king of power

Chapter 516, Laozi doesn't care

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The truth ... It seems to be this truth, you can be a hand of the Detroit Municipal Government, Alex Goodridge is not this, but tax.

When the worker strikes, the factory will stop running. The factory stops running. If you naturally you can pay, even if the AMC car is respectful in the four major car manufacturers in the United States, it is also an important part of the Detroit tax. This stop, It means that at least 10% of the tax is gone, how can Alex G derridge may not be anxious? Therefore, he had to race his brain's gang to find a reason ... "This ... you said, you can make this excessive condition, maybe it may be planning to bargain with you?"

Alex Gadridge is desperately stirring with brains: "Maybe their goal is only 5%, or 10%? Sir, you will talk to them ..."


Chen Geng did not hesitate to refuse the requirements of Alex Goodridge.


Alex Gudricks feel weak: I am sin, let me meet a guy who doesn't enter such oil and salt? Well, the guy is still a golden master ... there is no way, in order to consider, he must find a way, have to persuade: "Sir, this is so staled, it is not good? No stop, How much is you going to lose ... "

I heard the words of Alex Goodridge, Chen Geng didn't laugh directly: "Don't say that this loss is lost, even if the AMC is closed? I still have 'magic claws', and Garry Edition 2000, there are dozens of computer hypermarkets throughout the United States, and the entire second-hand car and car maintenance business, as well as banks, I still take a billionaire.

Even if these all the industries are gone, I opened a car design company. I don't have a business, earn a few hundred thousands of tens of millions of relaxed, so ... Do you think I will especially care about the death of AMC? "

AMC is dead, it will die. Even if there is no AMC, Laozi is so happy, and I don't sell AMC, and I can make a pen.

Since this ... "

Speaking here, Chen Geng snorted: "Laozi is dead!


I have prepared a stomach to persuade Chen Geng's Alex Goodridge. At this moment, I can't say it.

Yeah, Chen Geng also said this, what can he say? People, don't care, there is no AMC, people like people like, in this case, why are people who have to be killed by those dead workers, the dead trade union bird? It is difficult to buy Laozi!

He asked almost asked: "That ... if the union organizes workers strike, what do you plan?"

"Not made,"

Chen Ge said: "They are willing to strike, strike, strike is the right to give them law, what can I do?"

.................................... The representatives of the union can have been waiting in the municipal government.

To be honest, they can't understand why their head will ask such a excessive request, just like Chen Ge said, if the trade will ask the workers to pay 5%, 10% or even 20%, they can Understanding, this is also the routine mode of operation of the trade union asks the capitalist to pay the workers' increase, but the requirements of Mr. George ... It is difficult to listen to it. It is basically going to collapse.

During this time, they didn't have this matter in private. Everyone couldn't understand why Great George would like to make such a free salary-saving requirements. I don't understand myself. I haven't understood it, and I have been controlled by the trade union for many years. The black @ social background, let everyone get used to the major George's words ... I have dare to listen to the big gorgeous words, and you can take a look at those guys.

It's hard to wait until Alex Goodridge is coming back, the unope representative of the unopened union in the brain is rushing up: "Dear Mayor, what do Fernandes?"

Alex Goodridge did not immediately answer this question, but first looked at each other, then sighed: "Do you think Mr. Fernande will promise such a leaflet? Take a look at the conditions you put forward, you really Is it rushing to talk? "

"Hey ... this ..."

The union representative, and the road: "Although our conditions are a little excessive, negotiating, the conditions can be talked ..."

Alex Goodridge interrupted his words: "But your boss is given up by your request, he is not intended to talk to you.


In the face of the city's own owner's own boss, the unparalleled representative is preparing a belly, don't say a word: Nima, can you still? !

In desperation, he can only sacrifice their own murder: "Mr. Alex, didn't you tell Mr. Fernandez, if we strike, their loss is very big?"

Sure enough, this is.

