king of power

Chapter 874 is bad, it is a feeling of heart

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"Does your design have L-39 that can be used normally?"

Chen Geng asked Yuri Kraff Qinke: "Can you let your pilots bring me a circle?"

What? Do you want to fly a circle? Yuri Kravico immediately looked at Alexander Holmorov: This kind of thing can't do it.

Alexander Holm Doff also Malacca: Youli Kravico Cannot can't do the Lord, can you do this KGB small agent? In front of you, that is, you can talk to the US President, the Vice President said.

Alexander Holm Doff is a difficult way: "This ... this ... Mr. Fernandes ..."

Despite the unknown of Alexander Holmorov, Chen Geng immediately understood: "This, you will ask me first.

Alexander Holmorov This is a breather, and I am busy nod: "Okay.

"Also, I can ask if I can buy a L-39.

"Buy ... buy a?"

Not only the Alexander Holmorov, the people of the Yvchen Coat Design Bureau, the people who have no consciousness: US billionaires, are it? "Well, I really like this plane, I hope to buy a collection,"

Chen Geng's head: "You can remove the sensitive military equipment on the plane, but the aircraft must be able to fly normally, normal use.

If it is an L-39 coach machine that has been demolished by military systems and equipment ... Alexander Holmorov thinks this is still unobstructed, although the L-39 is just a trainer, the confidential level can not be with MiG -29 The Soviet Air Force main fighter is compared, but this is also the Soviet Air Force and even the entire circumstances of the whole, the main air force equipment, said to sell it to you? But he is still a little curious, I can't help but ask Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernandes, I can ask, do you buy this plane is ready? Your private plane is so luxurious ..."

"Of course used to collect, used to play,"

Chen Geng Li said: "Don't you have a long Cadillac RV, can you buy a sports car to play?"


Alexander Holmorov said no.

Yuri Kraf, and his colleagues also said.

Buy a jet trainer that has been demolished for military sensitive equipment is to play? !

Really ... so good, you can do this.

It is Chen Tong, and it is a great way to sell to the Soviet.

The reason why it thinks is because the L-39 coach is used as a large-scale A-speed jet jet trainer in the Chinese capital, which is the lowest level of the security level in the Air Force Flight Equipment in Huashi. As early as the end of the 1970s, I received several complete L-39 coaches through some channels. Since the West already had a L-39 trainer, then there is no confidentiality.

Perhaps you will say the AI-25 dual rotor turbine fan engine on the L-39 trainer, but the confidential level of this engine is actually not so high, the reason why it is first because of the maximum thrust of the AI-25 scroll engine. Only 16.

7 kurus (1723.

65 kg), in addition to the L-39, there is no main fighter of the Soviet Union or the Chinese, because the thrust of this engine is too small, and it does not meet the requirements of the fighter - rice The lattice-21 light fighter, the P-13 turbo jet engine it is equipped with the maximum thrust in the case of not driving, and the maximum thrust is 5,100 kg, the thrust of more than 1,700 kilograms, and no one can see it. .

Because it is the sake of the Central Soviet Central, it is confidential, but the Ivesco Design Bureau almost opens all the departments, Chen Geng, can also see the Soviet Union of the Evchen Design Bureau. The mystery of the most cattle X of the aerospace engine design, for example, when visiting the D-18T engine, Yuri Kraf, Cairo, couldn't help but Chen Geng Shuo said: "Our Yvchengco Design Bureau is the world The four mastered the unit of 200 kilostat, the ultra-large thrust turbine fan engine, before this, only the US General Electric, Pratt Whitney and the UK Rawls Royce can design this level. Extension engine.

Chen Genglian, I have point: "It's really can't afford to make D-18T, enough to prove that the Soviet aviation industry is superior in the world.

Good words love to listen, accompanying Yuri Kraviao and other other accompanying people of the Ivesco design bay show their proud smiles.

But Kelly Hicks, suddenly said: "However, it is now able to produce 200 kilostat's strength engine, now more than half.

"More than half?"

Yuri Kravico is surprised to look at Kelly Hicks, I can't help but ask: "Beautiful lady, what do you mean by this?"

