king of power

Chapter 887 The world is unreasonable (brothers, ask for a monthly ticket)

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"Mr., what you mean is, these are a sign of the stock market is about to have a big wave?"

Looking at these articles, Kelly Hicks asked shocked.

Chen Geng nodded: "The stock market is like a particularly large earthquake, when those 8.

When the extravagant earthquake in the level 0 is now there, there will be some signs, such as animals will show special uneasy emotions, such as the turbid of groundwater changes ... The stock market is actually the same, like Tao Jones, S & P 500 The sudden decline of the index suddenly, indicating that the market itself has begun to be unstable, just like the crust plate before the big earthquake begins, has begun to brew the energy of the outbreak, and you see here, what did you see? "

Looking at Chen Zi Finger's "Computer Program"

, "Profit,"


Waiting for the word, Kelly Hicks's face: "This ... is there any problem?"

"This shows people's mentality,"

Chen Ge said: "There is a classic context in the financial sector." If the cleansing workers are also in the stock market, the stock market will go to the most dangerous time, you should take the account to leave ', now this is also this situation, you Look, the optimism of the so-called 'market confidence' is almost a common consensus. Everyone feels that as long as the stock market will make money, no one will tell others' stocks have risk, investment needs to be cautious, "people need to be risks The warning is completely handed over to the computer program. "

Speaking here, Chen Geng sighed: "To know, the risk of the market itself is not the biggest risk, and the choice of risk is the most deadly in all risks.

However, Kelly Hicks obviously not appreciates Chen Pang, she hesitated, or he got the courage to say: "BOSS, I admit that you have a certain reason, but the computer will not be wrong, Relying on the computer's calculation of the accurate model, you can calculate all potential risks in advance, and you can use the means of automatic transactions using automatic transactions before risk ... "

Chen Geng's laminated sigh.

Don't have to be 20 years later, as long as more than ten years, "no longer more stupid than the computer is given to the computer."

It will become a consensus of all the Plo Volkswagen, including the financial industry, but in 1987, "Computer will not be wrong, depending on the computer's calculation of the accurate model, you can calculate all potential risks in advance, and It can be used to avoid the means of automatic transactions before risk.

It is the common view of the whole society, because in people's opinion, only "0" will only be identified

and 1"

Computer, always only "correct"

And "mistake"

Two options, naturally more reliable compared to traditional stock trading methods.

Personal computers have been pushed to the finance and the stock market began at the end of the 1970s. In the past, traditional stock market trading was written by special personnel in the exchange of stocks in the exchange. However, as the speed of the computer is getting faster and faster, the traditional trading model is changed by the computer, and the US and the global financial institutions and major exchanges have configured far more than human beings. The wrong rate is much lower than humans. Large computers and trading for stock trading by specializing in computer trading software.

Investors can also obtain information from the computer, and then make the decision to sell, and financial institutions active in stocks, futures and other financial markets are generally used by computer programs to quantify transactions. It can be said in the stock market. The process of transaction, the process of replacing the human brain has begun.

The 80-year-old age is the era of the computer being deceived. In addition to the society generally believes that the computer will not be wrong, there is still a reason in this period, the index fund is the most popular fund method, which usually all in this portfolio Contains stocks of at least 300 equations in the Standard & Poor's 500 index, due to the number of stocks in the investment portfolio of the index fund, therefore, compared to the higher incomplete stocks, the rise and decline of the index will be more regular. .

Since major institutions and analysts are generally optimistic about economic trends and stock markets, the index funds have become the mainstream options for institutional investment, and one of the most common forms of the index fund is the investment portfolio insurance, the so-called portfolio insurance, simply, this The investment portfolio uses multiple stock portfolios to configure assets in accordance with the proportion of risk, which is used to regulate, an important indicator of avoiding risks is the stock index option.

The asset portfolio of the investment portfolio insurance is more complicated. It is quite high for timely hedges. At the same time, because of the large scale, there is more regular, more easily modeled, this feature determines the index fund is more In the computer program transaction, because of the characteristics of the index fund, those who are keen on the purchase of Index Funds, generally adopt computer trading programs instead of human, because the computer program analyzes the next step of the market, will be profitable or The recession of the avoidance is automatically made or bought the stock, and the scale of this sale is usually very considerable.

