king of power

Chapter 517 War began

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CC, the fastest update power king!

"We have to rise!

"We have to rise!

"We have to increase salary!

"We have to increase salary!

"We have to improve benefits!

"We have to improve benefits!

"We want more time to accompany your family!"

"We want more time to accompany your family!"

"we want……"

............ AMC worker strikes, Jack Welch sitting on the back seat, watching thousands of union organizations and lead, shouting with slogans, horing horns, swinging fists Workers, then look at the reporters who are excited, they can't help but shake their heads: "Listen to their slogans, I don't know what AMC is a heart, let the workers don't work. White is not black and gone, but does not give the workers' black-hearted factory.

American society is a large-scale sieve, although not started, but what the AMC workers want to strike in the industry is not a secret, heard this news, how can the media can endure? In the United States, workers' strikes have never enhanced ratings and increase the sales of newspapers sales.

Compared to Jack Welch, the expression of the secretary sitting on the coach passenger is not so easy: "BOSS, the big boss ... isn't there really a problem?"

"Can you have any questions?"

Jack Wellch is not careless: "Anyway, BOSS has been prepared for a loss.

"Loss ... loss is 100 million?!

The voice of the secretary has changed much sharply.


Jack Welge nodded: "BOSS said, the money he earned on ThinkCenter has not thought about how to spend a time. Just, he will take the hole of our side.

"That ... The trade union intends to use the strike to threaten the idea of ​​the boss, isn't it wrong?"

The Secretary was surprised to cover his mouth.

As a secretary of Jack Welch, he is not unfamiliar with the company's operating cost. In the case of AMC's current scale, even the total amount of AMC is about 100 million US dollars, since the big boss has It's ready, that is, the big boss is ready to use the half-year time to make these workers yield? Also!

In accordance with the provisions of the US-related labor regulations, if the labor of labor has taken a strike due to the salary problem, the parties do not have to pay a fragment of a decree to the workers, and the reason why the workers dare to make better salary to the parties through the strike. And welfare treatment, on the one hand, on the strike, you can get a subsidy for trade unions during the strike, and on the other hand, it is also because the parties can't bear the workers for a long time ... this "long time"

Usually, it is not more than a month. The loss is the initiative to suit the worker.

It can also be seen in the US-driven industry to strike, and there is never strikes for three months. The truth is also very simple. Although the loss of capitalists will be very huge. Can workers need to eat? The union can subsidize workers during the strike, how many workers can be subsidized in the hands of money? Can you subsidize a few times? Don't forget, the workers pay the contribution to the trade union every month, it is only equal to 6% of the monthly salary of each month, but this 6% will not only support the trade union, not only one or two hundred, and hundreds of people have a high salary " "

Leaders and negotiations representatives and lawyers, but also need to support the media, politicians, and trade unions that they speak for them. In fact, there is no imagination, and there is no way to consider anti-losses, there is no way to have just earned billions of dollars.

Jack Welch didn't speak, just shrugged: Why is he to fully support the boss's decision? It's not because the boss follows the dry determination is the true gold and silver. And, in turn, for any senior professional manager who takes the annual salary, the strike worker, the most annoying, these bastards directly affect my income.

With Jack Wellch's promise, the secretary looked at the workers who were guilty outside, and suddenly he looked up: Hahaha ... Laozi you are still proud after watching a month? !

...................... If you are unscrupulous, the AMC workers strike quickly become the headlines of the United States, major TVs, radio, newspapers and other media have begun to report, the Democrats' politicians and the left-wing media are of course Adhere to their consistent position, accusation on AMC and Chen Geng Da: No matter what this strike, the worker strikes, asking for a salary, explains that you have less than the salary, the benefits are paid It's, this is not your right!

With the Democrat, the left-wing media is relatively, natural is the Republican Party and the right-wing media. They stood out for Chen Tong and AMC complimentary, indicating that AMC has taken three initiatives this year, but you can take the initiative to rise to workers. how about it? Workers are a group of milk is the white eyes of the mother, it is ... and the FOX news station as the right-wing media flag is of course refused to fall behind, and they even invited the CEO of the AMC car Jack Welch.

