, let the gorges of Wall Street, will compete with the guys, will The same Chinese in Chinatown? I don't mind working with your boss, but your boss has to take out sincerity.


After a short craft, the comeback finally opened: "How much do you want?"

"US $ 1 million, which is $ 400,000 is mine,"

Big George's eyes seem to be shite with the symbols: "All have this old banknotes!


The man was shocked, he didn't expect that the appetite of Da George is so big.

"Yes, it is 1 million US dollars, less than one beauty is not!

The coming is a silence, and I will open again: "This kind of thing knows the less and better, you are not afraid that your people will confidently delayed?"

"Record? Haha ... What do you say?"

Da Jorda is like heard the jokes, watching the fool looks like each other: "Do you have a clear understanding, I am a union!

I am chairman of the trade union!

Unless Fernandes, there is sufficient, strong evidence, otherwise he doesn't have a way!

How is anyone to tell? Xu he tells the secret, I don't wish me? I even bite a bite, saying that he bought a trade union, ready to go to the union!

As long as I don't admit, he wants to do it with the words of someone else? joke!

American unions, don't dare to say tenants, but at least 90% have relationships with black @ ,, there is a lot of dregs, plus "struggle" in these years.

Experience, how to fell, how to climb a person, how to deny the quality control, they are really a way.

In the eyes of Da Jorget, I have a trunk, even if you are in the next day, you will have no way, you will have no way, you can be more than $ 1 million, and he is hesitant. Said: "Can I make a call?"

"of course,"

Big George Donnedly, I opened my eyes: "Do you want me to find a room? I guarantee that the soundproofability must be very good.

A big customer worth $ 1 million, of course, you have to wait.

................ "1 million dollars, my boss agreed, but my boss has a request.

"please say.

Big Georgi eyebrows nodded, big customers, always have some preferential treatment, although the other party is not respectful enough, but as long as the other party gives money, what is the matter? "Your strike, at least three months.

"Three months?"

Big George frowned, the other's is a bit more than his imagination.

"Mr. George, I remind you that this is a million dollars!

That's right, this is a million dollars!

George Walker reacted at once, and one million dollars did it so much? Your annual salary is $ 50,000, coupled with trade unions to reimbursed all kinds of welfare, mixed up, but a year of 780,000 US dollars, it is $ 400,000 ... a thought, big George A bit bite: "Three months? No problem!

But I have to see the money first!

"It is impossible, the advance payment is the $ 200,000, the remaining $ 800,000, and pays after your strike.

Although behind the scenes is not something, but this kind of trading, the behind-the-scenes is afraid that the trade will greedy money.

The big George's face is clear and uncertain, and finally said: "I have to see money in three days of strike, otherwise the strike ends.


-------------- Chen Liyi didn't know that he had been boring, and now he is leading a team engineer to conduct the first PSK four-drive system prototype. Subtock test.

AMC engineers and designers are very excited. During this time, with their performance and potential of their own boss's PSK four-drive system, the admire height of Chen Geng in industrial design It is also increasingly close to the Mariana ditch ... Nima is unspeakable.

Don't blame them to Chen Li so admire, because Chen Gei is coming out of this four-wheel drive system, the set of proud four-wheel drive system on Nissan Skyline GT-R: Porsche PSK four-drive system!

In 1989, Nissan Skyline GT-R R32 created 8 minutes and 22 seconds of 38 single-ring speed in the most challenging German Newberberg Lincan Flight, with an average speed of 149km / h, and the result was numerous GT-R car. The fans are here, and it is considered to be the most exciting pearl on the GT-R crown, but some people mention that the "teacher" of the four-wheel drive system of GT-R R32

: The set of PSK four-drive systems on Porsche 959, created 8 minutes and 18 seconds on the same runway!

Is waiting for this circle, Porsche 959 falls below 40 meters!

In the fierce car event, this is almost the difference between the championship and the respect of the end.

It is conceivable to know how powerful of this PSK four-drive system of Porsche.

Looking at the calm Chen Ming, I finally had a young designer couldn't help but whispered to my companions: "Hey, Tom, do you say what is the boss won't?"

"This one……"

The companion thought about it: "Have a child?"


"Really, I think it is probably nothing else to have anything else."

Tom said: "Do you know? In addition to this PSK four-wheel drive system, the boss also has a four-wheel steering technology.


What can I say? Probably only shouting "666"

This is the first to open the mouth, sincerely honestly, thumbs up: "Niu!

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