king of power

Chapter 512 strike!

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Anneston, who hurriedly, is not very good.

I know that Miss Aniston is the heart of the boss. It can make the face of Miss Aniston so bad ... everyone can't help but say: What is it? Under the eyes of everyone, see Miss Aniston quickly came to Chen Li, whispered: "BOSS, out of affairs.

"what's up?"

Aniston did not answer, but shake his head, and said that it is best to say there is a quiet place.

Chen Geng's brow is slightly frowned: Let Aniston are so cautious, the face is so ugly, it seems that things are really not small.

Let go of the tool, and Aniston walks to a secluded corner, Chen Geng low voice: "What is it?"

Anneston: "Just George came to me ..."

Chen Geng immediately understood why Aniston's face was so ugly. For the partner, the President of the Trade Union came to the door, and can be with "Night Guard."

Draw an equal number: In addition to requesting the workers to increase salary, how can he do it outside the benefits? "Our salary level is medium-sighted in the automotive industry and the entire industrial manufacturing industry?"

Chen Geng frowned and said.

Aniston nodded: "Yes.

"What is the request of the trade union?"

"Time salary to 10 US dollars, no more than 36 hours per week, improve the proportion of health insurance, more benefit requirements ..."

Speaking here, Aniston shrugged: "Although I didn't care carefully, I roughly calculated that if the company agreed to their conditions, the welfare treatment of workers was basically doubled on the existing basis. .

Lying trough nima!

AMC's workers' current pay is $ 5, counting a variety of allowances, subsidies, and performances, and equivalent to 7.

About 3 US dollars, this time is very small, with a monthly working time is (4 * 5 + 2) * 8 as an example, they can probably get 1284.

$ 8, more than 40% of the average US workers, even in the industrial field and car field, this salary is also relatively high, in this case, the trade union actually asked the salary, increase welfare and subsidies? Chen Mongxiao, it is not a little smile in the eyes: "It is really a group of causing white wolves.


Anneston's words on their own bosses were simply lifted with their hands. In her opinion, the union is really a group of causing white wolves. Why did the AMC car fall into a loss of ten years? In addition to the problem of the company's business strategy, the union will also have a big factor for the union of the union, but the company's business is not good, it has fallen in a loss for more than ten years. Do you have a worker? Is it cheaper? After a few days of good days, I have been tossing again. Aniston really doesn't know what to say.

I can't help my own boss: "BOSS, this will wait for your news in my office, you see ..."

Chen Wai did not hesitate to say: "Let him go!


Aniston did not expect his own boss to be so fierce, stunned, hurriedly reminded: "I understand why you are so annoyed, but George Walker said, if we don't agree, they will organize workers strike, Once strike, the company's loss can be big, so ... Is it talking to them? "

"Nothing is good,"

If Aniston is finished, Chen Li has interrupted her words: "The union is a group of things. Do you still know?"

"I certainly understand, but if ..."

"Nothing, there is nothing, if we are the low salary level of workers, don't use them, I will also improve the salary level of workers to protect their lives, but the problem is that I did not workers rose wages? With the company's operating conditions, from the beginning of the year, we have risen a few wages to the workers? "


Anneston said that it is right, the boss said correct, and the boss will take the initiative to rise to the workers. From the beginning of the year, the boss has increased three wages to the workers, compared to the end of last year, workers The time salary rose 0.

$ 5, although 0.

There are not many than 5 dollars. Compared to the end of last year, workers can take more than 80 US dollars a salary every month, almost equivalent to an increase of 8% of income, this only half a year, this salary growth is really very Not small.

"And Annie, don't you reach it? The demand for the payment of the trade union has not yet rude, but also without sincerity, if they ask a salary of 0.

5 dollars or even $ 1, I can understand, but I will double ... huh, ... "

Although I don't know what is going on, I am a third old ghost. In the first time of George Walker's request, Chen Geng Xin responded: Trade Union This seemingly simple payment requirement is absolutely not simple, There must be other factors behind it.

Aniston really didn't think so much. Now he heard Chen Geng's analysis, his face suddenly changed.

It is not her unknown, but for any of the United States, the credits will be the requirements of the union, listened to George Walker, and Aniston, the whole person is all, just want to hurry. To report to the boss, ask the boss to make a decision, what do you want to do? Listen to the boss, I suddenly responded: "Do you say that this is another emotion?"

Chen Yang shrugged: "In addition to this, can you think of other reasons?"


Aniston didn't talk, it is indeed, if the union requires only 0.

$ 5, 1 US dollar, also explain that they are really intended to talk to the company, but now they are doubled directly ... Where is the sincerity? !

Although so, I am used to "Trade Union to further, pay one step by step for many years."

The pattern of Aniston, the next consciousness is a bit confused: "Although it is said that if they do not satisfy their requirements, they will strike, if the workers strike, our loss can be big.


Chen Geng smiled, but did not answer this question, but looked up to Anneston: "Annie, I didn't remember the wrong, you will also trade members?"



Speaking here, Aniston stunned, suddenly looked up, trembling: "Boss, you suspect me ?!

"I trust you very much, you listen to me ..."

Looking at Aniston is more excited, there is a meaning of grab your own words, Chen Wantong is busy chasing in her front: "I mean, I suggest that you will retreat from the union as soon as possible ... Of course, retreat, it is your personal s Choice.

What do you mean? Why do you want yourself from the union? When I heard Chen Geng, Aniston was all stunned, but it was just the sadness of the heart disappeared.

For a while, she did the time of Ai Ai: "Why?"

"Because I have to go to the union,"

Chen Geng did not hide his own practice: "I will let you think that you are a father's union understand, who is Dad.

Aniston's face is suddenly red: really vulgar!

Chen Geng said: "As for the loss, you don't have to worry, I am losing.

With a compromise, a time, a successful session, it is not as good as it takes a pain, hurt, and you don't dare to rush your teeth - play your dog, you can't welcome it.

…………………… "what did you say?!

George Walker did not expect himself to wait until this answer, he didn't dare to reply to Aniston in front of him: "Miss Aniston, I want to remind you, if your part is such an attitude, the union will pass legal The means to maintain your legitimate rights ... "


Going back to Aniston of his office, replying to the true color of his own, facing Herch's famous "Da Ge"

There is no half of the fear on her face: "If you want to say, it is not a strike, it doesn't matter, BOSS said, you have a strike.


George Walker has a little bit unknown, for a long time, he kept nod to nod, reach the hand, Aniston, two: "Oh ... not afraid of strikes? Ok!

Then, our union will let you know these disgusting capital people know the power of the trade union!

In addition, tell you that you want the workers to work hard, but it is not such a condition.

After finishing, George Walker turned out.

He was really broken by Aniston and Chen Li, as Chairman of the AMC Automobile Workers, when did he have some contempt? ---------- ps: Brothers are embarrassed, please wait a moment.

"what did you say?!

George Walker did not expect himself to wait until this answer, he didn't dare to reply to Aniston in front of him: "Miss Aniston, I want to remind you, if your part is such an attitude, the union will pass legal The means to maintain your legitimate rights ... "


Going back to Aniston of his office, replying to the true color of his own, facing Herch's famous "Da Ge"

There is no half of the fear on her face: "If you want to say, it is not a strike, it doesn't matter, BOSS said, you have a strike.


George Walker has a little bit unknown, for a long time, he kept nod to nod, reach the hand, Aniston, two: "Oh ... not afraid of strikes? Ok!

Then, our union will let you know these disgusting capital people know the power of the trade union!

In addition, tell you that you want the workers to work hard, but it is not such a condition.

After finishing, George Walker turned out.

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