"In fact, it is not that we refuse to raise workers 'salary. Our AMC is the only company in the automotive industry to take the initiative to workers' salary. This year, AMC has been actively improving the time salary and welfare treatment of workers three times."

Speaking of this, Jack Wellch has three fingers, conscientiously: "I have given workers three consecutive years, you have to know that this is also unique in the history of the US automotive industry.

"Really? Are you sure?"

The beautiful female host is very surprised to widely widened.

"Of course, I am truth,"

Taking the lens, Jack Welch nodded very seriously: "I know that I will definitely be broadcast on your Fox news. If I ly, it is lie in the face of hundreds of millions of people ... Can you imagine that consequences? "

In this sentence, Jack Wellch has also held a small Skater, the audience of FOX TV - Fox TV, can have so much no hundreds of millions of people.

The female host is very cooperative to make a frightened expression: "God, I really can't imagine that it will be a bad result!

"Yes? No one will be in front of"

In the face of the beautiful female host, Jack Wellch said: "In fact, the salary of the AMC workers is definitely low, and the monthly salary of our ordinary workers has reached 1284.

$ 8.

"Is this salary level?"

The host asked.

"This income level ... I am so è,"

Jack Wellge thought, asked the female host: "What is the average salary of American industrial workers last year?"


The female host was very matched with the frown thoughtful, finally helplessly gave up: "Forgive me, I really don't know, Mr. Welch, how much is you?"

"Of course, it is $ 936.

"Is this low?"

The female host is obviously surprised.

Also, as the host of the FOX News station, as the Fox News station has a fairly visible host, her salary, subsidies, etc., each month is more than $ 12,000, calculated is a medium-sized middle, natural, For ordinary people's monthly salary, only one of his more than one is very surprised.

"Well, it is so low, you can go to the statistical department to check the relevant data, you can ask you the salary of the ordinary employees in the Taiwan ... Of course, your industry is special, the salary of ordinary employees is slightly higher, so ... ... Well, $ 1,100, I think your ordinary employee's salary should not exceed $ 1,100, and our worker's income is higher than the average salary.

26%, almost higher than the average level of 40%, I think this salary level is very enabled by our attention, but the trade union requires double the time salary of the workers, and the benefits should be increased almost 50% ...... "

Didn't wait for Jack Wellch, the female host is surprised to hold his mouth and interrupt him: "Mr. Welch, you are not wrong?"


Jack Welch made a disappointing expression.

"I said, you determine that you didn't say the requirements of the wrong work?"

The female host is incredible: "You have just said that the requirements mentioned in the trade union are doubled, and the benefits increase by 50%? Do you determine that you are not a time salary increase 10%, and the benefits increase by 5%?"

She certainly knows the requirements of the AMC car workers, but the program is effective, how can I reflect how ridiculous is the requirements and conditions from the AMC Automotive Works? "I know you will have such questions,"

Jack Welch has prepared, open the folder in front of him: "I deliberately brought the copy of the letter to us, ... you look this ... I received this letter at the time. At the time, we also be extremely suspected whether they had a mistake, and we deliberately gave a letter to the workshop, then this is a letter they reply again ... You see, here, they clearly say they did not write wrong. Is a time salary 100% ... "

"God, it is true!"

The female host saw the two officials, and immediately made an extremely exaggerated expression: "Welfare treatment ... This article is too complicated, I am not sure if it is 50%, but about the time salary The improvement is double ... Mr. Camera, I will give it a close-up ... God, I have never encountered such a thing, I am now able to understand why Fernandez does not agree with the requirements of the trade union, because there is no way to agree ...... "

With close-up, the audience in front of the lens is clear, the letter is indeed a black-brown writing to write the requirements: the time salary is 100%.

"You can calculate what salary level, and this requirement, it's hard to believe that the union is really in order to improve workers' income,"

Speaking here, Jack Wellch's two-handed hands appeared: "And frankly said that I have never encountered such a ridiculous requirement for so many years, I believe that there is no company to have experienced this Requirements.

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