king of power

Chapter 518? What is Chen Li?

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As the largest and even the world (except Huaxia), the most wide news TV proposal is covered, and the FOX News station comes out of Jack Welch's interview. The whole of the United States is sensational, and countless people can't believe themselves. Eyes ... What? !

AMC workers can get nearly $ 1300 salary a month? !

God, if I can take such a high salary, Laozi also resists a woolen discussion? !

Still removing a woolen work? !

Laozi should worry that the boss will not drive himself. If you have been opened, you can find such a high salary job is; what? !

The trade union actually made a demand for a double market? !

God, the idiots of the AMC union, they don't know what they are doing? !

Is the brain or stool? !

If this is just a happiness, everyone is still in the AMC Automotive Workers' Union and the AMC industrial workers, so as the Fox News station After the interview, public opinion started to defiminate in the direction of AMC and Chen Pai, even if it was the Democrat politician and the right-wing media, which had been severely criticized by the AMC car ignored workers, and he had to say sourness: "Some requirements of the AMC union It seems to be considered "

... There is no way, the requirements of the trade union are not being exploded by a wide range of explosions, they can also pretend to see, they don't know, but now, they can't continue to put, after all, workers want to eat, can not Stamitating the boss is not? From this perspective, there is no white flower to the public relations fee of the AMC to the FOX News.

As for those entrepreneurs, senior professional managers, financers, bankers ... is a slippery, standing in Chen Geng and AMC ... "Mr. Ford, how do you think about the strike of AMC workers?"

"Workers and businesses are complementary, joint growth, and the working works of workers are supported, and Ford cars are supported. We also hope that they are also willing to give our workers have better salary conditions, better benefits. , There is a premise here that the balance between workers and companies, if the workers want too much, the company will lose money, if the company is lost, can you support it? If the company supports, the workers finally It can only be unemployed.

"Do you have a strike behavior for workers who do not support AMC?"

"I think they are somewhat harsh ..."

This is an interview with the New York Times to the Ford car when he Henry Ford.

"I can't understand the salary requirements of AMC workers. According to I know, the salary of AMC workers is relatively high, and their benefits are also a few in the entire industrial manufacturing industry, just like Welch said. In that case, if they raise 5%, 10% or even 20% increase requirements, I can also understand, but 100% increase in the AMC workers, I can't understand, I also imagine what they are basis This requirement ... "

When the reporter asked how to look at the AMC worker strike, face the camera, Chikkaka, Chief Executive Officer, said.

"I feel that the AMC's worker is completely free of any reasons.

This is an interview with the CEO of Datong Bank's CEO Michael Kun, Michael Coon.

Almost all entrepreneurs who have been interviewed are standing on this side, even if the AMC's competitors are no exception, this time they are stowed in the side of Chen Pill and AMC car, such as Li Akka It is not that he intends to be a jade with Chen Genghua. It is really disgusting that the situation of the trade union this is really sick. If the replacement of the replacement will support it, the worker of the company, the worker, the union is also a sample How to do? That's how everyone should do anything, just give these Ai you die workers.

Even a considerable part of the workers who have been interviewed will not understand this strike of the AMC trade union, indicating that they can understand that the trade union will ask workers to ask for a salary, but such a salary increase is not a good thing, because so big Under the increase in increase, the company will definitely lose money. If the company loses money, what is the benefit of workers? ............ "Bastard!


Both is a bastard!

Looking at the media's public opinion is not as reversed as the saying that AMC and Fernandes Chen, but there is a considerable number of sounds in criticizing themselves is preparing to kill AMC cars, George Walker's three corpse violent gods: "I am AMC The chairman of the automobile workers' union, I am looking for my members to seek justice, look at these damn media, what are they talking about ?!

It's just that he is told!

Looking at George Walker, a house of a house can't help but feel a cold.