And so much money, so many trading volumes are given to the computer ... I really think that I feel terrible.

But this era is the statistics released by the US Federal Reserve Bank in 1987, in 1987, the total assets covered by various investment portfolios were between 60 billion to $ 100 billion, and the use investment Combined insurance institutions, including large commercial banks, stock brokerage companies, insurance companies, etc., the largest buyer is the US retirement fund.

People firmly believe that the computer will not be wrong, but the reality is cruel, theory is theory, the reality is reality, the actual price of the index option is not always in line with the results of computer theory, and computer trading procedures still have the risk of valuation errors.

Once the computer calculates a small mistake, it is easy to produce domino effects, and thereby causing an avalanche's sale, from the agency to individual investors will be implicated, and the cost of the calculation error does not require the computer to bear it. Really ... a batch of exother.

After the Kelly Hicks, Chen Geng said: "The emergence of computer viruses makes this danger to rise in an exponential level, you can imagine if someone quietly puts a virus in the computer of the New York Stock Exchange ...... "


Kelly Hicks sucks a cold, a face!

The average person may not know the harm of computer viruses, but who Chen Gill is? He is the world's largest personal computer hardware production and manufacturer, and is also the largest personal computer operating system supplier: Data research company's boss, the private assistant of the boss of the data research company, even the Kelly Hicks Starting a bit of knowledge and common sense of computer fields, it can be smoked so long, and it can be smoked.

I am talking about, Chen Geng's mobile phone is ringing, and it is still the private number known to know the very few people.

Chen Li did not hesitate, immediately took it.

When the phone is connected, I still don't wait, Chen Geng open, the people inside will say whispers: "It is me, Howard.

Who? The most trusted people around Li Gang, the director of the White House Office, the public statement is the presidential school, Howard Baker.

Chen Li also lowered the sound: "I am listening.

"The Federal Bureau of Statistics have just sent a statistical report last year.

Howard Baker whispered: "The US economic growth rate is 1.

78%, the growth rate of consumption is 5.

6%, the growth ratio of the investment of residential residential fixed assets is 12.

7%, in addition, the federal government's expenditure growth rate is 8.

2%, the annual growth rate of the state and local governments is 5.


However, these are real data internally, and the data disclosed in the next, respectively, 2.

5%, 4%, 10%, 7%, and 4%.

Chen Yuan listened unexpected, data fake and water? What is so strange, really think that the dish boiled and nourish the United States will not fake the data? He cares about Howard Baker tells him three key information behind this series of key data: the economic growth rate is lower than the fixed asset investment of consumption growth and residential residential investment, indicating that the economic growth can't rise, and the increase in consumption and price. And also can't catch up with the investment growth of real estate; the federal government's expenditure has risen, indicating that the current growth of the US economy is mainly driven by debt and government expenditure. In other words, the current prosperity of the stock market is actually derived from this coverage of this book.

Then I can completely imagine that once the federal government still does not have the best economic data after the water, the market will have any response: the market is disappointed, worried that the dollar will not be depreciated And the concern for the depreciation of the US dollar will make people worry about the arrival of inflation.

In this case, the stock market is inevitably weak, and according to the current government's consistent measures, after the market is weak, in order to keep the dollar price, the government will improve interest rate, and once the government announces interest rates, the stock market has a price call. It is not unexpected.

"Thank you.

Chen Geng's low voice said to Howard Baker.

Howard Baker tells himself at this time, it is too important.

"you are welcome,"

Howard Baker whispered: "Anyway, you will know sooner or later, just don't forget that I will do it.

"of course.

"Also, Mr. Rosenki, chairman of the House Fundraising Committee, has provided a communication with the president and the president's idea of ​​the bill to collect taxes,"

Howard Baker then said: "His Excellency President has agreed, you should understand what this means.

------------ ps: The brothers and sisters, everyone is satisfied with the update of the millennium this month is not? If everyone is still satisfied ... Well, this month has been 10 days old, how much does it have a monthly ticket? Millennium thick face asking: Can you bring this monthly ticket to Millennium? Thank you for your brothers and sisters here.

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