king of power

Chapter 804 Single Day Sales: 42174!

Penmark www.


CC, the fastest update power king!

Chen Daiqi's computer supermarkets under the United States, not only makes countless large and small computer companies in the world, not only to enter the computer super store, but the sales data of various companies issued by the supermarket will also become a measure. The bargows of each company's performance is directly linked to the stock markets of these companies.

In Windows 2.

0 On the day of the listing, Chen Pigang directly went to the Supermarket in Los Angeles, actually observing Windows 2.

0 sales.

Like the domestic computer supermarket in 2010, the whole street is bustling in the computer super store, the whole street is bustling, the people are like tide, into the supermarket, although the air conditioner in the store has been opened, but Chen Li still feels yourself. The surrounding temperature seems to have risen a few degrees in an instant, the sound of various bargains, the noise is poured into their own ears ... Although the data research company is the NO in the microcomputer market.

1, but theory and comprehensive strength, "blue giant"

IBM is the true wealthy, the IBM's land area is more than 160 square booths is facing the store entrance, Chen Geng looked around, IBM's booth has already pulled out a banner: The company's full products are perfect Upgrade to Windows 2.

0 operating system.

Well, this is not IBM himself hanging, but the supermarket ... It is actually Chen Geng yourself ... Strong requirement, all mini-computer sellers in the store must hang your own computer is perfect to Windows 2.

0 The banner of the system.

You ask if there is no hanging banner, it is difficult to withdraw the other side's booth? Of course, the booth is certainly impossible. Everyone is a law-abiding person. Of course, it is impossible to do violation of the contract, but I am afraid of the super giant such as IBM, the microcomputer products sold out through supermarkets and other subsidiary equipment It has occupied more than 40% of their products, and for this emerging giants of HP, products sold out through supermarkets have more than 80% of their total outgoing goods, so as a store Aspect, "Will it be carefully considered after the contract expires"

After that, all sellers said that the operating system of their own products will only use Windows 2.

0 ... The big and small companies in the supermarket have been hung up "" The company has been upgraded to Windows 2.

0 operating system "

The banner - Well, the banner is free for the store, no sellers spend money, this is more than the domestic store conscience, changed the domestic store, such a banner, there is also a thousand dollars. .

Looking at the people in the IBM booth, Chen Geng is very sensible, not squeezing ... Anyway, IBM is previously WINDOWS 2.

0 When the system is adapted, he has experienced ... The eyes swept a circle in the store, and then Chen Geng went to the inside.

"Hey, buddy, this windows 2.

0 How about 0? "

When I came to a small seller of a famous Bill computer company, Chen Geng was experiencing Windows 2.

0 Users of the system asked.

When this brother who is experiencing the new system is looking back, it is a young man who is dressed up. Suddenly don't think it is, think it is a person who is ready to buy a computer as yourself, and the mouse is not awkward. Tillage: "Good, very good, than before 1.

0 It's easy to use.


Chen Mong took a step forward: "" There is really a medium that is so good? "

"Well, I feel better than the media,"

This brother is very enthusiastic, immediately cut back to the main interface, pointing at the main interface to Chen Geng said: "You see this system interface, than before 1.

Is there too much to look at the 0 era? "

This is!

In Windows 1.

0 times, limited to computer's hardware performance, although there are also "my computer"

Wait a desktop icon, but in order to reduce the occupation of system resources, all desktop icons are the same as a folder, or gray, but as the market is gradually starting with 80286 chip, individual or even already The more advanced 80386 is used and a graphic display card is used. Compared to a few years ago, the computer's graphic display capability has been doubled, and it is Windows 2.

0 times, not only all desktop icons have all been optimized, but also become colored.

Chen Geng's newcomer's end: "Well ... It is better than Windows 1.

0 Good looks ... Is that OUTLOOK still used? I see that you have just used it to send an email.

"It's easy to use, it's too easy to use,"

When the Outlook function, this buddy suddenly danced: "With this Outlook email, I can communicate with the company in overseas colleagues, and this Outlook email has 'new mail reminder' function ... , You see, this is not, it is coming ... "

Chen Tongyi turned his head, no, Outlook "New Mail" is being opened

On, there is a "new mail 1"

The bold reminder means that there is a new mail.

Chen Ge has not spoke, the boss of this store is a little impatient: "Mr., you have experienced half an hour, please ask, do you want to be good?"


This brother's face is red, obviously, the price of $ 2688 on the computer makes him some toothache.

But I haven't waited for the buddy, this boss is full of laughing, said to Chen Geng: "Sir, we have a Windows 2.

0 machine, you can experience it ... I will tell you, compared to 1.

0, Windows 2.

0 changes are simply unlike an era product, God!

I have never seen an operating system can be like Windows 2.

0 such a friendly and easy to operate ... "

I don't blame this boss, I didn't recognize Chen Multi, after all, in the European and American people, the growing asians are almost. When they come back, who can think of the big boss of the store will be so leisurely, and they will take someone to see the store. WINDOWS 2.

0 sales situation? ........................ The entire store turns down, Chen Dynasty is fully assured.

Whether it is a seller or a user, for Windows 2.

0 The evaluation is very high, thinking Windows 2.

0 is longer than Windows 1.

0 With a great progress and improvement, they are happy to use this new operating system.

Some of the previous Windows 1.

0 Users of the system complaining why data research companies don't launch Windows 2 early.

0, if you know that the data research company will launch 2 so quickly.

0 version of the Windows system, they prefer to wait ... In order to master the sales of the first hand, he said hello to the monetary and store, and put Windows 2 as soon as possible.

0 The system is summarized on the first day, and the final number of the next day in the afternoon, Chen Wanto is stunned: 60 stores in the United States, a total of 4,2174 sets of Windows 2.


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