In fact, Norge Walker can't understand why this situation will present this situation. The unions are accustomed to the unions, and the entire social public opinion is standing in the heads of their heads. Why is the entire social public opinion began to Unfavorable, yes, yes, our conditions may be a little bit a little, but we are a union, we represent the wages of the working class, the majority of the poor, how can you not help us talk? We are harming our poor.

The trade union is like a child who is getting tired from the young, this time, when he made such a big mistake, he thought that the whole society would in contrace himself as before, I used to him, I didn't expect that although I didn't wait for a slap, There is no good result, they are very wronged.

"But ... boss, what should we do now?"

Some people asked in battle.

Money, everyone took it, when I took the money, I also made the money. I also mean that everyone became the grasshopper on the same rope. The heart seems to be unfavorable to himself, and the year of the trade union is a good blessing. Guys can't help but panic.

"What is afraid of,"

George Walker screamed: "What is it, as long as we bite it is speaking for the workers, who can we do?, How can you let you drop a meat? Noji, worst The worst outcomes, it is nothing more than this strike without any results. Let's end the strike, the workers go back to work, can we have any losses?


Still boss!

The eyes of a group of heads suddenly looked up: the boss said yes, no matter what the public opinion said, as long as we kill, it is for the workers to seek interest, who can say what? Up to most, that is, there are two cases of our conditions.

The result is that it is like the boss, it is really not, it is not a strike back to work, and there is no loss, the idiots workers have to give 6% of the monthly salary to the trade union, their days are still happy and happy ... ... One, this, a group of balantrons are very popular in an instant: Laozi is afraid of you!


Some people carefully put forward a suggestion to George Walker: "Since the entire public opinion says that our requirements are too much, is we slightly lowering the conditions?"

After saying, I saw George Walker's face seems to be a little unpleasant. He hurriedly explained: "I noticed that the mood of those workers in the past few days seem too stable, some workers also feel that our conditions are high ... "

Ok? !

George Walker's consciousness, I want to swear, I can hear that the mood of the workers is not too stable. His eye is a turn, and it feels that it is good to reduce the requirements. This method is not bad: I will reduce the request, on the one hand, I have sold a good time. It is indeed that it is indeed thinking about the workers, but also stuck those workers; on the other hand, even if I ask 50% time salary, AMC does not agree, can the strike continue? Thinking here, he nodded: "Hey ... also makes sense, then hold press conferences, let's talk about the difficulties of understanding the company, willing to actively revise the conditions, reduce the time salary requirements to increase 50%, comprehensive benefits Increase 30%, hoping to disclose negotiations with the parties as soon as possible.


Next moment, the horse fart is like a tide.

---------- ps: Brothers are embarrassed, please wait a moment.

The result is that it is like the boss, it is really not, it is not a strike back to work, and there is no loss, the idiots workers have to give 6% of the monthly salary to the trade union, their days are still happy and happy ... ... One, this, a group of balantrons are very popular in an instant: Laozi is afraid of you!


Some people carefully put forward a suggestion to George Walker: "Since the entire public opinion says that our requirements are too much, is we slightly lowering the conditions?"

After saying, I saw George Walker's face seems to be a little unpleasant. He hurriedly explained: "I noticed that the mood of those workers in the past few days seem too stable, some workers also feel that our conditions are high ... "

Ok? !

George Walker's consciousness, I want to swear, I can hear that the mood of the workers is not too stable. His eye is a turn, and it feels that it is good to reduce the requirements. This method is not bad: I will reduce the request, on the one hand, I have sold a good time. It is indeed that it is indeed thinking about the workers, but also stuck those workers; on the other hand, even if I ask 50% time salary, AMC does not agree, can the strike continue? Thinking here, he nodded: "Hey ... also makes sense, then hold press conferences, let's talk about the difficulties of understanding the company, willing to actively revise the conditions, reduce the time salary requirements to increase 50%, comprehensive benefits Increase 30%, hoping to disclose negotiations with the parties as soon as possible.


Next moment, the horse fart is like a tide.

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