king of power

Chapter 528 Make up

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Stanson didn't understand why his boss believes that the suspicion of the East Boss is even greater, in his opinion, Honda and Toyota are not very happy with the boss? Instead, Li Akka's CEO of Chrysler, has been disconnected with the boss.

However, he is very wise to ask why: You can't be smarter than the boss, if you are smarter than the boss, then you are worth 100 million billionaires, since there is a boss, the boss, believes that the suspect of the East Boss is the suspicion of the East Bikherce The suspect is even greater, there must be his reason.

Summary, Chen Ming lived on Stanon: "Stanson, you will help me contact several more powerful investigations.

The boss is to investigate who is in the back, Stann immediately nod: "Okay, I am arranged immediately,"

Summary, Stanson drums to Chen Geng: "Boss, I want to tell you something ..."

"Oh? You said.

"You find an assistant, I can't help ....

Stanson suffered his face, and it was full.

After the Helen Millen pre-supported the media stall, he was not only the owner of the security manager, but also part-time to be a private assistant to the boss. To be honest, this is not a human being, this time, Stan Sen feels that he must collapse.

Chen Mingyi's face was displaced, and Stann was a eye: "You think I want to use your rough, I have made Millen to help me choose the right candidate.

Stanson feels that it is not human to give the boss. This is not a human being. Can Chen Ming have not thinking that Stanson used to use it everywhere? Let a rough old man are dry, and it is really difficult for him. Stann is twisted, you can do it, Chen Gear long commanded Millen to help himself a suitable personal assistant candidate, and Chen Tong's Not an assistant, but a whole private assistant and secretary team.

Although the boss's tone is not very polite, Kestanon is touching the head, a honest, smirking: As long as you can get rid of the damn assistant position, what is good - I have been in Chen Li, Stan Sen is actually very clear, the more you welcome the boss, you will show that you will not be unhappy, he is not unhappy, and it is quite proud of your heart: Look, the boss takes me as my own!

This will be talking, the big brother rang, Chen Geng pressed the call button with his hand: "I am Fernande, how are you?"

"Brother, I am, Zhang Zongping ..."

In the phone, Zhang Zongping's voice appeared very enthusiastic.

Chen Geng took the mouth, and the head was a bit depressed: how did the phone call, how can there be a call display function? Depressed, Chen Tong still should take place: "Oh, it is Zhang Ge, is there something?"

"Oh ... can't you call you nothing?"

Zhang Zongping seems to have not felt the cold in Chen Geurism, huh, huh, huh: "Brothers, congratulations, let those American workers are old and old, my brother said: amazing!

"You are polite, in fact, you are estimated, I am in the dead,"

Chen Muzu is playing haha: "If you don't make some money on ThinkCenter, I don't dare to toss so.

I heard Chen Geng said that ThinkCenter, Zhang Zongping's heart was a burst of panto: Which is a little money? Which is a few billion dollars don't want to think about it? !

However, he is very agree with Chen Pigang. If there is nothing brings to the money from the money earned on ThinkCenter, Chen Wi will not have the courage to take this AMC worker strike - everyone is chatting Time, more than once I feel Chen Geng's dog: This child is really good!

"The younger brother, you said this ... Oh, the Americans have a sentence, called luck is also part of strength,"

Zhang Zongping hit a haha, then the topic turned: "Brother, our business will determine the list of the year ..."

If you don't wait Zhang Zongping, Chen Geng interrupted his words: "Zhang Ge, is really embarrassed, our chamber of commerce this year, I probably no way to participate.

what? !

When I heard Chen Ping, Zhang Zongping was stunned. He understood that Chen Ming was refused to rescue his heart in his crisis. participated? This ... This is clearly the rhythm of torn face!

In this case, the gas is still not sustainable, the voice has also become fear: "Brother, you are the vice president of our North American Chinese Chamber of Commerce, how can you not come?"

I didn't wait Chen Geng to talk, he took the initiative: "Oh, is it a previous thing to make you unhappy? This ... everyone has a difficult place ... Hey, I will tell you the truth, everyone, everyone feels this time. If you can't help you, you want to give your brother to your brother by this year.

Brother, you listened to me, let's break the bones, the bones, the compatriots, there is something wrong, it is, after all, I have encountered any difficulties in the future, I have to have a group. "


I didn't wait for Zhang Zongping, Chen Geng in the phone couldn't help but laughed: "Zhang Ge, you said yes, we are interrupted the bones, the bones, the bones, can this time, What is the most cold is that we have interrupted the bones with the bones, and some compatriots, but even the 10% of the car maintenance channels in my hand, this is, and all times. In the United States, 51 states, a total of more than 500 car chain repair companies, 10% of the shares, people will open 2 million, this is the horizontal, oh ... You can say that you don't know.


Zhang Zongping made a big red face in an instant!

Yes, this matter, he really knows, and this integration area of ​​$ 2 million will buy Chen Geng's 10% of the US shares of the whole American car chain repair company, or his own acquaintance: North American Chinese Chamber of Commerce Columbia Branch The president, when he met Chen Pai in the party in the chamber of commerce, it was called a charming, and the guy called a jealous.

This is still not counted, after being rejected by Chen Geng, people also let go, 2 million US dollars is already in the same tribute, and now there is no difference between the compatriots, next time he only has 1 million US dollars. ...... To be honest, Zhang Zongping didn't know where this guy came.

