king of power

Chapter 796 Jinmen Development Zone

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Xu Guang also cleared how the information contained in Wang Deguang this sentence, this is the "Mr. Chen, Mr. Chen, is ready to put some of the three projects."

the meaning of.

As the core of the Government of Jinmen, Xu Guangxin is inspired. No matter which of the three projects in the three projects, this project will have undoubtedly become a train head that drives the economic development of Jinmen. - The train runs fast, all over the front of the head, the economy is the same.

Because of this, Xu Guangcai will lose this.

Wang Degui's mood is extremely good. He said: "This ... I didn't joify you, but the comrades of Chu people have joking with me, I don't know this.

Xu Guang: "..."

German comrades are more serious on a day, and the old man is alone. It will also be joking with people. It is ... It seems that this ten eight nine is true.

Summary, Xu Guang lost the next sentence: "I will go to your home!"

I hang up the phone.

Wang Deguang shook his head, and then gave his lover to tell: "Aiqin, comrades Xu Guang will come over."

"Comrade Xu Guang is coming?"

Wang Deguang's lover Li Aiqin is a bit surprised: "" Do you work? "

"Well, don't ask more ..."

Wang Deguang should have a good drink with the tea cups of the next to the tea cup.

Li Aiqin once again looked at his husband and saw his smile from the heart. Obviously, the comrades of Xu Gang will be will definitely not a bad thing, suddenly rest assured.

.............................. Xu Guang came soon.

Both live in a big court, Wang Degui lived on the 11th building, Xu Guangli is the No. 18 small building. If you walk, you can't use it for five minutes. It is very close, but this distance is very subtle, enough to ensure that two people are not Will call "Wang Zhan Wang"

It is also possible to ensure that the city's @ and the city @ @ needs to communicate, the two can face the face in the shortest time.

Wang Degui is very clear about this meaning. After Xu Guang arrived, he didn't sell Guan Li and explained it directly to him: "Just just, I received a call from Comrade Chu people, in the phone, Chu Comrade Civil Line told me that Chen Ming's comrades are ready to come to China, and the name is going to us to see ... "

Xu Guang immediately nodded: "Now it seems that our chances have a great opportunity.

"Yes, the chance is very big,"

Wang Deguang also endorsed this view of Xu Guang: "The current situation is that our Jinmen has only one hundred percent of the opportunity, rising to 50% ... but this is far less!

Don't say that now, there is half a chance, even if it is approaching the contract, just a minute has not signed a contract, we can't say that you have succeeded, so I mean that we will communicate, if there is no difference, city Four teams, the city @ @ Question, then he is the sinner of the entire Jinmen.

"I have no opinion!

Xu Guang immediately fame: "Just do it!

When Wang Deguang and Xu Guang have unified advice, this matter has become the collective will of Jinmen. With the unique super-high mobilization efficiency of the Huaxia government system, the entire Tsuki City is running at full speed.

------------ When Chen Geng arrived in Jinmen, everything that saw it in front of him made him feel a bit untrusted: the whole city is clean to nearly a lot of breath, and I don't know how much she hangs on the street. Banners, anyway, in the eyes, all are "warmly welcome Chinese Chen Ming, Comrade, come to our city to investigate investment"

"Warmly welcomes the world famous entrepreneurs

, "Mr. Chen Gill, Hello, Jinmen People Welcome"

...... Looking at the red silk banners of these patterns, Chen Geng's mouth!


too exaggerated!

For this investment, the leadership of Jinmen City can buy this money. Is this the entire Jinmen City, it is mobilized? Wang Deguang and Xu Guang are more savvy, and always observed Xu Guang, Xu Guang, who looked at Chen Geng's expression, and knew what Chen Geng wants to say, and the heart is secret: !

If you are uncomfortable, he will grab a smile in Chen Geng to show Chen Geng and said: "Mr. Chen, know the news you want, and the whole of the whole of Jinmen City, the fellow, the cadres, the comrades are rejoicing, everyone spontaneously Welcome to your own way ... "

"After, I passed ..."

Waiting Xu Guang said, Chen Li is rushing to sway: a little businessman, you give such a big scene? Nima is going to kill.

He is polite: "Mr. Xu, Mr. Wang, I know what you mean, I don't think about it, I have come here, I really have the meaning of investment in Jinmen City, but you are so grand, really If I come back next time, are you going to continue, or not? "

... Just also have a secret for his own move, Wang Deguang immediately understood the meaning of Chen Gendai: This time you are so grand, if you come again, you will not welcome you so warmly. , What will I think in my heart, will I think you don't mean enough, and if you come, please come. If you come over next time, you still do so much ... Is there any impact? So, this time you will hold me too high, if you don't have the same treatment, how embarrassing each other is there? Understanding Chen Geng's meaning, the two people suddenly looked at Chen Geng high.

As a municipality in the city, Jinmen has received foreign guests in these years, and foreign investors who come to investigate are not less, those foreigners, which one is not a full, a nosble grows on the top of the head? Walking on the face "Laozi has money, come and kneel!

Eight big characters, let people feel uncomfortable, now turn back and then look at this Chenmong, ... ... Just rushing this, no wonder people can do business so much.

Although it is a little small, how to resolve this small embarrassment, for Wang Deguang and Xu Guanglai, it is not a problem, Wang Deguang said: "Mr. Chen criticized, but ask Mr. Chen, no matter whether you invest in our investment, You are the most welcome guests of our Jinmen.

---------------- ps: Brothers are embarrassed, after sending relatives to the hospital last night, have been running with running before running, busy this morning, after waking up the head It's also a bit dizzy. Today, this chapter is only 2,000 words, please ask the brothers to forgive.

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