king of power

Chapter 803 Thinkpad

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A company wants to list, the results before listed are naturally, the better, the more you tell the story, return to the office of yourself in the data research company, Chen Geng feels, in Windows 2.

After 0, it is time to take the company another killer in hardware ... "boss?"

Tang Eitri, who received a call from Chen Geng, and some curious home boss said so anxious to call him for what.

"Tang, please sit,"

Seeing Tang Aitri, Chen Geng made a "please sit"

Gesture, asked: "What should you drink?"

"Give me a cup of Mocha,"

Tang Ertridge did not polite with his own boss: "You can sweet.


Chen Geng gave his secretary to make a gesture, showing her to Tang Elitri bubble cup coffee, and then did not polite with Tang Ertridge: "Tang, this time, this time, it is company Project.

"Boss, you said.

Tang Eitrich immediately nodded - when he came to Chen Geng's secretary, Tang Ertridge has been premonning.

Chen Geng did not immediately say that this time I was prepared to give him Tang Eitrich, but asked him: "Tang, you are a person who needs to travel often, so have you encountered This way: When you travel, you need to use a computer to handle some work on your hand, but I find that there is no computer available at all? "

"Yes, BOSS, I have encountered too many times, every time I hate this world why there is no laptop with a business trip,"

Tang Aitri-deeply nodded, as the top talent of the high-tech industry that needs to travel frequently, Tang Aitriqi encountered too many times to deal with the hotel, but there is no computer on the hand. The exemption is the case. Lenovo's company has a project, he immediately responded: "So ... the company intends to develop a portable, can bring a computer, is it?"

Not surprising, Don Elitrich, why can I think of a laptop from Chen Geng's words, which is really for the current US science and technology, especially the computer world, is not a great concept, and a laptop. Although there is no laptop product on the market, similar things in Hollywood sci-fi movie have already appeared, experts in all computer industries firmly believe that with the development of computer technology, the Hollywood movie can carry portable portable portability The computer will appear in the last few years, and the data research firm is the largest in the microcomputer market, and it is also the strongest competitor: IBM has even announced their laptop products R & D plan.

Since IBM has begun to set up a laptop computer product, as the largest micro-machine manufacturer in North America and the world, Tang Ertridge does not think that the data research company will fall behind.

Talk to smart people is happy!


Chen Ge said: "How, Tang, give you a year, can you get it?"

"One year?"

Tang Elitridge wrinkled the eyebrows: a year of time to make things that have never been done before, this difficulty is not small.

Thinking for a moment, Tang Ertridge asked Chen Ge: "BOS, how much is the project budget for us? What extent we have to do? Is it mature, can you promote the market, or show the company's strength? sample?"

These problems are critical.

The project budget determines what is Tang Erietridge and his team can do, and what extent is to be done, then directly determine the final cost of this laptop: If it is just to show off the data research company Technology, nature is trying to work, but if it is for sale, then we must consider manufacturing costs at the beginning of the design.

"The cost is not the first, mainly demonstrating our technical ability. Of course, you can't consider the cost, and it is best to carry our Windows 2.

0 system.

As for the R & D budget ... "

Chen Geng Shen, said: "3 million US dollars, the first batch allocated $ 1 million.

In addition, if the project is ideal, the budget of $ 3 million is indeed insufficient, or it can be added as appropriate.

Unlike the research and development desktop, even if you look at the world, you don't know how much funds in developing such laptop computers, and it should be appropriately relaxed in R & D budgets.

3 million US dollars? Tang Aitrich has a breath, and it feels a bit bigger on the shoulder.

In any company, the R & D budget represents the company's emphasis on this project, but also for the desktop only takes several tens, up to millions of dollars, the company actually lists 3 million US dollars for this laptop project. Budget, I would like to know how much the company attaches how much attention to this project: After the success of this laptop, maybe the company expects how much it can be sold, but must be able to highlight the technical research company in the microcomputer field Strength is an unsubstable NO.


Reconscious this, Tang Eiti Riche is cherished, since it is necessary to carry Windows 2.

0 System, then the best choice is to build a complete set of hardware systems at 32-bit 80386, and the 80386 processor does not seem to have a low-power version. Looking back with Inter. I have negatively developed a low power 80386 chip. Plan, if you don't do it, then you only use low-power 80286 chip, you have to look good ... look good? Tang Ertrich suddenly realized that a little older is a worldwide industrial designer, and it is not used by such a powerful designer. Isn't that violent? Reconscious this, Tang Eitrich immediately took his face: "But BOSS, this laptop, you have to shoot.

Chen Gei picked his eyebrows: "Well?"

"Technology and engineering, as long as the budget is sufficient, I have enough grasp, but in the style of the product and the design ..."

Tang Eitrich smiled: "In order to ensure that our products can shoot, don't ... Try?"

Lying in the trough!

Chen Li did not expect Tang Ertric to hit his own body.

However, Chen Li also admitted that Tang Ertrich said, and there did not have a laptop computer in this year. Everyone is a black, no one knows how the overall shape of the laptop computer should design, since In this way ... "Also,"

Slightly sinking, Chen Geng's hurts promised: "The shape and appearance have I am responsible.

Tang Eitrich is big!

He didn't think that his own boss agreed so happy, just as he said, he is not worried with the strength, engineering implementation and software level of data research company. The only worry is the product style and design level, but now, since BOSS is willing to shoot, then there is nothing to worry.

"That ... boss, what is our name?"

Tang Aitrich asked.

Chen Geng laughed: "Hey ... Since our desktop is called ThinkCenter, the laptop is called ... Thinkpad is ok.

"ThinkPad? Good name!

Can think of a notebook? Tang Eitrich immediately became a big point, and I think Boss's name is back to the laptop computer. The only problem is that why BOSS is so strange? .............................. In 1985, the US $ 10 million in a propaganda budget is crazy, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, streets ... For a time, no matter where the people go, I can always hear it. , See, I feel the new generation of microcomputer operating systems for the new generation of data research companies.

0 will be officially launched after a month.

At the same time, compared to Windows 1.

0, Windows 2.

0 innovation and optimization also allows the entire scientific and technological community to Zupin: better system stability; more intuitive and accurate graphical operational performance; more language support capabilities; simultaneous compatible 16-bit operating systems and 32-bit operating systems The first to support 80386 32-bit X86 architecture chip of 80386; optimized network performance and built-in Outlook email function ................................................................................................................................ .

0 is full of expectations, and there is a chance to get Windows 2.

0 Test the major computer media in the version, instantly incorpore, for the licking dog, for Windows 2.

0 madness, the most influential in North America, a computer class of the US Computer Association: "US Computer Society Communications" is a word that does not have to praise his praise, written in their articles: " Always, whether it is a fool-style graphical operating system, it is still convenient and easy to use, and I think Windows 1.

0 It is already the most perfect personal computer operating system in the world. I even think that there will be more than Windows 1 within ten years.

0 The appearance of the computer operating system, but what I didn't expect is that the data research company is so energetic, so ambitious, they are not satisfied with Windows 1.

0 success, in Windows 1.

0 Three years later after the launch, they have launched Windows 1 again.

0 Upgrade Version: Windows 2.


I can't describe my first time I used Windows 2.

0 types of shocking feelings, I can only say, this is an operating system that is enough to describe 'great', Windows 2.

0 shocks to me, unbeaten the shock when I first experience the graphical operating system on the microcomputer!

I firmly believe that each computer user should take their operating system from 1.

0 Upgrade to 2.

0, that kind of gap, is like entering the era of internal combustion engine from the steam age ... "

In numerous media on Windows 2.

0 is tied, Windows 2.

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