king of power

Chapter 529 is nominated by the president:

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Stanson, who also heard the content of the radio broadcast, was also surprised, he couldn't help but say: "Aviation dispattors strike ... Is these guys crazy ?!

Yes, at Stanson's view, the strikes of aviation disputes are simply crazy. The aviation schedules are different from the workers on the production line. This job is extremely high, and those a day will not take a few days. The small airport of the plane, the micro airport is also over, and there can be a tenth time that is familiar with the tower operation. Temporary passenger passenger strings, guiding small aircraft to land, or even necessary, the pilot directly landed directly without dispatta Nothing.

However, the civil airports of medium, large and even the hub are completely not such a thing. There is no scheduling, command, the command, the whole airport instant, a very real problem is: Temporarily do not say these aviation disputes Will bring more losses to the civil aviation giants, those civil aviation planes that are still flying in the sky now? This strike is that it is joking at the life of the people!


Chen Geng took a sound: "These guys are simply joking the life of the passengers on the sky, I don't know what kind of reaction that just sitting in front of the perseverance table?"

"Do you say that Mr. Ragan may respond to this strike?"

I didn't expect their own boss to give such an answer, Stanson first stunned first, and then hurriedly said: "This is not possible? After all, the strike is the right of workers, how can Mr. Li Guan may ..."

"Strike is the right of workers,"

Without Sist Tansen finished, Chen Li said: "But the passengers in the sky, there are also living rights.


Stanson instantly running: Yes, you dispatched the strike is your right, but you can't make your life, you can kisit your own for your interests.

Thinking of this, Stanson's thoughts can't help but fly: I don't know what kind of reaction will be at the moment that Li Gang in front of the persevering table? ........................ What kind of reaction will the White House be? What kind of reaction is the reachaes? The reaction is just moving to the Ragan comrades of the White House, this will be face with the face, and the anger patted the table.

It's a group of babies!

When receiving the notification of the secretary, the comrades of the Ragge were very crazy: still in the sentence, he didn't know how many thousand large civil aviation planes were floating, there was no dispatching, command, how did these aircraft have dropped? ? How can I guarantee the safety of passengers on the plane? The secretary war is very tough. I can't wait to put my head into the crotch: He originally wanted to say that the contact phone in the White House was already in a piece. All the major media were called, and there was no exception to demand an interview. Your, you can look at the boss, still count ... it's a root, the strongman is a strong person. He is very clear that the swear is helpless, and he took a sigh of relief. He is full of face to the secretary: "Let the aviation The person in charge of the Authority immediately came to see me.

"Mr. Michael has arrived,"

The secretary made a breath, immediately said: "Just waiting outside.

......... I saw the Director of the US Federal Aviation Administration, Mijard Wilson, comrades in Rigang asked: "Mr. Wilson, you are the management agency of the entire US civil aviation industry, you tell me, facing this How do you have an emergency response? "

Originally, the sweat of the sweat of a brain, the sweat on the forehead was a stream of the stream, and the poor FAA Director said to the Qi Ren's comrades while we sweating. "No, no ... "

"Do you have an emergency plan?"

The comrades of the Ragan are unbelievable: "Are you crazy ?!

What do you eat? !

Speaking here, the comrades of the Ragan stepped into the bed, slammed the curtains, pointed to the sky loudly to Michael Wils: "Now!

Nowadays, there are thousands of planes above the federal sky, at least hundreds of thousands of people are waiting to land, but you tell me that you have no urgent plan for dispatcher strike? !

So ... you sure you are not joking with me? !

You tell me how many thousand aircraft outside is safe landed on the ground? I also tell you, if you can't think of a solution within an hour, you will give me a glow!

Yes, in the comrades of Ragang, the Federal Aviation Administration did not develop an emergency plan specifically targeted to aviation disputes in the case of the importance of aviation dispute, which is simply incredible, and he is poor. "How many guys are you growing?"