Alex Gardridge deeply saw him, turning over Chen Geng's original words: "Your boss said, don't say that your strike caused to the company, even if the AMC is therefore, he also Will n't care, AMC has closed him and has 'magic claws', and there is Garrete 2000, and there are dozens of computer hypertales throughout the United States. There are also used car traders, automotive maintenance and dismantling business. There is also aircraft dismantling business, as well as a joint credit bank, no AMC him is a billionaire.

Even if all of these industries don't have, he doesn't have a business as a car design company.

After saying, Alex Goodrich felt what he didn't see, trying to think, finally thought about: "Well, he said, when you can't sell AMC, you can sell it. Billion and hundreds of millions of dollars, holding so much money to do investment is also good, but it is too much to die by you.

It's you, if the AMC is closed, I don't know how the work will give you a subsidy for a few months? At that time, so many unemployed workers went to work together, I don't know if I can find it? "


The union representative stunned.

All members of the trade union have always been, in fact, there is a honey sauce confidence, which is capitalist, especially the capitalists of the automotive industry. In fact, I don't want to see workers' strike, because as long as the worker strikes, the capitalist is every time. Every moment is a loss, even if the AMC has a medium-sized car manufacturer of 1 million yuan, the workers strike a week, and the loss of capitalists will have more than 20 million US dollars.

Therefore, unless the capitalist is invisible, as long as the union representative workers put forward the increase in payable, they will agree.

You can choose sexually, it is that Mr. Fernand is not eating by AMC. Even always, Mr. Fernand is always taking his own money subsidy AMC, no AMC, Mr. Fernandez and a lot of other industries, listen It is said that in the past two months, Garrete 2000 made Fernandes a pure profit of billions of dollars. Compared with Garrete 2000, AMC just realized to turn, ... realize this, union representative The face has changed, maybe really like Alex Gadrich, I really gave Mr. Fernandez, and he didn't play directly, but if Fernandes didn't play What if you have changed these people who have dinked with AMC? I thought that tens of thousands of workers had to go out to find a scene, he suddenly waved, and he was always called "regret" in the future.

And "This time, it is possible to smash your feet"

Feeling, I took out from his heart.

Hope ... Mr. George will carefully consider this strike.

.............................. "Boss ..."

Stanson's face is standing in front of Chen Pozzle and is talking.

Looking at Tansen, Chen Li guess a big difference: "What did you have?"


Stanson's head is more powerful: "We investigated the conditions of the trade union to be derived by Grand George, but why did he ask such a leaving condition, we don't find it clearly.

Stanson is very embarrassing, I feel that I have always trust myself for my boss.

Can Chen Li is laugh: "Normal, this is more able to prove that there is a conspiracy behind this matter.

Welcoming a slightly rampant Stanson, Chen Ming shrugged: "I have seen George Walker as the previous labor negotiation since George Walker, and then discovered a very fun thing. Are you interested?"

Stanson is really curious: "What did you find?"

"Since the mid-1960s, Almost every time I am from George Walker, and the 1960s is also the starting point of the AMC car, but even in the last labor negotiation, George · Walker's highest salary increase is 25%, and the salary negotiation, eventually, will increase the sales of workers 12.

8%, the end, so ... "

Looking at Stanson, Chen Mingyi's face is long.

Stanson's lips: OK, there is a ghost!

In the case of paying this kind of thing, the union is extensive experience. If they really want to pay, they will propose an increase in salary salaries that can accurately card the main parties to take a look at the conditions mentioned now. Oh ... I want to say that the concept stock will not have a picture, the fool does not believe!

"That is next ..."

Stanson please show.

"Well, you can launch public opinion.

Chen Geng Mini is the first.

...................... At the same time, George Walker is in a blunt face: "The mayor is really so saying?"

"Yes, he really said this.

Going to the Municipal Government, requested the municipal government and the union of the mission to coordinate in the war.

"it is good!


George Walker is cold face, and anger waving his arm: "Since they have to strike, then we will strike!"

In fact, George Walker's heart has been laughed and said: Laozi finally waited for this moment!

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