king of power

Chapter 513 we are familiar with

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Chen Geng's brow is slightly screwed: "Stanson?"

Stand in Stann, a tamper, a tamper that is in the same manner: "Boss, what is your command?"

"George Walker represents the union of the trade union, do you know?"

"Yes, I understand.

Stanson nodded.

Chen Geong asked: "Do you feel that the requirements of the trade union are very sudden, very strange?"

"Well, there is this feeling,"

Stanson really felt that the demand of the union was very awkward: "Their requirements are too much, and ... I can't say anything, but I have some conspiracy in this.

"Do you have this feeling?"

Chen Mongxiao, he still believed in the intuition of a veteran: "I want to investigate, I see what is going on.

The proportion of trade union members in all employees of AMC is up to 62.

4%, once the trade union organizes workers' strikes, AMC immediately stops, although Chen Mong is not losing this money, but if you can find a way, it is still good.


Stanson should have a push door.

Stanson just walked, Rosmary pushed in: "Boss, you are looking for me?"


Chen Geng nodded: "Just George Walker came to me, asked the workers' salary to double.

, Rosemary's expression is seriously serious: "The union is ready to do things?"

"In addition to this reason, I can't think of other reasons.

"What do you need me to do?"

Rosemary did not hesitate, as a professional manager who can take a dividend, Rose Mary naturally stood on the opposite side of the trade union, union, damaged, but her Rosemary.

"Make a touch.

Chen Li did not say anything, but Rosmary is a heart, and immediately said: "OK,"

Sketch a little, she pressed the sound to Chen Geng asked: "Boss, where is our bottom line?"

The so-called "Where is the bottom line"

It is Rosmary to know how much is the boss prepare for the union? The Answers of Chen Mary have made Ross Mary stayed: "The bottom line? The bottom line is me for you. I don't give you, you can't!


Rosemary stunned: the boss's meaning, is he not prepared to retreat half points to workers? !

She thought of various possibilities, but only did not think of the boss actually so tough, actually halfway, did not refund? ...................... Organize the strike is the right of the trade union, but it does not mean that the union wants to strike to organize workers to strike. First of all, the trade union must obtain the authority of the workers, and the general idea is to say: " Everyone's income level is too low, there is no way to live well, so I think I want to talk to those disgusting capitalists, so that the hateful capitalists give everyone a lot of salary, everyone said? "

Who will noter? Workers are of course high hands: "Hey, you have to have."

The union will be the authorization of the members.

But I got the authorization, nor did it mean that I can organize workers to strike. It is not necessary to strike, I don't say that I will not say that I will not be able to issue negotiations and commissioning of negotiations. Put it in one by one by one by one: "We, now the salary is too low, we must not live, you see that our unions have been authorized by the workers, come with you, we I wondered it, I feel like this ... This ... this ... can you guarantee our life, do you see it? "

Subtome: "Roll!

Give Laozi round rolling!

How far is it far!

So the negotiations of trade unions and components.

But this time the trade union still cannot organize the workers to strike. At this time, the game is: the union will look at your accounts, and immediately cry and find Dad, which is the government's mediation body: "Dad is more than dad, you want Don't give your son to be the master, your son can't live, wow ... "

The mediation mechanism then debuted ink, one of the garbled pilot and arms came to the merchant family: "Huang Shiren classmates, you are not dripping, you do this, workers ..."

Subtlicular: "Roll ... Oh, it turned out to be a uncle, I am not you, I am talking about the king secretary of the tea, Wang secretary, do you have anything about it? Hurry and come in and put it down ... huh, uncle you listen I said, the worker is, he is actually like this, and our landlord does not have less food. "

So the mediation announced failed.

The mediation organization turns back, under the eyes of the trade union, : "The son is not a father, but the death of the damn Huang Shiren is not something, I can't help, you look at it yourself. Let's take it ... Well, it is not strike.

Trade Union: "Gain!

Early, wait for your words!

At this time, the union can organize workers to strike? And slow!

It's still a step. After the trade union returned, he said: "Comrades, the dead Huang Shiren is not something, it is not willing to give us wages, let's strike, don't give us a salary, let's Don't do it, do you say it? "

Workers said: "No, we don't do it, Huang Shire will not give us salary, no salary, do you eat? Forget it, go back to wash and sleep, you have to find a mother, in fact, the current salary It will also be ... "

The head of the union immediately is very eye-catching: Why did you not strike? Why is my dignity and status? No!

Can't let them go!

Hurry to stop all home, all the people who are looking for each mother: "Comrades don't go, listen to me, I think that everyone is in the happiness life? Unity is big!

In this way, everyone is not to give 6% of the salary as a contribution to the trade union, and the union will send this money. When the strike, Huang Shire does not give you a salary, trade union You sent you!

Now everyone will vote, let's strike to protest Huang Shiren, everyone says it? "

Workers listen: ? Is there such a good thing? Do you still have money? Immediately hide hands: "Hey!




A money!

A money!

Head, you can strike every day in the future, send money every day ... lying in the channel!

Which dog X is docked? "

Then, the next day, the scent of the female secretary, female, Huang Shiren, Huang Shiren, was woke up by the call from his own house: "The master, the big event is not good, the group of damn people are not working now. For strikes, you hurry to handle it, let's stop working for a day to lose a lot of silver wow.

Huang Shiren classmates, and also guarded the female secretary female assistant, and climbed up: "Lying!

Although the current trade union has become black @ (For example, in 1957, the United States held a meeting at New York, preparing for the "Wulin Lord"

In the high-race of 56 high-ranking heads from the big black @ in the United States, 22 are the heads of the locations), the rules are going to speak, the United States, even the whole nourish, the world, it is a Program justice, even if you are doing things that murderers, you can justice, what do you have to raise so many lawyers? It is not to prove to the court "The reason why the police shot and kill the gun suicide, it is to prevent him from committing suicide behavior."

What is the case, the situation is like this, "

George Walker stepped on the luxurious leather turning chair and waved his arm, excited full face: "The damn yellow monkey does not put our union in the eyes, we want the damn yellow monkey Know the power of our union!

"Dry him!

"Let him know the power of our union!

"George said yes, let the damn yellow monkey know that our union is not a good bully ..."

............ The main leaders of the union are raging, and the big George's words are very excited, and the main leaders of the trade unions are excited to sway their arms loudly and support, and the older dollars in front of Major Banknotes, but also directly Double Double.

George Walker is very satisfied, this shows that the trade union is still as always in his own control, he nod: "Then everyone can take action, I hope everyone will get the authorization of the workers as soon as possible ... Do it? "

"Hey you can rest assured, the guarantee is proper!

"It's too simple, this is very familiar ..."

............ The union's head and brain acknowledge.

In fact, the AMC workers are very satisfied with the current income level, even if the national, AMC's car workers' income is also moderate, George Walker is very clear, but the trade union should "pay attention to the method"

Well, if the worker is willing to the current income, what should I do if I don't want to cooperate with the action? The union is of course another way.

---------- The movement of such a big Zhangqi drums, of course, I can't hurt Chen Gong, maybe they haven't want to hide, but in this way to Chen Geng Dynasty, I'm afraid of Chen Li bowed I have a thought: I saw it, this is the power of our union!

But they smudged Chen Ming, and I have seen what is really known as the real. "Our workers have power!

He, the little movement of George Walker is just a nose, compared to this, he actually even wants what the workers' attitude is like.

"Most of them are workers who are union membership ... I don't have accurate numbers, but according to my observation should have more than 60% ... The attitude towards the practice of unions, they feel that the requirements of the trade unions are in line with their wish.

Stanson bite the lips and some annoyed.

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