Say it.

Poor Michael Wilson, this is really a sweating.

Yes, the federal Aviation Bureau is of course very clearly the importance of aviation disputers at each airport, but they really didn't think of aeronautical dispattors will strike.

Why? Because there is no reason, only four days in the 4 days of the week, one class is only four hours, high salary, high welfare, high overtime pay, a month of one month with salary holiday and all the United States Airlines' flights are free to ride unique benefits ... Aviation dispatcher's monthly income is more than $ 4,500, a little more than $ 1,000 in this American worker, what do you want? !

In Miller Wilsen, aviation disputers are really no strike, but they are strikes, not only strike, but also requires more demanding: time salary increases by 30%, better benefits, Better treatment ... "I ... I ..."

In the face of the threat of comrades in Ragang, the graciousness of Michael Wilson only said that the scalp said: "I think ... The only way is to promise their conditions, let them return as soon as possible. Dispatched the post ... "

"Is this your solution?"

Didn't wait for Michael Wilson to finish, the comrades of the Ragang disappointed him, and the road to the interception: "No!

I will never agree!

Isn't I still like Fernandes? "

In the view of Rigan, since AMC's Fernandez Chen Nankuan has a huge loss, it does not agree to strike a worker's condition, and finally can achieve the final victory, why do you not do it? Fernandes? Michael Wilson worked hard for a long time, only to think of Fernandes in the mouth of President, Wairnand in the mouth, then, the poor director couldn't help but cry: "Mr. Fernanders dares to strike the workers. It is because he does not have other losses except for some money, but if we don't agree with the conditions of aviation dispatcher, now, there are hundreds of thousands of people in the US.

Once this thing is solved, you ... "

Although Michael Wilson said very savings, what is the comrades of Karigen? Before serving as the president of the United States, people have been a few governors, how can I not understand that Mijer Wilson reminds themselves, one handles are not good, don't say seek to have a good time, it is directly removed, it is not possible. It is better to force major airports to promise those schedulers, and then slowly think about the schedulers.

From a steady point of view, Michael Wilson's suggestion has no doubt that there is no problem, even if it promises the requirements of the dispatcher and the trade union, the money is also the airport, perhaps the airport will pass this part of the cost to aviation. The company, further transferred to passengers, but how many times is it? It is the most important thing to solve the problem of proper solution.

But who is Ragang? This guy is tough and famous, the United States chooses him to serve as the US president, isn't it because the US needs a tough US President? How can he be at this time, because this is a little stress? "No so trouble,"

The Ragan classmates waved, his bones were bubbled, turned to the secretary: "Isn't the staff of several key positions strike, solve it is not so trouble ... Schneider, help me pick up National Defense Minister.

"Mr. President, I am Schnee.

The phone quickly turned on, and the Minister of Defense Schneider was very calm.

"I am Ronald,"

Ragan classmates did not with the Minister of Defense around the circle, asked: "Our Air Force's aviation dispatcher can take over and take the aviation dispatch of civil airports?"

When I heard the words of my own boss, Schneider knew what was going on, and immediately said: "No problem!

"you sure?"

"I am very sure,"

Schneider did not hesitate to: "In fact, the aviation dispatcher of the civil airports now is the dispatcher of our Air Force.

"alright, I understand,"

The Ragan students are tight: "You are ready to prepare, wait for my order, if the union does not agree immediately, there is unconditional return to the requirements of the job, let our children go top.


Mr. Mr. President and Mr. Mr. and Mr. National Defense Minister's dialogue, the whole person is stupid: I am so stupid, really, as the head of the US civil aviation management agency, I didn't expect it. Let the military aviation dispattors served in the Air Force have come to the airport dispatcher, and the majors will not protest.

I have been asking him about him: "How do you think of Mijia?"

After that, he reacted at once, hurriedly said: "I ... I don't have any problems, oh ... I don't feel very good ..."

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