"Means nothing,"

Kelly Hicks, I don't know what is modesty: "Just after General Electric, Pratt Whitney, Robs Royce, and your Yvchengko / Zarobo sub-mechanical manufacturing bureau, Also add the name of our Shangfei Group.


Fernandez Chen has a company called Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Group in China. This is the Soviet government has mastered, and it has already sent this information to Chen Geong to visit this information as early as Chen Ming. , Manufacturing, but the problem is, why do you want to add the name of Shangfei Group? And why is it half? A group of old men can't help but face each other and don't understand.

"Because the previous year, BOSS introduced the technology of the 'Tay'mk650 engine from Rawls Royce, and also introduced the trap technology and patents of Rolls Royce RB211 engine."

Kelly Hicks shrugged: "Now, our commercial flight group can not only mass production of 'Tay'mk650 engine and two new improvement models, but the digestive absorption work of the RB211 engine is also steadily advanced.

In addition, since we already have a full range of technology and patents of the RB211 engine, although we can't produce this engine now, do we have any problems? Is there such a thing? !

Not only Yuri Kravico, Alexander Holmorov, is not surprised to look at Chen Li: Too amazing, it originally thought that only Fuk F100 and "Tay"

MK650-8C engine's Huaxia Commercial Aircraft Manufacturing Group, actually holding full set of technology and patents in the UK Robs Royce RB211 engine? Yuri Kravico Team tried to ask Chen Ge: "Mr. Fernandez, Ms. Kelly said all technology and patents ... Is it a complete production information?"

Chen Geng glared at Kelly Hick, seems to be blaming her more mouthful, then returned to Yuri Kraf Qinke: "It is the standard product introduction process.

This way ... Yuri Kravico and colleagues look at it, and each other understands that the opponent's eyes are moving.

Why is it ready to move? This begins to start from the Soviet R & D the habit of aviation engines.

The Soviet air industry and the European and American aviation industry are two distinct industrial research and development ideas. The European and American aviation industry is very valued for the life of the engine, the first-row, and the first row, etc., the longest life of the engine is considered. The better, under this guiding ideology, Europe's aerospace engine, especially the life expectancy of civil aviation engines, such as RB211, has increased from 3,000 hours from the successful development of success, and the Soviet Union Different, the country is military service, always ready to fight, the Soviet military industry in the fight, think that when it is precisely calculated, an army combat aircraft is only dozens of hours, so there is no need to develop life at all. The long fighter and aerospace engine have enough life for two or three hundred hours. If you want to fight, win, the key is to make a lot, cheap, and fast.

Adhering to this Soviet military aircraft and military engine, the life expectancy of the military engine, the early MiG-21 and other two-generation fighters, the life of the turbo jet engine is generally not more than 300 hours, and the rice The era of the Equipment RD-33 dual rotor turbine fan engine is equipped with an era of the engine. The life of the engine does not exceed 500 hours - has been in recent years, the international situation is ease, the life of the RD-33 engine has finally broken 800 Hours.

In fact, it is not just the life of the military equipment of the Soviet Union, which is not just aircraft, tank, and armored vehicles. It has not been high. The Soviets are not careful. They care is that they can be very fast, cheap manufacturing at the time.

This kind of "all serving"

R & D ideas deeply influence the Soviet civil aviation industry, in the Soviet aviation industry, there is no pure "civil aviation engine"

The concept, even if it is D-30, NK-8 is mainly equipped with the engine's engine, but also fully considers the need for military, so the Soviet "military and civilian aerospace engine"

Although the design has taken into account the civil economy and durability, the life is not very high: the life of the NK-8 series is 1,500 hours from 1000 hours, and now I'm climbing 2200 hours.

Some readers said, you have said so much in the millennium, and have not yet said that the Ivescience Design Bureau and the entire Soviet air industry proud: the three-rotary structure D-18T Greater Digital Dragonfly Engine, the engine What is the problem? In fact, the first generation of military and civilian, the first-generation military and civilian, such as D-30, NK-8 and other Soviet Union, like the turbofan engine, insufficient life, or directly, too short!

What is the life of the D-18T engine? Say it to scare you: "Before 1987, only 500 hours.

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