But now, what is late, Chen Li has already set out his own attitude: Don't take the compatrioven, you guys, the favorite pit is your compatriots, and the most embarrassing is also my compatriots.

Chen Li has already said this, and what can Zhang Zongping say? He can only report to two hilaries.

It's good to have a good one, although Zhang Zongping did not help himself in this worker strike, but one yard was returned, and people did not help himself before. It is really this. It is scared. These Chinese people in North America are not all like this. I can't afford the spine bones in front of the white and even blacks. His topic is turned: "One more, I have to go to Huaxia for two days.

I heard Chen Gei explained slightly, Zhang Zongping actually relieved, hurriedly asked: "Do you want to go to China?"


Chen Geng's head: "We have reached an infrastructure cooperation agreement with the Huaxia Magic Government. This time, it is a contract with the contract, and it has been cut a color. Well, there are some other cooperative agreements, smooth, but also in China Tear for about half a month.

Zhang Zongping wanted "Our time is enough, when are you coming back, when will we hold a group meeting?

I have a saying that I will swallow it by him, I will go back: Let's talk, or the whole North American Chinese Chamber of Commerce is quite unfair, annoying Chen Geng, people are reluctant to bring themselves People play.

It can be said that I can think of this worker strike to take this way? Who can think that the last winner will actually be him? Look at the past workers' strikes, whether it is a Ford Auto Worker strike, or a general car worker strike, or the workers in other industries strike, the last winner is not all workers and unions, and then look at this AMC When the worker strikes, the union is open, and it is a Chinese, which is a Chinese, good bullying, preparing the lion, and who can think that the wages and benefits will not rise, and the union disbands reselection What is the end? To be honest, when this results come out, not only the whole society falls into the ground, even if it is in the North American Chinese Chamber of Commerce, why not drop the eye beads? Those guys who were going to Chen Gee Luo Li, were young, as for the president of the Colombian North American Chamber of Commerce, did not use others, I went down to the duties of the branch, but This, I have to send a lot of adults. Adults don't remember the little people ... So, in the end, Zhang Zongping ignored himself next to himself, a hard work, Dr. Wang An, will be complex Emotions are all often sighs: "This ... If you don't come, this group will not mean.

"Hey, I don't want to play, how do you play,"

Chen Geng smiled: "This, Zhang Ge, waiting for me from Huaxia, let's drink a good.

Seriously, when Zhang Zongping, Zhang Zongping refused, Chen Geng was really a bit hate Zhang Zongping, but the time has passed for so long, some things I also wanted to open: First, Zhang Zongping gave How much help I provided? Secondly, because he didn't help himself, he felt that people didn't know, not worth it? There is no such reason!

In the past, especially when he had just started at your career, the old Zhang did not ask for himself to help himself, did you have a little bit? Is it not enough to help yourself to help yourself? Still, there is no such reason.

From a friend's point of view, the old Zhang is really enough, he believes that he should understand what he means after he is listening to his own words.

In fact, I heard Chen Geng's sentence, Zhang Zongping's eyes suddenly looked.

Yes, he understands the meaning of Chen Ming, although you didn't help me this time, but I still recognize this friend.

"it is good!

it is good!

I know you, you go to you, wait for you to say it from Huaxia, let me drink a cup!

Zhang Zongping loudly.

After smashing two noses, Zhang Zongping felt that his eyes were red.

"Well, then it is said.

Chen Mong Xiao nodded.

................ Hanging, Zhang Zongping is very helpless to look at Dr. Wang An: "Wang President, you see ..."

Dr. Wang An is also very helpless, but the whole process listened to Zhang Zongping and Chen Geng's dialogue, what is the way? What happened between Chen Mong and Zhang Zongping, he has been mirror, but he will only be in this meeting, he doesn't know anything, he said: "This is no way, Mr. Chen Busy.

He wants to talk to the computer through this opportunity and Chen Geng. Before the ThintCenter of Gate 2000, Wang An computer is not only the most famous computer brand in North America, but Dr. Wang An is also known as "North American Chinese." Light"

In the world, Chen Geng's ThinkCenter has become the most dazzling star of the 1981 global computer field. At the same time, with the support of the media, the Chinese people also know that our Chinese people have such a fierce. The child is actually playing such a high-tech field in the high-tech field of Americans.

Dr. Wang An wants to hold a chance to hold a group annual meeting by this North American Chinese Chamber of Commerce, communicate with Chen Geng, exchange communication experience, and there is nothing else, but I didn't expect Chen Li to do this for his predecessor. - Strictly speaking, it is not not given to the face, because Chen Geng pressure does not know the phone, and there is still someone to listen.

"Yeah yeah,"

Zhang Zongping took the head and attached to the head and attached: "He is really busy with Chen, after all, a large stall industry.

He is full of red light, a face and honor, and then don't have a heartfelt, trembled.

Looking at Zhang Zongping, which is full of red light, Dr. Wang Ang, in addition to sighing in his heart, what can I do? ...........................................................

Not because of Zhang Zongping's call, but because he just heard an emergency inserted news from the car radio: The aviation disputer of the US aviation industry held a big strike in the industry, that is, from this moment, US The air transport industry is almost in the state of paralysis ... There is no dispatch of the dispatcher, isn't it a paralyzed?

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